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Indian government does not want me : Japanese activist.

Most of the people are not even aware of what went wrong at Fukushima Daiichi ?
Nuclear power plants are the best alternate to Coal fired plants we have.Why is the government wasting our tax money by not commissioning the first reactor

Coal plants pollution can be overcome. There is technology to negate its polluting effects.
The Fikushima incident been blown so out of proportion all around the world. This incident needs to be looked at but properly understood, the proximity of the plant to a active tectonic zone was a real concern which India does not need to have. What happened at Fukushima was tragic but a culmination of unique circumstances. Every single Nuclear power plant in India is more technologically advanced with more safety and back up systems than the Fukushima plant. Because of VERY strict rules by the Indian atomic agency all nuclear power plants are made with more back-up systems than the industry norm (including present at Fukushima) so a repeat of what happened at Fukushima- all back up generators failing leading to the stopping of water pumps is almost impossible in any Indian nuclear power plant. Additionally according to rules from the India atomic agency all nuclear power plants must also have passive cooling systems free from all electrical input, so if power did go down the reactor could still be cooled. All the measures would prevent an Indian Fukushima-FACT. Not to mention post Fukushima, MMS ordered a review of all nuclear power plants regarding a similar incident in India and all power plants were found to have easily passed the tests because they are all state of the art and more technologically advanced than Fukushima.

The recent protests are really just political point sodding with opportunists trying to make some cheap shots and cater to vote banks and play of the ignorance of most common people. I absolutely hate this sort of news- India already has a significant power generation shortfall so tracking these plans but offering no solutions is utterly pointless and harmful. Renewable energy sources are still not mature or efficient enough and adding coal powered power stations is far from ideal.

But gladly sense is/will prevail, as per recent news, India plans to build 10 new nuclear power plants by 2017 on top of the 9 already under construction.

Would these people would prefer human suffering to continue with many citizens going without power? Are these people giving a suitable alternative? NO,NO,NO!!

GoI made an excellent decisions here to get rid of these NGOs with vested interests and MMS pulled another masterstroke in getting nuclear plants back on track.

Just to shut these guys up- India WILL have a nuclear power capcity of 63,000 MW by 2030, SUCK IT!!!
The Fikushima incident been blown so out of proportion all around the world. This incident needs to be looked at but properly understood, the proximity of the plant to a active tectonic zone was a real concern which India does not need to have. What happened at Fukushima was tragic but a culmination of unique circumstances. Every single Nuclear power plant in India is more technologically advanced with more safety and back up systems than the Fukushima plant. Because of VERY strict rules by the Indian atomic agency all nuclear power plants are made with more back-up systems than the industry norm (including present at Fukushima) so a repeat of what happened at Fukushima- all back up generators failing leading to the stopping of water pumps is almost impossible in any Indian nuclear power plant. Additionally according to rules from the India atomic agency all nuclear power plants must also have passive cooling systems free from all electrical input, so if power did go down the reactor could still be cooled. All the measures would prevent an Indian Fukushima-FACT. Not to mention post Fukushima, MMS ordered a review of all nuclear power plants regarding a similar incident in India and all power plants were found to have easily passed the tests because they are all state of the art and more technologically advanced than Fukushima.

The recent protests are really just political point sodding with opportunists trying to make some cheap shots and cater to vote banks and play of the ignorance of most common people. I absolutely hate this sort of news- India already has a significant power generation shortfall so tracking these plans but offering no solutions is utterly pointless and harmful. Renewable energy sources are still not mature or efficient enough and adding coal powered power stations is far from ideal.

But gladly sense is/will prevail, as per recent news, India plans to build 10 new nuclear power plants by 2017 on top of the 9 already under construction.

Would these people would prefer human suffering to continue with many citizens going without power? Are these people giving a suitable alternative? NO,NO,NO!!

GoI made an excellent decisions here to get rid of these NGOs with vested interests and MMS pulled another masterstroke in getting nuclear plants back on track.

Just to shut these guys up- India WILL have a nuclear power capcity of 63,000 MW by 2030, SUCK IT!!!

Plz just shut up. Folks like you give India a bad name. You hace no depth of knowledge, just spit nonsense to push your own agenda. India is the best and has better safety record than Japan right?
I am opposed to nuclear power. Why not adopt a system like Kerala ? Solar power plants in independent homes supplementing the state power grid ? At least that's what they are planning to implement. Something like that on a national scale would be even more awesome.

Solar power is not a viable option, It costs around Rs.10-14 to produce 1 unit of power by solar, Though its free but the solar panels are costly and need frequent replacements. The selling rate on an average including the subsidies and free electricity to the rural sector in India is around Rs.2-3 for all states. there is a direct loss of anywhere between Rs.9-10 per unit to the government. So not at all a viable option.

After all the feasibility studies done on Solar, Hydel, Wind, Bio, Thermal and nuclear. Nuclear is the best and workable option for a country like India taking into considerations its requirements and the way all the State power corporations work.
Plz just shut up. Folks like you give India a bad name. You hace no depth of knowledge, just spit nonsense to push your own agenda. India is the best and has better safety record than Japan right?

What are you talking about? AFAIK in India's 50+ years of nuclear operations there has only been 1 nuclear incident, the Mayapuri incident in April 2010 where a mere 8 were harmed and 1 died. This is a far more prestigious safety record than most other nations ESPECIALLY Japan, US and Russia (YOU look it up).

Sir, it is you who give India a bad name with the ignorance you spout, all that I have said is 100% truth.
What are you talking about? AFAIK in India's 50+ years of nuclear operations there has only been 1 nuclear incident, the Mayapuri incident in April 2010 where a mere 8 were harmed and 1 died. This is a far more prestigious safety record than most other nations ESPECIALLY Japan, US and Russia (YOU look it up).

Sir, it is you who give India a bad name with the ignorance you spout, all that I have said is 100% truth.

You really talking about safty record in regard to nuclear power plants??? You can have 99 years of not a single issue, but when a disaster happens, it will be 100 000s if not millions of people and a wide area of land that will be effected. Please check how many people died from the aftermaths of Tschernobyl or how many people dies earlier in areas where nuclear power plants or nuclear waste is located. It is simply not a safe technology, with a huge risk that can't be talked down!
India needs them currently true, but it's neither something that we should be proud of, nor should we sit back and just accept it, because alterantives are in sight, it just need investments and innovation to make them real.
Fukushima is old technology from 1970's it can't be compared with India's new nuclear stations with higher safety features.
Fukushima is old technology from 1970's it can't be compared with India's new nuclear stations with higher safety features.
Oh please, as if they stayed the same for all these years. Japan is one of the technologically most advanced nations in the world, far ahead of India. Not to forget that deep impact nuclear techs had in their past and you still think they would have taken any risks?
Again, the point is not that it happend, but that you can't control it if it happens! If you remember the pics and videos from that time of the Japanese firefighters as well as forces and then considers how differently things would have been done, if a similar disaster would happen in India. Oh boy, I don't want to think about how many lifes might be lost.
Plz just shut up. Folks like you give India a bad name. You hace no depth of knowledge, just spit nonsense to push your own agenda. India is the best and has better safety record than Japan right?

do us all a favor and do try to reveal your identity(your country or origin) .

by the way ground reality is different from the BS you sprout mate. you just come up with objections no answers . when you have them talk . otherwise . expect us to take your opinions with a KG (not pinch ) of salt.:)
Oh please, as if they stayed the same for all these years. Japan is one of the technologically most advanced nations in the world, far ahead of India. Not to forget that deep impact nuclear techs had in their past and you still think they would have taken any risks?
Again, the point is not that it happend, but that you can't control it if it happens! If you remember the pics and videos from that time of the Japanese firefighters as well as forces and then considers how differently things would have been done, if a similar disaster would happen in India. Oh boy, I don't want to think about how many lifes might be lost.

Im speaking about Fukushima plant it is 2nd gen I made a thread on it ill repost it.

Today's plants far safer than Fukushima: US expert

When this plant was built much of the modern safety features did not exist.

The Fukushima plants were early plants, and so... more modern designs would be much more robust in their capability to deal with the situation" that Japan faced, said former US Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman Richard Meserve.

"Plants are much safer in their designs today."

Designs have improved substantially in large part because engineers are "continuously learning from what has happened in the past and making sure that you learn from experience so that history is not repeated."

Aside from advances like high-quality construction and passive safety systems that override human failures, today's designers incorporate what's known as "probabalistic risk assessment," which looks at the likelihood of events that could cause damage.
You really talking about safty record in regard to nuclear power plants??? You can have 99 years of not a single issue, but when a disaster happens, it will be 100 000s if not millions of people and a wide area of land that will be effected. Please check how many people died from the aftermaths of Tschernobyl or how many people dies earlier in areas where nuclear power plants or nuclear waste is located. It is simply not a safe technology, with a huge risk that can't be talked down!
India needs them currently true, but it's neither something that we should be proud of, nor should we sit back and just accept it, because alterantives are in sight, it just need investments and innovation to make them real.

But who's to say somthing has to go wrong? All disasters in the past have provided lessons to be learnt and applied to future tech. Today nuclear technology is incredibly safe and this is why nuclear disasters are few and far between and when they do happen they are most likely old tech (Fukishima). Every nuclear plant in India is state of the art with very little room for error and have higher degrees of safety as standard for all plants than almost any other nation on earth.
Fukushima Reactor No.2, THE most Vulnerable Design (Modern Survival Blog)

Questions Over the Design of Fukushima Nuclear Plant - Technology Review

The New York Times is reporting that the design of the containment structures used at the earthquake- and tsunami-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan dates back the 1960s, and has long been criticized as less safe than other types of structure for trapping radiation and preventing molten fuel from escaping into the environment. According to the article, the original design uses less concrete and other materials than competing containment designs.
Im speaking about Fukushima plant it is 2nd gen I made a thread on it ill repost it.
I know, but the techs was upgraded through the life, like any country does it for safty reasons, especially Japan with it's past experience. Do you really think that an Indian nuclear powerplant that will be build next year, will be the same in 2023? That's not going to happen, just because everybody knows about the huge risks. Newer nuclear plants will be more effective and somewhat more safe than older, but the risk will remain.
I know, but the techs was upgraded through the life, like any country does it for safty reasons, especially Japan with it's past experience. Do you really think that an Indian nuclear powerplant that will be build next year, will be the same in 2023? That's not going to happen, just because everybody knows about the huge risks. Newer nuclear plants will be more effective and somewhat more safe than older, but the risk will remain.

Yes but if the designs are inherently unsafe/more prone to failure than a minor/major upgradation is going to do very little in unless you completely gut the plant and fit with new reactors (which was not done) but this is economically nonviable and it could be more cost-effective to build a brand new plant.
I know, but the techs was upgraded through the life, like any country does it for safty reasons, especially Japan with it's past experience. Do you really think that an Indian nuclear powerplant that will be build next year, will be the same in 2023? That's not going to happen, just because everybody knows about the huge risks. Newer nuclear plants will be more effective and somewhat more safe than older, but the risk will remain.

Sancho you cant change the original design if it was technology dated back from the 1960's yes they did incorporate some modern features to the build but still it is a primitive structure with a poor build quality.
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