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Indian immigrant beaten in Israel in apparent coronavirus-linked hate crime

Pakistani Fighter

Jul 4, 2011
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Indian immigrant beaten in Tiberias in apparent coronavirus-linked hate crime
Am-Shalem Singson, 28, of the Bnei Menashe community, attacked by two men who called him ‘Chinese’ and yelled ‘Corona! Corona!’
By TOI STAFFToday, 10:15 am 5

Am-Shalem Singson, 28, a member of the Bnei Menashe Jewish community who made aliya from Manipur, India, in 2017, is hospitalized after he was attacked on March 14, 2020, by two men. (Courtesy Shavei Israel)
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A member of the Bnei Menashe community was brutally beaten in an apparently racist attack in the northern city of Tiberias on Saturday.

Am-Shalem Singson, 28, who came to Israel from Manipur, India, in 2017, was taunted by two Israeli men who thought he was Chinese, the Shavei Israel organization said on Sunday.

The men, who have not been identified, called him “Chinese” and yelled “Corona! Corona,” a reference to the coronavirus pandemic that began in China’s Hubei province.

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“I told both of the attackers that I was not even Chinese, but rather a Jew from the Bnei Menashe community, not that there is any justification for attacking a Chinese guy or anybody else,” he was quoted as saying in a statement from the organization.

“But they were totally crazed and kicked me hard while yelling, ‘Corona! Corona!’”


The city of Tiberias on December 17, 2017. (David Cohen/Flash90)
A complaint was filed with police, who said they were attempting to locate the perpetrators.

Shavei Israel said Singson is now hospitalized at the Poriya hospital in Tiberas with “severe injuries to his chest and lungs.” He is listed in stable condition.

Singson immigrated to Israel with his mother, grandmother and brother and now lives in Tiberias and studies at a religious seminary in nearby Ma’alot.

“More than 10,000 people from China and East Asia work in Israel today,” the Racism Crisis Center of the Israel Religious Action Center said of the incident. “The [coronavirus] panic must not turn them into targets. In some previous epidemics, it was the Jews who were falsely accused of spreading the disease. Let’s learn that humane lesson.”

“Shavei Israel is stunned by the vicious and racist attack on Am-Shalem Singson yesterday in Tiberias,” its founder Michael Freund said in a statement. “The Bnei Menashe are our brothers and sisters and anyone who raises a hand against them must be brought to justice. I demand that action be taken, and I call on the police to investigate this incident immediately.”

Over 4,000 members of the Bnei Menashe community live in Israel, and some 6,500 remain in India awaiting aliya.
@HRK @WebMaster @jaibi @The Eagle @Dubious @PakSword @Irfan Baloch

Well, are we so tolerant that we cann't call the good people of Ganga... Ganguz...because it is supposed to hurt tender indian feelings or whatnotz... but good Indians can call us 'rats' ... on theoretically OurForum? @Reddington @SIPRA @Mentee @StormBreaker

Anyhow, it is what it is...
Lolll Indians on this forum are happy that Israelis have only beaten him.. Not killed him. Hahahaha
Nah Bytch, If it was a Pakistani he would have whopped their asses, unlike the submissive nation who is notorious for getting beaten up around the world.
When Pakistanis beat the shit out of abhi nandan, I remember I read Indian comments on YouTube that thankfully Pakistanis didn't kill him, only slapped and kicked him. Lolll what a nation man!
That's a known fact,they even tried supressive means against colored jews.

Let's accept that humans tend to horribly discriminate against those who are even just slightly darker than them..People from the subcontinent who may be victims of racism abroad would not bat an eyelid when practicing some form of colour based discrimnation back home..................That said whites took it systematically to whole another level
IndianPhrandz are beating India these days...left right and centre... and now Israel is also having a reaction to Indianness...

Indians are unique beings!
But sir we have to appreciate Indians for their tolerance... Lolll Isrealis have only beaten an Indian.. And they are happy.. True followers of Gandhi.. Lolll
another reminder for Indians that common disdain for Islam that many Israelis and "right-leaning" Hindus may have means Jackshit to the average Israeli who is several shades lighter than most who reside east of the Indus...Just because both of these disparate nations hate some book written 1400 years back in pre-scientific times won't make them automatic friends on a people to people level...The average light skinned Israeli would turn up his nose at a Mongoloid looking, Dravidian looking or North Indian looking Indian...less than 5 percent of Indians would be shown the warmth that they may reserve to those who look closer to them

even if at the geo-strategic level we may remain close to far flung countries of the planet, on a people to people level we will only find our neighbours the closest..We will laugh and cry watching Pak TV Dramas and would fail to find common ground with some snooty avant-garde Israeli production..

Indians need to realize this and to some extent Pakistanis too

Religion means nothing!! Race is everything!!

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