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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

"Both the 4th Geneva Convention and the United Nations Charter affirm the right of occupied people to employ armed struggle against military targets."


Indian journalists on Twitter.

And I quote:

Other than this attack in Uri there are 3 other attacks in different parts of Indian occupied Kashmir just today. 1 militant killed in Srinagar.
If there is no independent monitoring, the results and statistics are fraudulent from our perspective.

Aj aye to hain or aatay rahaingy :enjoy:

  • There are various independent foreign observors at the Kashmir elections. The fact remains that the EC of India is now internationally recognized as a legit body which does not interfere unlawfully in the electoral process. Once an electoral body is recognized as such, this removes the need for foreign involvement. As I mentioned earlier however, various independent organizations such as Sweden's Democratic Promotion Group are monitoring the elections in Kashmir. Hope that clears your doubts
  • On the one hand you allude to government manipulation of the polls and on the other you claim that there could never be a high voter turnout as widely reported. The current government of India is controlled by the BJP party which is labelled a Hindu nationalist party. It would not serve the BJP' interest for a high poll turnout. Jammu & Kashmir is a majority Muslim state. A lower poll turnout would mean a better chance for the BJP since the minority Hindu population could sweep the BJP into power in that state. Hope that clears your doubts there as well
  • As an Administrator on this forum I suggest that you maintain the quality of this forum by making factual and not emotional statements. Leave the latter for emotional junior members of your forum. When they rant and rave, we tend to ignore or laugh at their attitude. When you do so, it makes us question the thinking of people from your native country. No offense intended.
Indian media is reporting 11 security forces KIA.
Geneva convention gives right to people of occupied lands to take up arms if they want to.

We are not worried about the red corridor or Sikhs. You can do whatever you want over there. None of our business.
how cute .. !! tried and failed miserably. anyway as i said abhi ishq ke imtehan aur bhi hain !
Geneva convention gives right to people of occupied lands to take up arms if they want to.

We are not worried about the red corridor or Sikhs. You can do whatever you want over there. None of our business.

Occupied Land!!??

When did UN or for that matter any other nation classify Kashmir as occupied land??

The only nation occupying Kashmiri land is Pakistan..India presence in kashmir can be at least accounted by her having document of accession to kashmir(regardless of whether you accept it or not)...what does Pakistan have to prove that Kashmir legally belongs to it??

Give us a name of just one document, which would hold in court of law and prove that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan!!
If there is no independent monitoring, the results and statistics are fraudulent from our perspective.

Your perspective is irrelevant. Pakistan wants to internationlize Kashmir, this has made the job very, very, very hard.

On October 28th 1993, Robin Raphel stated that Washington did not recognise
the Instrument of Accession to India as meaning that Kashmir is forever
more an integral part of India. She expressed the view that the whole of
Kashmir is disputed territory, the future status of which must be
determined in accordance with the wishes of the people of Kashmir.

Unless you have been sleeping, Robin Raphel is history & will be lucky not to serve jail time. U.S. policy has long moved on and there is no relevance to her comments. Or for that matter, her.
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Occupied Land!!??

When did UN or for that matter any other nation classify Kashmir as occupied land??

The only nation occupying Kashmiri land is Pakistan..India presence in kashmir can be at least accounted by her having document of accession to kashmir(regardless of whether you accept it or not)...what does Pakistan have to prove that Kashmir legally belongs to it??

Give us a name of just one document, which would hold in court of law and prove that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan!!

I don't think you understand the perspective/position of Pakistan on Kashmir issue or else you wouldn't be asking @Horus to show documents. :)
Time for India to do some surgery in Pakistan.
Hey....I am back. And that too at some interesting moment. :)

OK the latest death toll of security forces is 10. 8 army personnel including a LT Col and 2 policemen.

4 soldiers burnt alive after their barricade was set on fire by the attackers.

You seem happy. Happiness is what leads to retaliation.

Allah ho Akbar!

Kashmir banay ga Pakistan.

Balochistan wagerah ke bare me soch lo before you make some comments. Lene ke dene na pad jayein.
.Pakistanis Orgasming at the death of Indian Soldiers :lol:
No they don't , especially when we have 70% voting in both phases.. Cry and whine all you want but as long as people like yourself stop supporting terrorists you people will continue suffering at home ground desperately hoping somehow to bleed India :lol:

Do it under international observation and presence and we will believe you, otherwise it is as good as PPPs mandate in Sindh and PML(N)s mandate in Pakistan!
Read more. The whole world is saying it.
Rest in Peace to the Indian soldiers defending our nation.

This was coming. There were regular attempts.

i. Most infiltration attempts have been foiled at the LOC itself.

ii. The Hurriyat is demoralized after the poll debacle when for the first time 80% of the people did not care what they said.

iii. The separatists of all hues accepted the changed situation. Some have even joined the electorial process, few even the BJP.

iv. Now the loss of 'strategic assets' like these was too much. So started border skirmishes and breaking ceasefire, slipping in yahoos. etc

v. After all regular mujaheedin attacks failed, the final and most desperate move - the suicide bombing fedayeen was employed as a last resort to disturb the peace and sow the seeds of fear in the minds of young Kashmiris who want a better life for their future.

In happened like this -
In 1947 Pakistan lost Kashmir (the Maharajah would have joined Pakistan for some conditions that India refused to provide).
In 1965 Pakistan lost the moral ground that they want to take it peacefully.
In 1999 Pakistan lost the right to Kashmir.
In 2014 Pakistan lost everything in Kashmir.

Pakistan appears more and more to be an aberration in the annals of history that Time fixes automatically as it progresses. Even amidst sectarian killings, full fledged official civil war, political turbulence for decades, the establishment tries to focus all attention to the eternal bogey of Hindu India to unite the State as a last ditch attempt. If things were that easy, India and Nepal would have been one country and all Arab states another. States created on the premise of fear(of Hindus/Hindu domination) will most likely collapse(or is collapsing for years now) due to the fear it cultivates.

That said, as I stated before, this is a part of a pattern. Also 16th December is coming, hence the insecurities of an obsessed state is bound to manifest in acts like these. After December, they will most like calm down for a few months. Such is the irrationality of the entire 'masla'.

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