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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Rest in Peace to the Indian soldiers defending our nation.

This was coming. There were regular attempts.

i. Most infiltration attempts have been foiled at the LOC itself.

ii. The Hurriyat is demoralized after the poll debacle when for the first time 80% of the people did not care what they said.

iii. The separatists of all hues accepted the changed situation. Some have even joined the electorial process, few even the BJP.

iv. Now the loss of 'strategic assets' like these was too much. So started border skirmishes and breaking ceasefire, slipping in yahoos. etc

v. After all regular mujaheedin attacks failed, the final and most desperate move - the suicide bombing fedayeen was employed as a last resort to disturb the peace and sow the seeds of fear in the minds of young Kashmiris who want a better life for their future.

In happened like this -
In 1947 Pakistan lost Kashmir (the Maharajah would have joined Pakistan for some conditions that India refused to provide).
In 1965 Pakistan lost the moral ground that they want to take it peacefully.
In 1999 Pakistan lost the right to Kashmir.
In 2014 Pakistan lost everything in Kashmir.

Pakistan appears more and more to be an aberration in the annals of history that Time fixes automatically as it progresses. Even amidst sectarian killings, full fledged official civil war, political turbulence for decades, the establishment tries to focus all attention to the eternal bogey of Hindu India to unite the State as a last ditch attempt. If things were that easy, India and Nepal would have been one country and all Arab states another. States created on the premise of fear(of Hindus/Hindu domination) will most likely collapse(or is collapsing for years now) due to the fear it cultivates.

That said, as I stated before, this is a part of a pattern. Also 16th December is coming, hence the insecurities of an obsessed state is bound to manifest in acts like these. After December, they will most like calm down for a few months. Such is the irrationality of the entire 'masla'.

Cute delusional post like always. Lengthy but delusional.

Unfortunately not every Indian is delusional on Kashmir like you and other Indians on this forum. Here is one who unfortunately still wants to live in some sort of real world unlike you.

Kashmir rejects separatists? They are only 'half a Machil' away - Hindustan Times
Try harder.
Cute delusional post like always. Lengthy but delusional.

Unfortunately not every Indian is delusional on Kashmir like you and other Indians on this forum. Here is one who unfortunately still wants to live in some sort of real world unlike you.

Kashmir rejects separatists? They are only 'half a Machil' away - Hindustan Times
When did I say they don't exist?

Educated and affluent Muslims from Kerala or Mumbai are leaving their jobs and joining ISIS to support their fellow Muslims and commit crimes against humanity. What do I expect from most of Srinagar's Muslims who used to throw stones at the Kheer Bhawani temple for sport in the 90s? While 71% did vote, it is also true that 29% did not. That is quite a substantial number. Only problem is that the single minded hatred for non Muslims and India is wavering. The hypnotic and total affection for Islamist murderers like Bitta Karate is waning.

Srinagar remains a separatist hotbed, as I have always mentioned. The Mosques(I still visit them when I am there) openly preach all sorts of things. Even today the Shia processions that take place in all of India are banned in only Srinagar, so we can safely forget about other non Muslims.

.Pakistanis Orgasming at the death of Indian Soldiers :lol:
What is unnatural about it? The pre-partition generation of Pakistani Officer Corps is gone. They also hated us, but at least were Professional and had some courtesy. What exists now provides incentives to bring amputated heads of Indian soldiers as trophies.
When did I say they don't exist?

Educated and affluent Muslims from Kerala or Mumbai are leaving their jobs and joining ISIS to support their fellow Muslims and commit crimes against humanity. What do I expect from most of Srinagar's Muslims who used to throw stones at the Kheer Bhawani temple for sport in the 90s? While 71% did vote, it is also true that 29% did not. That is quite a substantial number. Only problem is that the single minded hatred for non Muslims and India is wavering. The hypnotic and total affection for Islamist murderers like Bitta Karate is waning.

Srinagar remains a separatist hotbed, as I have always mentioned. The Mosques(I still visit them when I am there) openly preach all sorts of things. Even today the Shia processions that take place in all of India are banned in only Srinagar, so we can safely forget about other non Muslims.

Humm let me correct you again. While 29% didn't vote, the remaining 71% who did vote don't do it out of love for the republic of India.They voted to get their civic and local problems solved. For some sort of development and to keep BJP out of the valley. Not because they are going to sing Jana Gana Mana on 15 Aug next year on the roads and streets of Srinagar as Indians normally think. :)
They are Pakistanis you fool. India doesn't occupy Kashmir so how can Kashmiris fight against an Indian occupation that doesn't exist? :sarcastic:
And if some of these terrorists are found to come from Pakistan Punjab (which happens all too often) will you claim Punjab is part of Kashmir too?
Humm let me correct you again. While 29% didn't vote, the remaining 71% who did vote don't do it out of love for the republic of India.They voted to get their civic and local problems solved. For some sort of development and to keep BJP out of the valley. Not because they are going to sing Jana Gana Mana on 15 Aug next year on the roads and streets of Srinagar as Indians normally think. :)
Of course. Sorry missed that out. A chunk of the Valley's Muslim vote was polled only to avoid the Hindus from coming back to the Valley that they cleared. I know that as I never left the valley. But the numbers of those who hate India is coming down. Hindu hatred and Shia hatred in Srinagar remains high. Elsewhere, in the villages, the people are far less radical, more neutral to non Muslims.
Farhan they are literally feeding and believing their own propaganda. A little study of history will tell you what happens to countries which makes believes its population over propaganda that was actually meant for the enemy. This is actually beneficial for us.
Coming from a Pakistani who entirely rejects the notion their nation is engaged in any form of state sponsored terrorism, just wow.

"Both the 4th Geneva Convention and the United Nations Charter affirm the right of occupied people to employ armed struggle against military targets."
Let's ignore the fact that is was Pakistani "tribals" (read into that whatever you want) pushed into Kashmir after Partition seizing territory as they went and it was against this backdrop the then ruler of Kashmir (the only person with legal authority to decide the fate of his state as per the rules set out in Partition) called for the Indian Army's help to repel these occupiers.

Pakistan's legal claims on Kashmir are as weak as your argument that Indian elections are anything but fair and transparent.
Of course. Sorry missed that out. A chunk of the Valley's Muslim vote was polled only to avoid the Hindus from coming back to the Valley that they cleared. I know that as I never left the valley. But the numbers of those who hate India is coming down. Hindu hatred and Shia hatred in Srinagar remains high. Elsewhere, in the villages, the people are far less radical, more neutral to non Muslims.

Radical or no radical. There are only a very few who consider Kashmir as legal and integral part of India like Mumbai or Chennai. For most of them this is just a temporary setup where they have to live with India. And that includes your CM omar abdullah too. :)
Radical or no radical. There are only a very few who consider Kashmir as legal and integral part of India like Mumbai or Chennai. For most of them this is just a temporary setup where they have to live with India. And that includes your CM omar abdullah too. :)
Nope. If you want to get fooled by Horus, I don't mind. But Omar is hard core Indian and practically a Sikh. He goes to Gurudwaras etc and often ridiculed as a Sikh openly in the Valley. Please talk to the people in the Valley, the world is open. And the hatred (I estimate 40% of the population) they have is not for India but for Hinduism. If India was an Islamic mulk, 99% would not have felt bad staying in India. You don't stay here, so you don't know.
17 killed as Pakistan-backed militants unleash terror in Kashmir - The Times of India

SRINAGAR: After two weeks of enthusiasm over an exceptionally high voter turnout in the two phases of the ongoing assembly elections, terrorists struck at four different places across the Kashmir valley on Friday, killing over 11 security forces including a lieutenant colonel.Six terrorists have been killed in retaliation at two places, official sources said
Two days ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's scheduled public rally in the summer capital, six to seven terrorists attacked an Army camp at Mohra, Uri in Baramulla district, over 100km from Srinagar, in the wee hours of Friday killing seven soldiers and three cops including an assistant sub-inspector (ASI). Five of the terrorists were killed in retaliation by the troops. Uri is close to the line of control (LoC) between India and Pakistan.
In Ahmad Nagar in Soura, Srinagar district, terrorists traveling in a car opened fire on police during a routine check. A terrorist was killed when police retaliated while another took refuge in a residential house. Police and paramilitary forces cordoned off the house and an encounter has ensued.
Over 50km from Srinagar, in Shopian, a hand grenade attack on a police station shattered the window panes of the DSP's residential quarter. There were however, no casualties.
The attack on the 32 Field Regiment in Uri sector of Barmulla district in north Kashmir killed at least 14 people including a lieutenant colonel, assistant sub-inspector of police and five Pakistani terrorists.
Speaking on the condition anonymity, a senior Army officer commanding the operation confirmed to TOI that it was a "fidayeen" (suicide) attack. "The exact number of terrorists is not known but they are believed to be Pakistanis. They killed three police men on the road outside our Army camp, ASI Mohammad Akbar Lone, head constable Abdul Majid and constable Sanjay Koul. We believe they entered the camp from the gate through the road which lacks a concrete boundary," he said.
"Lt Colonel Sankalp Kumar of 24 Punjab Regiment of Raipur was also killed in the exchange of fire besides three other soldiers. We have killed five terrorists so far and a combing operation is underway for the remaining fidayeen," he added.
The infiltrators were divided into two groups with one group entering the Army camp and the other engaging the troops at the gate. The officer said that the operation is headed by Lt Col Gurawah Jain and Lt Col Surinder Singh.
According to the officer, the infiltrators were clad in kameez-salwar (ethnic tunic-trousers) and armed with AK-47 rifles and hand grenades. He said SHO of Uri police station Latif Durrani was also injured. "Though the firing has stopped, a few fidayeen could still be holed-up inside the camp," he added.
The attack comes just days ahead of PM Modi's December 8 visit when he is scheduled to address an election rally in Srinagar. The third phase of assembly elections are under way in the state with Uri and Baramulla district going to polls on December 9.
This section of the LoC is significant for being the transit point for the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service and trading between two parts of Kashmir. No infiltration has occurred here since the early 90s.
Do it under international observation and presence and we will believe you, otherwise it is as good as PPPs mandate in Sindh and PML(N)s mandate in Pakistan!

We aren't inetersted in your 'belief'. If the people of Kashmir havea problem they'll protest when the CM takes oath. As for you....paraye ke shaadi mein awaraa begana.
we should be cautious in our response. All this is being done to spoil the poll atmosphere in kashmir , right now our focus should be on successful elections. Once we are done with that we can respond to these cowards .
Ask yourselves why these scumbag terrorists are doing this now? And it becomes clear their masters are TERRIFIED. Their appeal amongst Kashmirs has been dwindling for a long time now and whilst they've had short-lived upsurges in support it is now at an all time low. These current set of elections could deliver the terminal blow to them if a BJP government comes in and this BJP govt would not only be tough on terror but, crucially, would develop the state beyond all imagination. This would once and for all end the already isolated separatist movement and those groups who support them across the border. Once Kashmir is as developed mainland India there game is over.

This really is a last ditch effort by these scum to disrupt the legitimate democratic process.

It's pathetic that members of a certain nationality here claim to stand with their "Kashmiri brothers" and refuse to accept the actions that over 71% of them i.e. participating in fair and free elections.
we should be cautious in our response. All this is being done to spoil the poll atmosphere in kashmir , right now our focus should be on successful elections. Once we are done with that we can respond to these cowards .

People in Islamabad got scared with massive turn out , that's why this operation has been launched . This was only expected .

this is just to spoil the electroral process .

Pakistan has lost the plot in Kashmir vis a vis India .

and it is unable to digest it .

This will only turn people of kashmir against militancy .

Tide has turned already ....
People in Islamabad got scared with maasive turn out .

this is just to spoil the electroral process .

Pakistan has lost the plot in India .

its about time mate..they are already loosing the battle

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