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Indian IT firms employ over 1 lakh in US: Report

ur such a hypocrite. indians are the second largest immigrants to us after china. us workforce is being replaced from american(whites) to indians and chinese. so its a truth that indians might find it easier to get jobs in some indian companies. i can tell u with my canadian experience.

i live in waterloo home of Research in motion aka blackberry. in the headquarters of rim 2 complete floor is owned by Tata Consultancy Services (tcs), i usually go ther and ppl working ther is all mixed, indians are not majority.

now icici bank owns many big buildings in toronto, and most of ppl working ther are indians. it depends on company to company.

if u dont know over 10% of american millionares are indians, if u count indian companies formed in us, then indians have created over 1-2 million jobs in us economy. i would recommend u to plz search up the list of indian american billionares and multi billion companies. it might give u shivers by the amount of wealth we have created here and will make u fell pathetic as pakistani couldnt contribute jack except a very massive contribution they did a decade ago which they they sre still paying off.

and if u think that sun microsystems, bose corporation, tcs, infosys, wipro are bottom of the ladder then dude keep living in ur hole. ur secure job is nothing but loading and unloading trucks in warehouse in australia. even with working with down the ladder companies indians had the highest household income of all ethenic groups in america in 2010.

I don't think he is lowly employed nor do I think he is dumb. He is just willfully trying hard to twist this to suit his meme - why? because of his immense hatred for all things India. I read some of his other posts and I would not doubt the guy probably holds a decent job. It's just sad that he is overcome by India hate. He knows I'm right, he knows the English language used in the article is crystal clear but his psyche towards Indians is completely mucking it up for him.

It's kinda sad actually. he will throw things that " I know " 90% , but has nothing to back that self made claim.
ur such a hypocrite. indians are the second largest immigrants to us after china.

This discussion is not about immigrants, but non-immigrant visa holders and their impact on immigrants of all stripes, Indians included.

Do try to keep up.
Look at that graphic you posted. Lower right corner, last paragraph.

Dude, the formula for 1.6 indirect jobs created for 1 direct job is not a NASSCOM calculation. Its a direct lift from EPI (an american company). Go thru the report and in the annexures that same calculations is explained

These are BS Indian numbers. IBM employs 105,000 Americans and IBM is everywhere in the US. Accenture has less than 50,000 US employees and they are also everywhere. Indian IT employs more than IBM + Accenture in the US ??? With these kinds of numbers you would see the Indian recruiters all over US engineering schools like IBM & Accenture, but they aren't. Simple, it's Pure BS. This 175,000 is Indian delusion and nothing more. Never trust Indian stats. They will never withstand a simple numbers test.

Dont be a duffus.. There is a lot of difference between 1 company employing 100K people and all Indian companies put together employing the same number. The visibility of a single entity employing that many people will definitely be miles higher.. And 175 K is the indirect jobs.. Learn to distinguish between direct and indirect job creation and stop confusing the two..
Dude, the formula for 1.6 indirect jobs created for 1 direct job is not a NASSCOM calculation. Its a direct lift from EPI (an american company). Go thru the report and in the annexures that same calculations is explained

Doesn't change anything either way since the "indirect" jobs would exist regardless of who held the "direct" jobs. The main discussion here is about the "direct" jobs.
This discussion is not about immigrants, but non-immigrant visa holders and their impact on immigrants of all stripes, Indians included.

Do try to keep up.

its abt all indian immigrants and non immigrant visa holders. what i am trying to say is that indian companies hire huge amount of indians because america allows thousands of indian engineers to flood american market every month for last many decades. earlier indians used to work for other companies because at that time indian companies were not present in american market.

but now indian companies are getting stronger everyday and making takeovers of american companies. and yes they do hire a huge amount of h1b visa immigrants because:
1. low wages.
2. since employed ppl r indians they indirectly contribute to indian economy when they return home at higher positions.

its not just indian companies now americans companies also are firing and kicking locals out to hire indian h1bs. so nxt time if u want a job in ibm better say i am a proud indian or warehouse is place for u.

Nielsen replaces workers with H-1Bs from Tata Part 1 - YouTube
Doesn't change anything either way since the "indirect" jobs would exist regardless of who held the "direct" jobs. The main discussion here is about the "direct" jobs.

Dude, stop going around in circles.. I have already explained why these indirect jobs wouldnt exist (atleast in the same quantum) without the outsourcing industry. And even on the direct jobs, I dont see the angle of H1/L1 being a bad thing. These visa quotas are issued by the US govt based on the need felt for a particular skillset in USA. A significant percentage of these folks any way end up immigrating and becoming PRs
On a lighter note: the term Developereo musing's keeps coming to my head when I see the rewriting of data and assumptions made by him. I'm actually surprised not seeing Mr haq in here with a new blog " Indians hiring more Mexicans illegals than legals for IT sector " :D
man this dumb doesn`t understand a simple concept that h1b visa is intented to be for companies who want to import cheap educated workers from india especially. indian companies are in america to make profits not to hire old white locals. we make profits and invest in india. no wonder pakistani people have failed to produce buisnessmen.

microsoft is the 3rd largest user of h1b.
what i am trying to say is that indian companies hire huge amount of indians because america allows thousands of indian engineers to flood american market every month for last many decades.

Once again, you are missing the point. It's because of this Indian tendency to see everything in racial terms and play the victim.

As I already explained, this is not about Indian v/s non-Indian, but resident (white, black, Indian, Chinese, etc.) v/s work-visa (white, black, Indian, Chinese, etc.).

There is no issue with anyone hiring Indian workers who are PR or citizen. The discussion is about importing workers and its impact on locals, including NRIs.

but now indian companies are getting stronger everyday and making takeovers of american companies. and yes they do hire a huge amount of h1b visa immigrants

Thank you. That's the point. The fine print is irrelevant.

Dude, stop going around in circles.. I have already explained why these indirect jobs wouldnt exist (atleast in the same quantum) without the outsourcing industry.

Yes, and we (including you) also agreed that these same jobs would exist if the "outsourcing" was staffed by US locals. The determining factor being consolidation, not importation.

And even on the direct jobs, I dont see the angle of H1/L1 being a bad thing. These visa quotas are issued by the US govt based on the need felt for a particular skillset in USA. A significant percentage of these folks any way end up immigrating and becoming PRs

That's again a different discussion and not the point of the original article.
Sidestepping your silly tirade, let me assure you unequivocally that my preference is ALWAYS to hire local workers (white, black, Indian, Chinese, whatever) over imported workers (white, black, Indian, Chinese, whatever). This is not about race; it is about the fact that these local workers should have priority -- simple as that.

Besides the obvious fact that "your preference" (and we know what it comes down to) doesn't matter, would you say that your moving to the Western country (and supposedly taking a job that a local may have condescended to consider in an extreme case) took away a job from a local?

What are you going to do to make amends?

It is telling, though not all surprising, that you wrap yourself in the American flag when trying to bash China but, when push comes to shove and you have to choose between fellow Americans and Indians, you choose mother India instead.

It is a win win. Both India and US are the gainers and there are no losers.

The number of IT jobs in US have not gone down since the Indian IT started, they have only increased.
Once again, you are missing the point. It's because of this Indian tendency to see everything in racial terms and play the victim.

As I already explained, this is not about Indian v/s non-Indian, but resident (white, black, Indian, Chinese, etc.) v/s work-visa (white, black, Indian, Chinese, etc.).

There is no issue with anyone hiring Indian workers who are PR or citizen. The discussion is about importing workers and its impact on locals, including NRIs.

i dont understand how racism came into this. we hire indians h1b to earn more profits and to cut wages. even american companies are desperate to hire h1b but govt doesn`t allow them. if it didnt they would fore thier locals the next day and hire indian and chinese. its not racism its called good buisness, which u wont understand. so leave it
These are BS Indian numbers. IBM employs 105,000 Americans and IBM is everywhere in the US. Accenture has less than 50,000 US employees and they are also everywhere. Indian IT employs more than IBM + Accenture in the US ??? With these kinds of numbers you would see the Indian recruiters all over US engineering schools like IBM & Accenture, but they aren't. Simple, it's Pure BS. This 175,000 is Indian delusion and nothing more. Never trust Indian stats. They will never withstand a simple numbers test.

And a permanently whining drive through semi skilled temp bank teller knows best!

That is what we are supposed to believe.

That was funny. And was followed up by being the most pro India administration (How is the administration treating yours and ones that thank you on your post?) ...and with the allowing india in Afghanistan, making India your new neighbor on a different front . :rofl: He who laughs last …

Side note: Making fun of a race because some was inarticulate shows that you are a racist and or a bigot. It would be like Indians making fun at and laughing at what Bush called you guys senor A1khalid

We need to understand. That is all they have left to cling to.

We understand. ;)
its abt all indian immigrants and non immigrant visa holders. what i am trying to say is that indian companies hire huge amount of indians because america allows thousands of indian engineers to flood american market every month for last many decades. earlier indians used to work for other companies because at that time indian companies were not present in american market.

but now indian companies are getting stronger everyday and making takeovers of american companies. and yes they do hire a huge amount of h1b visa immigrants because:
1. low wages.
2. since employed ppl r indians they indirectly contribute to indian economy when they return home at higher positions.

its not just indian companies now americans companies also are firing and kicking locals out to hire indian h1bs. so nxt time if u want a job in ibm better say i am a proud indian or warehouse is place for u.

Nielsen replaces workers with H-1Bs from Tata Part 1 - YouTube

Apparently many of them do, to get jobs or when the going gets tough. ;)
On a lighter note: the term Developereo musing's keeps coming to my head when I see the rewriting of data and assumptions made by him. I'm actually surprised not seeing Mr haq in here with a new blog " Indians hiring more Mexicans illegals than legals for IT sector " :D

So, more personal attacks but still no numbers, eh?

man this dumb doesn`t understand a simple concept that h1b visa is intented to be for companies who want to import cheap educated workers from india especially. indian companies are in america to make profits not to hire old white locals. we make profits and invest in india.

+1 for an honest post acknowledging reality rather than silly propaganda.

Besides the obvious fact that "your preference" (and we know what it comes down to) doesn't matter,

If I am doing the hiring, then my preference matters quite a lot.

would you say that your moving to the Western country (and supposedly taking a job that a local may have condescended to consider in an extreme case) took away a job from a local?

What makes you think I came on a work permit and took away a job?
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