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Indian Govt kickstarts work on broadband connectivity to all villages across the country

I have already provided you with reasons of farmer suicide. If poverty would have been a reason, suicides would have been epidemic in UP, Bihar , and Orissa; not cotton country.

Farmer suicides have a reason in positive reinforcement that each suicide provides to farmers as a group. It is based on proven principles of classical and operant conditioning. It works on all animals; it works om Rats, it work on Dogs, it works on Humans. Whole consumer Psychology is based on modifying behaviour by using conditioning. People willingly eat Industrial waste like Cheese and ammoniated burger due to positive reinforcement the get in form of Ego boost ( these foods are Blue collar food in US ).If you want to stop suicides, stop providing positive reinforcement ( money ) for suicides.

conditioning can make to try new foods, try new cloths but taking own life ....??? this arguement is beyond me. and yeah i do agree that poverty is definitely not the sole reason, but one of the reasons nonetheless. remember, most of the deaths are debt related. and a rich person usually doesnt go to the moneylender. (m not talking about the credit cards, personal loans, home loans kinda debt)....btw are u saying that the news on farmer suicides is acting as "conditioning" on the farmers to commit more suicides?? if not, then what or who are these "conditioning" ? please clarify

Harping on farmers suicides is like harping on poverty.This sort of self flagellation is not going to do any good. This would only serve as suicide advertisement.As i said earlier, suicides are contagious


agree totally, but doing nothing is not a solution either .

Internet connections are part of Rural development. Internet connection provides weather, market, and new technology information. It is an empowerment tool and those poor people who could not pull themselves out of poverty, even after being provided tools of empowerment should kill themselves and improve genetic heritage of humanity.
yes they are a part. for this part to be functional, the person must get educated first. we all know the kind of education (for masses, eg of two or three inspirational stories wont do) is in our villages. the ppl who can barely write their names on paper are considered literate. "rashtriya saksharta mission" became a competition for number of ppl put on the "list" and not about the no. of ppl shown the enlightment called education. and where does the education comes from ---- u guessed it right ---schools----but poor villagers rather prefer their children stay n work rather than "waste" all day in school. then came the "midday meal" programme, a huge bonus for the corrupt middlemen, but (a big but) this programme did atttract a lot of kids from very poor families to school---why---- "ek waqt ka khana".
the point of the whole story is we must get our basics rights before venturing into the high tech stuff (plz no space exploration eg again), because here, its the villagers who are gonna operate their "devices", look for their "solutions" and apply the solutions found in the net in their own fields and their own lives.
btw are u saying that the news on farmer suicides is acting as "conditioning" on the farmers to commit more suicides

No, money paid by government to family of farmer who committed Suicide is. I was quite clear on this in my post.

If you want to stop suicides, stop providing positive reinforcement ( money ) for suicides.

the point of the whole story is we must get our basics rights before venturing into the high tech stuff (plz no space exploration eg again), because here, its the villagers who are gonna operate their "devices", look for their "solutions" and apply the solutions found in the net in their own fields and their own lives.

Internet connections would provide farmers who want to improve their life with a tool to improve their life. It is better that thousands of " Kisan Bhikari hai " yojnas which insist on just providing something free of cost to poors.

People who do not want to improve their life should anyway kill themselves and eliminate their inferior genes from human gene pool. Until last century. nature would have done this itself, but with medical advancement and use of contraception by best exemplars of intelligence and attractiveness, human gene pool is degrading each day.
No, money paid by government to family of farmer who committed Suicide is. I was quite clear on this in my post.
ya u did....n i totally agree with u that it is a crap idea whoever came with it first. how cud 50k or 100k replace a breadwinner in a family. but unfortunately, some of us are so poor they tend to fall for that too.

Internet connections would provide farmers who want to improve their life with a tool to improve their life. It is better that thousands of " Kisan Bhikari hai " yojnas which insist on just providing something free of cost to poors.

People who do not want to improve their life should anyway kill themselves and eliminate their inferior genes from human gene pool. Until last century. nature would have done this itself, but with medical advancement and use of contraception by best exemplars of intelligence and attractiveness, human gene pool is degrading each day.
hahahahha......good one!!!
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