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Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

actually you guys got frustrated and i can see that. we including me are serious in comdemning the issue and own it as one of ours since we are no saints.

as for the name only i asked that question since in my view caution should be observed while replacing real name of the victim since any slight mistake can give excuse to exploiters just like we face viz a viz usual killings attributed to secterian violence.

my apology if you took it the wrong way.

I can GUARANTEE u that no Indian Member is frustrated but feel SAD for the girl.

If u want a CONSTRUCTIVE DEBATE on the topic, I am all for it :)
So after 15+ pages on this- people still discussing the validity of thread and comments of posters- instead of discussing the topic-

15+ pages because multiple threads were merged into one. And even on the 15th page you have people coming here for the sheer pleasure of scoring brownie points.
rape happens on a massive level in india, not like any other country in this planet, otherwise, the u.s would have issued a travel warning to countries warning women, like they have to india.

no matter how much you try to hide from the reality or make your silly excuses for the mentality of indians and their uncontrollable affixiation of rape, its not going to change anything.

You are misinformed like usual pakistani.Rape issue is highlighted for sure but its not massive as u are saying.
Live here n look n then talk.

The need is of LAW against those mfkers who did this coz they walk freely and gal life is made hell and you know about the women status in whole south asia and delhi have been target coz we usually c these kinda incident are reported in papers and in media but nothing is done ..so fight is for LAW and problem is not like massive u have been saying as red warning.
Have removed the rest to keep it short
Let her be in peace and leave her alone..
I haven't even bothered to read the troll comments so not sure what extent they have gone...As far as the girl is concerned than unfortunately she is dead...Now as a society we should make sure that her death doesn't go in vain...However on a side note if i look at our society and the mindset/insensitivity that we have towards half of our population i wonder is she better dead than alive?? See the hollowness of my comment...now no matter how much mud is thrown at me or my country(which certainly i am not proud of at the moment) what difference it is going to make?

I believe as a tribute to her we all should vow that we will not sit back and relax when we a see a women in the neighborhood is being eve teased....bcoz if we discourage road side romeo's at that level we will certainly have few less rapists roaming along with us!!!
Apart from refuting the offtopic posters and complaining to the mods have you said any thing on topic the real issue?-
Actually I have. GO to the thread on New Dlehi police attacked protests. I have explained about general rape cases, cases against Dalits, why other cases are not highlighted by media, why this case has more shock value, why these crimes are committed, what are the social causes and environmental factors that causes these crimes.

Did you or any one remember it or read it ? No.

You know why, because all of them got lost in the troll posts made by so many peoples from other countries. I indulged in discussion because Nulearpak said this is a major issue and we ill allow it.

You know what happened ? Your dear Razpak SOCOM and Auz type of people opened numerous threads and made worst comments. They silenced our posts as they got lost. What did you guys do ?

Go see those posts than ask me this question, Did I gave some insights on the issue in hand ?
The mud is already there and atleast i wont try to pretend if its not my face. you should take the criticism no matter how harsh it is. we did take up owned in case of Malala it did NOT belittle us but added power and made us stand up

Where did you see any of us Indians here running away from this responsibility?? Where did you see any of us justify the rape or tried to make a conspiracy theory out of this? Where did you see us pretend that it is a black mark of my country??

I can take criticize. I dont mind that, even Indians here were criticizing ourselves and blames each and every one of us for this kind of incident..

What I dont like is taking cheap shots like about the religion, lack of toilets and what not's in the expense of her..

Do you really think religion has anything to do with it??

What is the lack of toilet has to do with it??

Is this the way of criticizing??

Most of the idiots dont even thought about her before started posting here..
Most of the idiots dont even thought about her before started posting here..

My friend...world is full of idiots...learn to live with them....b/w u have posted so many posts on highlighting the trolls...however that has no value bcoz you are legitimizing them by talking about them...this is what they want...ignore them and talk about the important topic in hand...
rape happens on a massive level in india, not like any other country in this planet, otherwise, the u.s would have issued a travel warning to countries warning women, like they have to india.

no matter how much you try to hide from the reality or make your silly excuses for the mentality of indians and their uncontrollable affixiation of rape, its not going to change anything.

Rather than the concern about the rape.. You are more fixed the fact that it was happened in India.. Something that will make you cheer up..

Who is hiding the fact here.. Have you gone through the news papers here in India or through the posts of Indians here..

Where did you find we are hiding the fact that a girl is raped here in India..

What we do not like is the disgusting attitude of you and you ilk taking it as a chance to take cheap shots on religion and other factors in India..

Pathetic and if you do believe in any god, you will be answerable to him for this..
@JonAsad Keep it up. Scan all rape cases that happened in India. Lets "discuss".

Nope only the related cases- which reflects the society and the law enforcement attitude towards them in general should be discussed-
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