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Indian Human Space Testflight- Booster Delivered

dude. No one has the time to read all the junk you put there. Just state in a straight sentence what you want to say for a change.

End of your ban? Well, time maybe for a lengthy lockdown then. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Indeed, B117 and P1 strains are not a joke! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


https://archive.ph/hvyNz/25ce502b3b4f919f4b00c07b74d1506375b84f39.png ; https://archive.ph/hvyNz/496a359917f79222f1a87408f6630332cf3ac012/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210411044934/https://i.imgur.com/2uyTZor.png
1. New COVID-19 cases as reported on 9th April 2021.

Meanwhile some soothing news worth reading to keep yourself awake while practising social distancing:

The worst spaceflight disasters in human history

A total of 18 astronauts have lost their lives during a space mission, in four separate incidents.

4. 🇷🇺 On 24 April 1967, the Soviet astronaut Vladimir Komarov died after the one-day Soyuz 1 mission that was plagued from start by a series of mishaps with the new spacecraft type, culminating with its parachute not opening properly after atmospheric reentry. Komarov was killed when the capsule hit the ground at high speed.

3. 🇷🇺 On 30 June 1971, the Soviet crew of 3 astronauts aboard Soyuz 11 were killed after undocking from space station Salyut 1 after a three-week stay. A cabin vent valve construction defect caused it to open at service module separation. The recovery team found the crew dead. These three are (as of 2021) the only human fatalities in space above 100 kilometers.

2. 🇺🇸 On 28 January 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster caused by a launch booster failure, resulting in vehicle disintegration was the most devastating death toll to date for a manned spaceflight with 7 astronauts. This also delayed for nearly 3 years all U.S. manned spaceflights.

1. 🇺🇸🇮🇱 The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster was a fatal disaster in the United States space program that occurred on 1st February 2003, when the Space Shuttle Columbia (OV-102) disintegrated as it reentered the atmosphere, killing all seven crew members. The disaster was the second fatal accident in the Space Shuttle program, after the 1986 breakup of Challenger soon after liftoff.
This catastrophe totally discredited the space shuttle as a viable space transportation system, ending with its final flight on July 2011.
Leaving the U.S. without any manned space launcher for a decade, until the advent of the SpaceX Crew Dragon on 16 November 2020, but with a much decreased cargo capacity, compared to the space shuttle.

The Columbia Disaster Was Worse Than You Thought
1,190,789 views •Apr 27, 2020

But, what was even worse if one consider that military or civilian casualties covered by state secrecy inflict lesser national humiliation and loss of international prestige, was the death of one's first ever astronaut televised live worldwide.
Ilan Ramon, a colonel in the Israeli Air Force was the first Israeli astronaut, and was killed in the re-entry accident with all the six other crew members.
With Ilan Ramon's death, Israel is to this day, the only nation in the world among the 40 countries that have flown in space, to have lost its first ever astronaut during a maiden spaceflight.


https://archive.vn/9wZvQ/9eacdc743affd740f9ccb6630d1019990983c782.jpg ; https://archive.vn/9wZvQ/be2e271db6c250cacebbb47411afa8e8dcb9b9a0/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210404233515/https://i.imgur.com/sUo6A7t.jpg
2. With Ilan Ramon's death, Israel is to this day, the only nation in the world to have lost its first ever astronaut during a maiden spaceflight.


A further 13 astronauts have died during training and testing for spaceflight. The most notorious disaster was a fire on the launch pad of the Apollo 1 mission in January 1967, killing all the crew.


Iran, North Korea, Japan, Thailand, Turkey and India can all attempt to launch their first indigenous astronaut without running the risk of beating the spaceflight hall of shame record, that would probably be held by the Israelis forever.

Indeed, no space powers would ever try to launch more than one astronaut at the first space mission.




Actually a compendium of events that have happened in the last few weeks. First launch will almost certainly be the unmanned test of crew module. They'll put it up into space, check orbit and navigation capabilities, life support and de-orbit, landing on sea.

All indications are a launch will be happening soon- 2/3 Months max (high explosive solid boosters can't be 'stored' for years- too dangerous. So the launch will happen as soon as integration of vehicle is done. So I think Jan/ Feb will see a flight.

1)The booster deliveries by L&T have started:

I suspect these are the S200 boosters (this video is from an earlier static test)

2) HAL has almost certainly readied a 'near complete' version of the crew module by now. Not much time left for major changes.


3) Unconfirmed reports that (I hear 4) asronauts who were training in RUssia have completed their first phase training there and are back home for their continuing training.

4) I expect one more unmanned test before they send up a crew. Touchwood this test goes 'textbook' so we don't need to make any significant changes to design.
A file photo of the S2oo boosters being mated with the Aerosol engines (Vikas). This process will most likely happen in the next few weeks itself


I think this is probably what the re-entry module looks like now- with the ceramic heat resistant tiles loded on the skin

You know what happened to the last mission, it was a total disaster with the Head of mission crying his eyes out in front of your Prime Minister. Now the Indians want to risk human lives.
I still remember in 2003 when the first Chinese was sent to space, the Indians in BR said it was a waste of money and useless show off event. Lol. 20 years later, yindoos are desperate to launch one.
Maybe, some hot-headed folks said those words in heat of moment. China's accomplishments are truly impressive in many areas.

Please don't bring religion into the picture.
You know what happened to the last mission, it was a total disaster with the Head of mission crying his eyes out in front of your Prime Minister. Now the Indians want to risk human lives.
Only the Vikram Lander wasn’t able to Soft Land, but it was a difficult mission too, India aimed to be the first country in the world to deploy a rover on the moon’s south pole. And ISRO has a good success rate, just a communications loss cause a hard landing, else it was a successful mission as the orbiter was placed in the orbit of the moon perfectly.
Maybe, some hot-headed folks said those words in heat of moment. China's accomplishments are truly impressive in many areas.

Please don't bring religion into the picture.
Yindoos means Indians in Chinese language because India is called Yindu in Chinese language.
Any idea who will be the first person to travel to space from India?
Any idea who will be the first person to travel to space from India?

I don't think ISRO has released specific name(s) yet. This article is from just last month :
Four Indian officers, who were selected to become astronauts to crew Gaganyaan into orbit, have completed their one-year training course in Russia's Zvyozdny gorodok city near Moscow.

The Gaganyaan mission is aimed at sending astronauts to space in an orbital spacecraft.

"In the evening we met with Indian gaganauts who had completed their training at Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. We also discussed with the (Indian) ambassador the future bilateral space projects," Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian state space corporation,said on his Telegram channel, as quoted by Sputnik.

The contract for the training of Indian officers was signed between the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Russian launch service provider Glavcosmos in June 2019. The four pilots of the Indian Air Force (IAF) include a Group Captain and three Wing Commanders, according to the IAF sources.

The training began on February 10, 2020, but it was temporarily interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
You know what happened to the last mission, it was a total disaster with the Head of mission crying his eyes out in front of your Prime Minister. Now the Indians want to risk human lives.

I hear the SUPARCO chief has never cried. Our chiefs have cried many many times.
I don't think ISRO has released specific name(s) yet. This article is from just last month :

Nope. 4 IAF officers have completed their training and come back for further sessions back home. Specific names not released but they all have good dental (ruskies said dental issues are a major problem in space flight)

I'm concerned- if a second large scale COVID lockdown happens, the budget pressures might be so high that the govt might push it out further (right now they want to do Dec '21). Plus ISROs own revenues are under pressure. They usually do about 6 or 7 launches a year. This year they've done only 2. The money is under extreme pressure due to COVID.
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I hear the SUPARCO chief has never cried. Our chiefs have cried many many times.

Nope. 4 IAF officers have completed their training and come back for further sessions back home.

I'm concerned- if a second large scale COVID lockdown happens, the budget pressures might be so high that the govt might push it out further (right now they want to do Dec '21). Plus ISROs own revenues are under pressure. They usually do about 6 or 7 launches a year. This year they've done only 2. The money is under extreme pressure due to COVID.
There’s no question of delay, the components have a certain lifespan beyond which they become unfit for use.
SUPARCO Chief is not even a scientist, he is a Lieutenant General of Pakistan Army.
India already tested the capsule? I have not read older pages except first one.

Now US has two main capsules for future. China just tested a new one last year without astronaut inside. Russia I think is still going with Soyuz until future. India just tested their one in first page?
Oh it seems Russia has a project for new one.


US has 3 projects and Dragon tested.
ruskies said dental issues are a major problem in space flight

Why so ?

I'm concerned- if a second large scale COVID lockdown happens, the budget pressures might be so high that the govt might push it out further (right now they want to do Dec '21). Plus ISROs own revenues are under pressure. They usually do about 6 or 7 launches a year. This year they've done only 2. The money is under extreme pressure due to COVID.

But is the GSLV carrier rocket ready in human-rated form ?
Why so ?

But is the GSLV carrier rocket ready in human-rated form ?

apparently the ruskies had huge issues with cosmonauts who had dental issues. There are two unmanned tests of GSLV with the crew capsules. When both are complete, it will declared qualified for human spaceflight. They were supposed to be in July 2020 and Dec 2020. Both had to be pushed out due to COVID.
I hear the SUPARCO chief has never cried. Our chiefs have cried many many times.

Nope. 4 IAF officers have completed their training and come back for further sessions back home. Specific names not released but they all have good dental (ruskies said dental issues are a major problem in space flight)

I'm concerned- if a second large scale COVID lockdown happens, the budget pressures might be so high that the govt might push it out further (right now they want to do Dec '21). Plus ISROs own revenues are under pressure. They usually do about 6 or 7 launches a year. This year they've done only 2. The money is under extreme pressure due to COVID.
Our Suparco chief has nothing to cry about other than his paycheck.
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