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Indian HAL to train 6 Nigerian Army pilots for flying helicopters

Win win for both countries. I think Indian trainers will learn just as much from the Nigerians. Both are equally good aviators though I would give the Nigerians an edge as they operate in difficult terrain.
Can you please provide evidence of residence? I don’t want “your kind” to be mooching off my hard earned tax money.

Also, how is criticizing India/questioning whether an Indian guy is posing as an American unpatriotic?
Why you replying @rent4country put him in your ignore list brother or report him as much as you can he is definitely an Indian
you need a new set of knee pads ...you've worn out the last ones pleasing the Chinese.
That's is what Xi said to modi after last year Ladakh debacle. However it still doesn't answer my question. Who was the "we" in your first comment?
Nigeria operates quite a few MI-24s, this is probably for basic training though as they lack training helicopters. Probably no space at Pak Army Helicopter training school
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