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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Now, let's wait for the standard Indian fare of "we recovered Pakistani ID cards from all the insurgents" ... not that the Indian media needed to even wait for concocted evidence to blame Pakistan in this case ...
I only change avatars not statements. A policy followed by "hard core Indians" like Omar. :D

Another delusional post.

There is something called 'ground reality'. In 70 years you haven't made a headway on Kashmir, you have actually lost even more land to India, lost more people to terror than India has and we are 'delusional'?
Human loss aside, this is going to be a watershed event. If in next few days, there is a huge terror strike in Pakistan (specifically on a strategic target), I will start giving credence to Pakistani members' claims about India backing BLA etc in Pakistan.

Because this one is large enough to force the govt to have some kind of visible response to preserve political capital. The kind of response will throw a lot of light on India's Capability (or lack thereof), in responding to Pakistan's asymmetric war
I expect India to up the cost of this adventure very high. So high that Pakistan should become what it ultimately is bound to become.
there is no relation kahmir terrosiam and geneva convetion ..
if you claim it 2 times .. please proide with relavet section and any internatioal repputed org claim to be as you said.. as it vey old convetion so must be having good aount data to back your claim
They are Pakistanis. Obviously they will laugh at death of kafirs. Afterall Kafirs are no human.

And ultimately, they keep on questioning why Pakistan is treated as @#$#% by every random country in the world.

Now I am waiting for some **** soldiers to get *** kicked in Zarb e Kabz... :D
i understnad your anger..
but loss of life is cost to family.. socirty .. nation ..humanity.. those laid life for being right side of truth
its danger in war that when you fight with devil you yoursle become devill..
if we cant keep dignity high what the difrent betwen we and them
There is something called 'ground reality'. In 70 years you haven't made a headway on Kashmir, you have actually lost even more land to India, lost more people to terror than India has and we are 'delusional'?

We have 35% of Kashmir. You are unable to remove article 270 from Indian occupied Kashmir. Your integral part is already broken. Yes you are delusional. Shouting in front of a Pakistani that Kashmir is an Indian land don't change historical, legal and ground realities dear. :)

We have 35% of Kashmir. You are unable to remove article 270 from Indian occupied Kashmir. Your integral part is already broken. Yes you are delusional. Shouting in front of a Pakistani that Kashmir is an Indian land don't change historical, legal and ground realities dear. :)

We ain't interested in that 35%, you keep it. As far as the rest of 'ground reality', we're quite happy with how things are turning out for you due to this obsession.
We ain't interested in that 35%, you keep it. As far as the rest of 'ground reality', we're quite happy with how things are turning out for you due to this obsession.

You don't seem to be much happy as you claim to in this thread. :lol:
Human loss aside, this is going to be a watershed event. If in next few days, there is a huge terror strike in Pakistan (specifically on a strategic target), I will start giving credence to Pakistani members' claims about India backing BLA etc in Pakistan.
So all the past "huge terror strikes" that have already occurred in Pakistan (especially the complex terrorist assaults on military, ISI bases and GHQ) don't 'give credence to Pakistani claims about Indian support for the TTP and BLA etc", but a "huge terror strike" in the coming days will ... yeah, sure.
Because this one is large enough to force the govt to have some kind of visible response to preserve political capital. The kind of response will throw a lot of light on India's Capability (or lack thereof), in responding to Pakistan's asymmetric war
As I said in an earlier post:

"... on the issue of the allegation that these militants are "Pakistan backed", if the Indians actually believe it is true, then it clearly points out the fact that Modi, his BJP leadership and all those "military sources" ranting in the media as having "inflicted massive losses on Pakistani forces during the Indian ceasefire violations" and "we gave Pakistan a jaw breaking response" etc. etc. were talking out of their rear-ends.

Either way, Modi and the military establishment are taking the Indian public for a ride and consider them fools that will keep buying their nonsensical propaganda. Indians should have gotten a clue from the "ancient Indians had cosmic weapons, space travel, plastic surgery" etc. nonsense spouted by Modi, that the Modi government would have no problems in living in a fantasy world and distorting the truth."
No! The Martians did it. You guys are lily white - The Land of the Pure! How dare anyone blames Pakistan?
Are you going to reproduce yet another Pakistani ID card that you also posted months ago and claim it was discovered on the bodies of the recently killed insurgents to substantiate your allegations against Pakistan?

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