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Indian Govt didn't consult US Govt on its Kashmir move : US

last time trump interfered in Israel and Palestine issue.....Jerusalem became Israel's captial ( ofcourse many countries including India refused to accept Jerusalem)....when last week trump offered his help in India-Pakistan on kashmir....how could Pakistan's PM Imran Khan couldn't smell the trap there.....he started jump here and there thanking that orange bufoon.....now A370 gone....everyone is silent....Mr.Khan got bamboozled.
Don't expect any good from US.
I don't think so anyone is fool here. Pakistan was trying to slightly shift it's policy to neutral in US Vs China scenario but it might be now a blunder keeping in view China just spoke for Ladakh.
how could Pakistan's PM Imran Khan couldn't smell the trap there..

What trap you are talking about ? Are you in your senses ?

We never expected Trump giving such statements at first place when IK landed there. Its a positive sign for Pakistani diplomatic efforts w.r.t Kashmir issue. Indian decision in haste clearly suggest that Indian govt got panic after that very statement by Trump. India clearly felt insecure, first by having no say in US-Afghanistan end game talks and possible US mediation in Kashmir.
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There goes another blatant lie by "Dehati Aurat".

Its a norm for Indian authorities to lie about it. Even if their media is claiming something wrong, they deliberately don't deny it. Post Feb 27,2019 Indian claims has been perfect example of their govt and media nexus.
mujahideen attack ?
bring up ur regulars and take kashmir.....ur women folk here waiting for u guys.....again let me be clear....u got 2 months before mass demographic starts....useless pan chewing , smelling dirty indian lining up for migration.....in october modi is inviting investors.....means jobs in valley....means hordes of unemployed across india will flock to kashmir......u guys have zero perception about what is happening on ground level in so called occupied kashmir...things r moving fast...
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Article 370 nikal ke 7 din bhi nahi hue....aur ham toh shuru hogaye.....the more time u take ......u chance of losing J&K will increase....only option....full fledged thrust into IOK.....kick every outsider and assimilate region into yours....
ham yahi baramulla main hai.....come fast....take kashmir Oh strong , brave martial race....
dont let the door hit you on your way out
US States Department came up with the classification that debunked the claim.

AGW is in Pakistan visiting including Nepal, She was certainly kept out of the loop but her boss John Bolton CERTAINLY knew as did Mike Pompeo as both had been informed

New Delhi informed Mike Pompeo & John Bolton of decision to abolish Kashmir’s special status
Reports emerging from Indian media reveal that the Indian foreign ministry has apprised officials in Washington, particularly US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and NSA John Bolton. Analysts believe that the US must avoid being a bystander in the conflict that threatens peace and stability in South Asia.

News Desk
August 7, 2019

News Desk |

Reports emanating from Indian media reveal that before scraping away the special constitutional status of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK), the External Affairs Minister of India, S Jaishankar, had apprised the US government, specifically US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of the agendas of the Modi-led government with regards to the occupied Himalayan territory.

On Monday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, the Minister of Home Affairs of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government scraped away Article 370 from the Indian Constitution, which provided a special constitutional status to Jammu & Kashmir.

Reports published by Indian news daily, The Print, cited sources within the Indian governments, who divulged that the US government was fully aware of the objectives of the Modi-led government with regards to Indian occupied Kashmir.

An excerpt from the report reads, “This, however, was not the first time that the US was briefed on this issue.” The report reveals that the Modi-led government had briefed the US National Security Advisor John Bolton with regards to the plans to abolish Article 370 back in February, following the Pulwama attack.

These are aimed at providing good governance, promoting social justice and ensuring economic development in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Print noted, “In February, two days after the Pulwama attack, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval had phoned his American counterpart John Bolton and told him about the Modi government’s plans to do away with the ‘special status’ for Jammu and Kashmir.”

However, the sources within the Indian government noted that the decision to divide the occupied Himalayan territory into two separate federally administered territories was taken later.

Jaishankar Apprised Mike Pompeo
The Print noted that Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar had met with US Secretary of State on the sidelines of the Foreign Minister’s Meeting of the Ninth East Asia Summit, held in Bangkok on 1st August.

During this meeting, Jaishankar informed Pompeo that New Delhi does not seek US mediation in the Kashmir dispute, and any discussion on the issue of Kashmir, “if at all warranted,” will take place with Pakistan unilaterally.

The sources reveal that when it came to Washington, the Modi-led government did not “want to take a chance”, and all necessary precautions were taken to inform the Trump administration of the decision. The sources further added that the Indian Ministry of External Affairs had also apprised the representatives of Russia, China, France and the UK before abolishing the special constitutional status of Kashmir.

Moreover, the envoys of the 15 members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) were also informed of the developments. Throughout these briefings, New Delhi maintained that the proposals being discussed in the Indian Parliament are strictly the internal matters of India.

The source within the Indian government noted, “These are aimed at providing good governance, promoting social justice and ensuring economic development in Jammu and Kashmir.”

Veteran diplomat K.C Singh, speaking to The Print, noted that India has made a well-calculated decision and the international community has not reacted against this movie.

K.C Singh said, “There has been no international reaction yet on this issue, which shows that India had done its calculations well in advance.”

Achakzai noted that by altering the status of occupied Jammu & Kashmir, India has crossed a red line, and the US must not act as a bystander.

With regards to Washington, K.C Singh noted, “And the US being an important and crucial member of the P-5, it is imperative to see how it reacts. If it ignores the move, then perfect. If it does not, then India should be worried.”

US Cannot be a Bystander
Narendra Modi and Donald Trump are expected to meet at the G-7 Summit, scheduled to be held in August in France. The Indian Prime Minister is also expected to engage in a bilateral meeting with the US President in September when Modi will arrive in Washington to attend the UN General Assembly.

Earlier in July, US President Donald Trump had offered his assistance as a mediator in the Kashmir dispute, claiming that Prime Minister Modi has also asked him to intervene. Last week, Trump had again offered his assistance as a mediator during a press briefing in Washington.

All eyes are on US President Donald Trump after Prime Minister Imran Khan urged that now is the time for Washington to intervene and resolve the conflict.

Jan Achakzai, seasoned political analyst, commented on the news circulating in India media and revealed that Pakistan was well aware of this correspondence between New Delhi and Washington.

Read more: Modi’s Kashmir move: A disgrace to Nehru’s Legacy

Achakzai observed, “We knew it: India cannot cross the red line without the US knowledge, complicity, or nod depending on scope of info shared with Washington DC.”

Jan Achakzai


1/3) #Indian media suggests #US was taken on board a week ago. It was occasion when Indian FM J Shankar met Secretary Pompeo.

We knew it: India can not cross red line w/out the US knowledge, complicity, or nod depending on scope of info shared w/ DC.

If true it will send.

9:15 AM - Aug 6, 2019
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The Baloch analyst further added, “After all, India’s one aim was 2 snub Donald Trump when he offered mediation on Kashmir. Then meek response of State Depart was also a reflection of the fact that Washington was not surprised & that it was OK with additional force & undoing of 370.”

Jan Achakzai


· Aug 6, 2019

1/3) #Indian media suggests #US was taken on board a week ago. It was occasion when Indian FM J Shankar met Secretary Pompeo.

We knew it: India can not cross red line w/out the US knowledge, complicity, or nod depending on scope of info shared w/ DC.

If true it will send.

Jan Achakzai


2/3) .. .. message 2 Pakistan.

After all, #India’s one aim was 2 snub #Trump when he offered mediation on Kashmir.

Then meek response of State Depart was also a reflection of fact that #Washington was not surprised & that it was OK w/ additional force & undoing of 370


9:15 AM - Aug 6, 2019
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25 people are talking about this

Achakzai noted that by altering the status of occupied Jammu & Kashmir, India has crossed a red line, and the US must not act as a bystander.

He said, “Any conflagration will likely bring South Asia on the brink of disaster. No deterrence operates if it loses fear of being used. No middle ground leaves Pakistan with hard choices and the US cannot be a bystander.”

Jan Achakzai


· Aug 6, 2019

Replying to @Jan_Achakzai
2/3) .. .. message 2 Pakistan.

After all, #India’s one aim was 2 snub #Trump when he offered mediation on Kashmir.

Then meek response of State Depart was also a reflection of fact that #Washington was not surprised & that it was OK w/ additional force & undoing of 370

Jan Achakzai


3/3) Modifying status of J&K is a red line 4
It will weigh all options.

Any conflagration will likely bring SA on brink of disaster.

No detternce operates if it looses fear of being used.

No middle ground leaves
w/ hard choices #US can not be bystander.


9:15 AM - Aug 6, 2019
dont let the door hit you on your way out
after 2 months i will b back..lets see whether brave strong pakistani were able to take back kashmir from weak , dhoti shivering indians....
deal with it...bye............
Indian govt officially did not claimed it, it was Print.in that made the claim via its sources.
May be india wanted america to have the taste of its own medecine of how it feels to use your name in fake news. First it was mediation news and now this.
Or may be india and usa are both playing this game of fooling the world and especially pakistan, who knows ?
only time will tell
India has just shot itself in the foot.

Just wait dude...dont jump here and there ...Modi is recent Gorbachev


Gorbachev at least was at the helm of a super power like the USSR, a bankrupt superpower but nevertheless it was a super power till its last day.

India on the other hand is an extremely underdeveloped and backwards country with deep fractures in society. Their government has been cooking up numbers and an average Indian is suffering just like he was 50 years ago.

Gorbachev was a statesman, extremely well read and a qualified leader. Modi on the other hand is near illiterate, uneducated and driven by basic emotional triggers instead of a cool calculating head.

In my opinion Manmohan Singh was a real danger and threat to Pakistan because he was qualified to be a prime minister of India.

Modi can be easily manipulated and triggered to take certain actions. He lacks the vision, which makes him the perfect person to be in charge of India.

Look at this way: India is a powder keg simmering with extreme suffering and Modi is a pyromaniac!!
India has just shot itself in the foot.


Gorbachev at least was at the helm of a super power like the USSR, a bankrupt superpower but nevertheless it was a super power till its last day.

India on the other hand is an extremely underdeveloped and backwards country with deep fractures in society. Their government has been cooking up numbers and an average Indian is suffering just like he was 50 years ago.

Gorbachev was a statesman, extremely well read and a qualified leader. Modi on the other hand is near illiterate, uneducated and driven by basic emotional triggers instead of a cool calculating head.

In my opinion Manmohan Singh was a real danger and threat to Pakistan because he was qualified to be a prime minister of India.

Modi can be easily manipulated and triggered to take certain actions. He lacks the vision, which makes him the perfect person to be in charge of India.

Look at this way: India is a powder keg simmering with extreme suffering and Modi is a pyromaniac!!
and same leader who lacks vision is invited , greeted and lauded by many leaders....
that will be the future of kashmir if pakistan doesnt take back IOK within next months.....my words may be bit harsh for u but yes its fact.....not to mention there are 540 women for 1000 men in india.....i am watching my colleagues browsing kashmiri matrimonial websites.....its upto u guys...decide...

I hope the soldier is a muslim
arvind reddy .....my friend.....
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