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Indian Helicopter Was Most Likely Also Shot Down by PAF

India never denied that one of its M21 and pilot is missing. India itself confirmed that one of its plane has failed to report from a mission. Pilot's family was informed about this, before any name was given to media. Once Pakistan officially claimed capturing Abhinanadan alive, it was a joyous feeling for not only he has ejected safely also he was not killed by the hostile locals.

But every Pakistan channel ran the story of captured pilots getting treatment in hospital and IK announced holding Indian Pilots publicly

The Kashmir protests shown daily on your TV doesn't look file pictures.

This is quite simply a lie my friend.

Indian Media was a buzz claiming their forces have claimed they saw a F-16 fall down in Azad Kashmir. (We have seen videos and you can't tell which plane is falling down, they must have believed it is an F-16 because why would you want it to be your jet?)

They kept reporting saying Pakistan is claiming it has shot down 2 Indian jets (after DG ISPR's tweet) but they said IAF is reporting all our jets are accounted for.

They kept reporting this until Abhinandan's first videos surfaced on social media.

They then changed there line to WC Abhinandan is yet to return.

Then ONLY when your MEA spokesperson announced and admitted the loss of a mig-21 did Indian Media accept.
Father of Mi17 pilot seems upset with Pakistan:

Name of the 6 dead (Source):

- Wg Cdr Sidharth
- co-pilot Sqn Ldr Ninad Mandavgane
- Sgt Vikrant Sehrawat
- Cpl Pankaj Kumar
- Cpl Deepak Pandey
- Cpl Vishal Kumar Pandey

Mi17 "was from 154 Helicopter Unit based at the Air Force base in Srinagar".

Is it usual for two senior pilots to be flying the same helicopter? And is it standard practice to have a pilot and co-pilot in Mi17s?
Then ONLY when your MEA spokesperson announced and admitted the loss of a mig-21 did Indian Media accept

Good to know that at least one guy knows the difference between India and Indian media
India never denied that one of its M21 and pilot is missing. India itself confirmed that one of its plane has failed to report from a mission. Pilot's family was informed about this, before any name was given to media. Once Pakistan officially claimed capturing Abhinanadan alive, it was a joyous feeling for not only he has ejected safely also he was not killed by the hostile locals.

But every Pakistan channel ran the story of captured pilots getting treatment in hospital and IK announced holding Indian Pilots publicly

Indian denied till Abhinandan appearance on Pakistani TV. "Never denied" is not the question here but denied unless it was made public. The 2nd pilot thing, is still unclear.

The Kashmir protests shown daily on your TV doesn't look file pictures.
Not every protest but few.
Speaking to a few army men my feeling is that the brass is happy that the message is delivered where it was supposed to be delivered, there is no need for us to show proof of what we hit because people who matter on the other side of the border already know their loses. Personally, i feel we missed a trick. In today’s environment of 5th Gen warfare it is also important to hit the morale of the general public. SU-30 has a god like status in the minds of common Indians and if we can prove that JF-17 (referred to as a 3rd Gen Chinese Junk by Indians) shot it down, it will deal a big blow to the blown up egos of Indians.
@Bilal Khan 777 @Oscar @Khafee @messiach @The Eagle @MastanKhan

Dear Lady and gents,

I gathered that there is a long range BVRM in the works or in testing, somewhere here in this section. Sorry, can't reproduce here.

My question is whether it is possible to convert this system to ground-to-air system? SD-10A was tested for such a role a couple of years back.

If yes, then, could it also provide air defence to PNS platforms?

Pak needs to develop its own air defence systems for both short and medium ranges.

Anyhow, allow me to thank you for your reply.



P.S. War is very much on. India & Co. aren't content with licking wounds. Pak remains the ground zero of the Greatest Game.

Indigenous BVRAAM is well into development. Pakistan tested one (unknown) BVRAAM back in Feb, 2018 through JF-17.

For PNS protection, there are different means to cover from Air to Air & Ground to Air.
So it seems the Indian helicopter was at the wrong place at the wrong time and got struck by a missile fired from a PAF aircraft.

If their AIM debri case is right, that's where they found it.
No offense to the female folks, are they sissies?????
You should check the posts of 26th February, talk about popping up like Mushrooms, few of them were so exited that they were quoting me some five year old irrelevant posts and even mouthing off that since PAF is incapable of entering into India, they will send a truck full of Indian dust to drop bombs on.
Well, next day we slaughtered their Cows inside India and brought the Beef back.....now those sissies have buried themselves under the same truck load of dust. :lol:
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