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Indian IT firms employ over 1 lakh in US: Report

These numbers are from NASSCOM, the Indian organization, not the US government. I was being generous and accepting their number of 175,000 indirect "supported" jobs, even though some if it is just plain silly. They are counting even things like pharma as "supported" so, if an H1B gets a headache and buys an aspirin at the local drugstore, that's one more job "supported" by Indian companies.

I mean, really!

Its not the case and you know it. This talks about the eco system needed to support the 107K direct jobs. And the figure of 1.6 is very conservative and is not NASSCOM's own figures. Its based on EPI's research. http://www.epi.org/
9 pages and develeopero still desperately trying to bad mouth this India news ( maybe he thinks american state dept employees read PDF? :D).

Meanwhile , Indian companies get the lion share of allowed visas. America hearts India , trusts India overwhelmingly, loves its talent not by 2: 1 but 8:1 compared to others. In the gaming world we call that Ownage! " all your bases are belong to Indians" ( look that famous phrase up if you are not a game geek :)
9 pages and develeopero still desperately trying to bad mouth this India news ( maybe he thinks american state dept employees read PDF? :D).

Meanwhile , Indian companies get the lion share of allowed visas. America hearts India , trusts India overwhelmingly, loves its talent not by 2: 1 but 8:1 compared to others. In the gaming world we call that Ownage! " all your bases are belong to Indians" ( look that famous phrase up if you are not a game geek :)

NOOBS getting owned!!!! :lol:
9 pages and develeopero still desperately trying to bad mouth this India news ( maybe he thinks american state dept employees read PDF? :D).

Meanwhile , Indian companies get the lion share of allowed visas. America hearts India , trusts India overwhelmingly, loves its talent not by 2: 1 but 8:1 compared to others. In the gaming world we call that Ownage! " all your bases are belong to Indians" ( look that famous phrase up if you are not a game geek :)

Biden Indian - YouTube

It is telling, though not all surprising, that you wrap yourself in the American flag when trying to bash China but, when push comes to shove and you have to choose between fellow Americans and Indians, you choose mother India instead.

yes because she is our mother and its better to choose mother over stranger. anyways why is it bothering you? maybe one day u could end up working in an indian company:agree:. would u give up ur job for a local indian engineer whom u have so much sympathy for??

That was funny. And was followed up by being the most pro India administration (How is the administration treating yours and ones that thank you on your post?) ...and with the allowing india in Afghanistan, making India your new neighbor on a different front . :rofl: He who laughs last …

Side note: Making fun of a race because some was inarticulate shows that you are a racist and or a bigot. It would be like Indians making fun at and laughing at what Bush called you guys senor A1khalid
You need to be 'allowed' into Afganistan...Lol
These are BS Indian numbers. IBM employs 105,000 Americans and IBM is everywhere in the US. Accenture has less than 50,000 US employees and they are also everywhere. Indian IT employs more than IBM + Accenture in the US ??? With these kinds of numbers you would see the Indian recruiters all over US engineering schools like IBM & Accenture, but they aren't. Simple, it's Pure BS. This 175,000 is Indian delusion and nothing more. Never trust Indian stats. They will never withstand a simple numbers test.
These are BS Indian numbers. IBM employs 105,000 Americans and IBM is everywhere in the US. Accenture has less than 50,000 US employees and they are also everywhere. Indian IT employs more than IBM + Accenture in the US ??? With these kinds of numbers you would see the Indian recruiters all over US engineering schools like IBM & Accenture, but they aren't. Simple, it's Pure BS. This 175,000 is Indian delusion and nothing more. Never trust Indian stats. They will never withstand a simple numbers test.

you need to get out of the kitchen at times . Ever heard of small business ventures? These are not handful of companies only.

You need to be 'allowed' into Afganistan...Lol

Just like you were 'allowed' into America. go figure, the allowing allows you to spread your hate and bigotry like you did with the video vs. the allowing in afghan allows them to check it from another border.
you need to get out of the kitchen at times . Ever heard of small business ventures? These are not handful of companies only.

And you need to stop getting your IT stats from the 7-Eleven customers.

Small IT business is even more fragmented and non-Indian. Many focus on high-end specialties that Indians simply do not have the skill to do. BS Stats, nothing more.
And you need to stop getting your IT stats from the 7-Eleven customers.

Small IT business is even more fragmented and non-Indian. Many focus on high-end specialties that Indians simply do not have the skill to do. BS Stats, nothing more.

711 eleven staff own their business typically and keep family members as working staff . No 1 job Chinese hold in America per department of labor is restaurant wait staff. Maybe that's why you think owning a small business consultancy is so complicated. :argh:

stop getting so perturbed that your clan has to share the 20% scraps left over after India gets 80% of the pool.
711 eleven staff own their business typically and keep family members as working staff . No 1 job Chinese hold in America per department of labor is restaurant wait staff. Maybe that's why you think owning a small business consultancy is so complicated. :argh:

You are even more clueless than I thought at 7-Eleven. I was referring to small IT firms that find specialized niches, many very high end. Small busineses like your 7-Eleven store don't even hire IT consultants. Period. At 7-Eleven HQ they wil hire IBM, PWC or Accenture.

BS stats, nothing more.
You are even more clueless than I thought at 7-Eleven. I was referring to small IT firms that find specialized niches, many very high end. Small busineses like your 7-Eleven store don't even hire IT consultants. Period. At 7-Eleven HQ they wil hire IBM, PWC or Accenture.

BS stats, nothing more.

When all fails you get racist that we know. But do also have to bring our average IQ in the US down? The small IT consultancy that Indians start up in the US is what your Pakistani friends here are even stating as the majority of the business Indians start. Tell us - other than the typical hot air from you, do you have any stats , facts to back your assertions? waiting... even if you going to be late to show us the proof after working the dinner shift.
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