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Indian government does not want me : Japanese activist.

Today nuclear technology is incredibly safe and this is why nuclear disasters are few and far between and when they do happen they are most likely old tech (Fukishima). Every nuclear plant in India is state of the art with very little room for error and have higher degrees of safety as standard for all plants than almost any other nation on earth.

As mentioned before, they are not and it's not only the plants but also the nuclear waste that is a problem, because there is no solution how to handle it. The more plants we build the more waste we will have, that has to be stored somewhere and till now there is no safe solution to do it anywhere in the world.
Tepco Knew of Fukushima Design Flaw, Did Nothing - Electric switcher swamped by tsunami, killing plant's cooling system

Newser) – Senior Tepco engineers were aware of design flaws at five of its Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors for decades, but complacency and cost-consciousness prevented the company from fixing those problems, reports the Wall Street Journal. While newer reactors have backup diesel generators and electrical switchers placed securely in the well-protected reactor building, the first five reactors had kitchen-table-sized switchers placed in less secure turbine buildings, which the water from the tsunami easily overwhelmed.

As mentioned before, they are not and it's not only the plants but also the nuclear waste that is a problem, because there is no solution how to handle it. The more plants we build the more waste we will have, that has to be stored somewhere and till now there is no safe solution to do it anywhere in the world.

That is a totally diffrent matter of nuclear waste but look at France they meet over 80% of their energy needs by nuclear power.
Sancho you cant change the original design if it was technology dated back from the 1960's yes they did incorporate some modern features to the build but still it is a primitive structure with a poor build quality.

Who talks about the design? It's the techs, the safty features, the additional cooling systems...and all this can be modernised and upgraded. But no matter how advanced, there is no guarantee for safty!
Btw, the same applies to nuclear propelled military stuff as well. Ever thought about the outcome of a nuclear sub sinking around Indias coasts and the nuclear material will be released?

That is a totally diffrent matter of nuclear waste but look at France they meet over 80% of their energy needs by nuclear power.

Not at all, the one is the result of the other! France does it because that's their policy, not because they had to. India is just at the start and we still can decide our policies in this area, that's why there are people that expresses their conceirn and since India is a democracy, free speech should be allowed!
sancho your basic theory of "because it happened in Japan it can happen in India/anywhere" is simply flawed. Indian nuclear plants are all far more advanced than Fukishma FACT and all new plants being built even more so with 3 redundant emergency power generators and passive cooling meaning a Fukishmima-like accident is next to impossible in India.
Who talks about the design? It's the techs, the safty features, the additional cooling systems...and all this can be modernised and upgraded. But no matter how advanced, there is no guarantee for safty!
Btw, the same applies to nuclear propelled military stuff as well. Ever thought about the outcome of a nuclear sub sinking around Indias coasts and the nuclear material will be released?

Not at all, the one is the result of the other!

Im not saying there is a guarantee you can take to the bank but comparing Fukushima to the current ones we are building in India is absurd.

Nuclear waste is a issue I would not downplay it for example there was a proposal to send Britain's nuclear waste into space or to the bottom of the sea which were later deemed impractical so what options are there? well waste could be either buried underground or stored temporarily in facilities above ground.
Coal plants pollution can be overcome. There is technology to negate its polluting effects.
Minning and Transporting coal is another problem.India's coal reserve's are another problem :cheesy:

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While Japan's concerns are appreciated for the sake of humanity, their paranoia cannot be a roadblock to nuclear energy. We need at least 4 nuke plants in every large state (MP, UP, Andhra, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) and at least 2 in every medium sized states (Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Haryana, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Punjab, Bengal etc). Haryana could do with 2 plants since one could be for supplying power to Delhi.

Whereas if Hydel energy is used well, entire Himalayan belt states can be self-sufficient in power.

I know I sound a bit over-ambitious, but we seriously need this if we have to have sufficient power to ensure that electricity is there for all 1.15 billion people and the future generations. If we set those plants up now, in another 1 decade, it would come to use. And I am being very liberal here with my estimates.
Minning and Transporting coal is another problem.India's coal reserve's are another problem :cheesy:

Dude I agree with you 200%. Open pit mining is a scourge and it is hurting India. Many folks blame NGO's but folks need to open their eyes and realize who the real culprits are. Coal mining was considered somwhat safe when it was underground viz tunnels. But when the demand increased, all safety precations were thrown to the wind and still remains a f-ked up system. Where is our gov't? Where is the media attention?

Here is a link.......watch it and realize a poor nun gave her life to help the poor and those who cannot fight. The same issue with the nuclear industry, regulations are not followed which is a serious concern.

India's coal rush - 101 East - Al Jazeera English

Did you even watch the link you provided? The fundamental flaw is still there.....its nots o much the ousrce of energy as it is the corruption that is rampant in our India.
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