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Indian Human Space Testflight- Booster Delivered

How could Iran not launch its astronaut before India?

Apr 24, 2021

1 million COVID19 deaths projected in India by August 2021. The model even assumes vaccines will bring it under control by May 17th (peak deaths).

God help us. God help India.

(Projections by the world renowned epidemiology center @IHME_UW)


https://archive.ph/6KumA/30b15ba3ad3a7672a53fe4cb79b74dbb1b26ddcd/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210427130356/https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1386998523288334344 ; https://archive.ph/6KumA ; https://archive.ph/bDiSB ; https://archive.ph/bDiSB/bdb24fb2bc30346079bee7d4c150259c9a4e35fb/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210427131321/https://covid19.healthdata.org/india?view=total-deaths&tab=trend
4. One million COVID19 deaths projected in India by August 2021. Apr 24, 2021·


Govt completely bans use of ‘liquid oxygen’ for industrial purposes

All stocks of liquid oxygen should be made available to government for use for medical purposes

Apr 26, 2021 07:17 AM (IST)

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, April 25

Keeping in view the acute shortage of life-saving gas, the government on Sunday completely banned the use of “liquid oxygen” for industrial purposes, as the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in a communication to all the states and the Union Territories, also made it clear that “no exception is allowed to any industry” with regard to use of the commodity.

In a letter to chief secretaries if the states and the UTs, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, in the capacity of the chairman of the executive committee of the National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) said, “All the authorities need to ensure that use of liquid oxygen is not allowed for any non-medical purpose and that all manufacturing units may maximise their production of liquid oxygen, and make it available to the Government for use for medical purposes only, with immediate effect and until further orders.”

He added that all stocks of liquid oxygen should also be made available to the Government for use for medical purposes and “no exception is allowed to any industry with regard to use of liquid oxygen”.

Bhalla said after reviewing the oxygen supply situation in the country it was considered necessary to restrict industrial usage of oxygen for ensuring availability of adequate and uninterrupted supply of medical oxygen across the country for management of COVID-19 patients and necessary order in this regard was issued on April 22, 2021 to restrict the use of industrial oxygen with an exception of nine identified industrial activities.

But now after a second review of the oxygen supply situation, it has been decided that with immediate effect, “use of liquid oxygen, including the existing stock, will be allowed for medical purposes only”, Bhalla said.



The upper stage in GSLV MK-III vehicle is cryogenic stage with 28 tonnes of propellant loading and designated as C25. The C25 Stage is powered with a 20 ton thrust (nominal) engine working on Gas Generator (GG) cycle. C25 stage is a high performance cryo stage carrying a propellant combination of liquid Hydrogen stored at 20 K and liquid Oxygen stored at 77 K.





How could Iran not launch its astronaut before India?

Apr 24, 2021

1 million COVID19 deaths projected in India by August 2021. The model even assumes vaccines will bring it under control by May 17th (peak deaths).

God help us. God help India.

(Projections by the world renowned epidemiology center @IHME_UW)



https://archive.ph/6KumA/30b15ba3ad3a7672a53fe4cb79b74dbb1b26ddcd/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210427130356/https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1386998523288334344 ; https://archive.ph/6KumA ; https://archive.ph/bDiSB ; https://archive.ph/bDiSB/bdb24fb2bc30346079bee7d4c150259c9a4e35fb/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210427131321/https://covid19.healthdata.org/india?view=total-deaths&tab=trend

4. One million COVID19 deaths projected in India by August 2021. Apr 24, 2021·


Govt completely bans use of ‘liquid oxygen’ for industrial purposes

All stocks of liquid oxygen should be made available to government for use for medical purposes

Apr 26, 2021 07:17 AM (IST)

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, April 25

Keeping in view the acute shortage of life-saving gas, the government on Sunday completely banned the use of “liquid oxygen” for industrial purposes, as the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in a communication to all the states and the Union Territories, also made it clear that “no exception is allowed to any industry” with regard to use of the commodity.

In a letter to chief secretaries if the states and the UTs, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, in the capacity of the chairman of the executive committee of the National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) said, “All the authorities need to ensure that use of liquid oxygen is not allowed for any non-medical purpose and that all manufacturing units may maximise their production of liquid oxygen, and make it available to the Government for use for medical purposes only, with immediate effect and until further orders.”

He added that all stocks of liquid oxygen should also be made available to the Government for use for medical purposes and “no exception is allowed to any industry with regard to use of liquid oxygen”.

Bhalla said after reviewing the oxygen supply situation in the country it was considered necessary to restrict industrial usage of oxygen for ensuring availability of adequate and uninterrupted supply of medical oxygen across the country for management of COVID-19 patients and necessary order in this regard was issued on April 22, 2021 to restrict the use of industrial oxygen with an exception of nine identified industrial activities.

But now after a second review of the oxygen supply situation, it has been decided that with immediate effect, “use of liquid oxygen, including the existing stock, will be allowed for medical purposes only”, Bhalla said.



The upper stage in GSLV MK-III vehicle is cryogenic stage with 28 tonnes of propellant loading and designated as C25. The C25 Stage is powered with a 20 ton thrust (nominal) engine working on Gas Generator (GG) cycle. C25 stage is a high performance cryo stage carrying a propellant combination of liquid Hydrogen stored at 20 K and liquid Oxygen stored at 77 K.





So what happened Galactic Penguin SST? South Korea now has a PSLV class rocket. Indian program is off course delayed but there is zero progress from Iran and North Korea. In fact, they still stick to class of small rockets India and China stopped using in 80s.

I see South Korea as a much better and formidable space power who are at least going to compete with Japan for real unlike North Korea where nothing moves beyond posters and praises to king LOL.
You know what happened to the last mission, it was a total disaster with the Head of mission crying his eyes out in front of your Prime Minister. Now the Indians want to risk human lives.
Well, Pakistani know the best. They don't even try. No need for crying then, right?
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