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Indian Govt didn't consult US Govt on its Kashmir move : US

US should stay out of it altogether. Let them fight. Why get involved? Sell weapons to all sides, make money and stand back while they clean up their own mess. Hope China gets involved & puts boots on the ground. Easy money.

The US is already doing this. :-)
Now we should take u.s in confidence that we will respond by attacking indian army if this move by india is not reversed.We should ask u.s to impose sanctions on india for violating u.n resolutions
I not think india has enough courage to take such measure on their own.They have support from israel in this matter and due to israeli influence on u.s and u.n no one has taken practical steps to stop india from doing this act of revoking 370
This was India’s knee jerk reaction to Trump’s mediation offer . Infia never told America.
I honour your spirit
jang jeet ya har kay liye nahi Waqar kay liye lari jati hai …. Fawad Choudhary .. It will translate into , Nations fight for their honour without worrying of losing or winning .. Great ……….. I love you Fawad .. And yes I want war , if this is the end I want to die with honor …….
Yes . We need to hang them . Totally agreed
So that pig Najam Sethi was wrong and so was Ayesha Siddiqua ...

Fucking RAW agents. Always busy in spread disinformation.We should kill both of them like KGB/FSB execute their own traitors.
Two days ago the NY Times main article about the Indian revocation of Article 370 was written with scathing remarks against India. Why? Because: India officials didn't HAVE TO imprison the two former Kashmir Chief Ministers like Abdullah and Mufti. Indian officials didn't HAVE TO cut off all communication in the Kashmir Valley. Indian officials didn't HAVE TO impose restrictions on so many things. Indian officials didn't HAVE TO mobilize its airforce--as if Pakistan would attack India. With the extra Indian troops poured into the Kashmir Valley, signing off on a piece of paper of almost certain illegal nature and of limited actual value, should not have merited such a strong India response.

But the world, including the Americans saw all that. Thank the Lord for the social media and the internet! The current American President, who is a teetotaler but is an internet-holic! And this time, I really think, even India's strategic allies Americans didn't like the high-handedness.

India forgets that it is a brown nation of pagan beliefs. India has no real allies in America except what India can buy off, bribe or what the Indian 5th columnists in America can do for India.
Sir, I totally agree with your analysis. There's a visible change otherwise US state did not need to refute it but they did.
Nannay munnay bachays want a war with india.
Allah in nannay munnay bachon ko aqal day..
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