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Indian forces have raped, molested more than 11,000 Kashmiri women in 3 decades: report

And I ban you for doing so - come back in 3 months - or if like every other besharam Indian, make a multiple ID in the next 24 hours.

You deleted my post where I was asking why @Osiris is banned? You did not inform that my post is deleted?

You read other posts (extremely anti-india) in this thread? Aren't they distasteful? @Osiris' was asking questions....yet, you banned him, while keeping all the people behind distasteful posts active.

This is an extremely biased forum, where even moderators are extremely biased. But they keep saying they are impartial (maybe, that thought keeps them stable, after reading all the posts in this forum day after day).

Everything & anything goes here as long as it is anti-india.

I want to get all liberals of india (pappu, pappi, kejriwal, popping, all media etc etc) to this forum and show them what Pakistanis think of india. But only death can cure liberals of their mental disease. Nothing else will cure them.

Please do me a favor and ban me as well. If I get booted out then my motivation to come back will die (I hope).

Please do that favour
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You deleted my post where I was asking why @Osiris is banned? You did not inform that my post is deleted.

You read other posts (extremely anti-india) in this thread? Aren't they distasteful? @Osiris' was asking questions....yet, you banned him, while keeping all the people behind distasteful posts active.

This is an extremely biased forum, where even moderators are extremely biased. But they keep professing their impartiality.

Please do me a favor and ban me as well. If I get booted out then my motivation to come back will die (I hope).

Please do that favour
What is biased in this thread tell me OP just reporting a news, and what's wrong, your amry didn't raping women and girls in IOK???
You deleted my post where I was asking why @Osiris is banned? You did not inform that my post is deleted?

You read other posts (extremely anti-india) in this thread? Aren't they distasteful? @Osiris' was asking questions....yet, you banned him, while keeping all the people behind distasteful posts active.

This is an extremely biased forum, where even moderators are extremely biased. But they keep saying they are impartial (maybe, that thought keeps them stable, after reading all the posts in this forum day after day).

Everything & anything goes here as long as it is anti-india.

I want to get all liberals of india (pappu, pappi, kejriwal, popping, all media etc etc) to this forum and show them what Pakistanis think of india. But only death can cure liberals of their mental disease. Nothing else will cure them.

Please do me a favor and ban me as well. If I get booted out then my motivation to come back will die (I hope).

Please do that favour
Hey hypocrite - maybe you want to see where your precious countrymen were dragging in an off topic tangent and insisting they will continue to derail regardless.

As for what we think of you - you delusional prime hypocrites brought the hate and trolling here then have the guile to act all innocent. How low on morality and integrity do you want to go in trying to paint yourselves washed with milk?
Hey hypocrite - maybe you want to see where your precious countrymen were dragging in an off topic tangent and insisting they will continue to derail regardless.

As for what we think of you - you delusional prime hypocrites brought the hate and trolling here then have the guile to act all innocent. How low on morality and integrity do you want to go in trying to paint yourselves washed with milk?

Thank you for the response. Now, I know what you think of me (& most Indians). I know where I stand now.

Among many Pakistanis, you are one of the two that I really respect (the other being @MastanKhan . Long back, @MastanKhan used to post beautiful messages. Not so much in the recent past).

I come to this forum for distraction from my daily problems (PDF does a good job. It helps me there).

Now, I need to search for other places for distraction.

Hope I develop some shame (I need some abuse from Pakistanis so that it hits my sense of shame).

PS: I am not trolling. But I do feel that you banned @Osiris for reasons you are aware of & no one else. I guess this is your forum, and your rules.
Thank you for the response. Now, I know what you think of me (& most Indians). I know where I stand now.

Among many Pakistanis, you are one of the two that I really respect (the other being @MastanKhan . Long back, @MastanKhan used to post beautiful messages. Not so much in the recent past).

I come to this forum for distraction from my daily problems (PDF does a good job. It helps me there).

Now, I need to search for other places for distraction.

Hope I develop some shame (I need some abuse from Pakistanis so that it hits my sense of shame).

PS: I am not trolling. But I do feel that you banned @Osiris for reasons you are aware of & no one else. I guess this is your forum, and your rules.
Maybe think on what pushed us to this edge as well where we have to be so heavy handed.

That user was told not to drag off topic tangents and plain refused to comply. I banned a Chinese user for the same reason as well.
If you ever want to see a certified son of a hoe and produce of gang b.
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rape ?? naaa How can they rape when their Naag saaein doesnt even have the strength to move. This report is not true.
If there is a genocide in Kashmir , then where are the 10 million Kashmiri refugees who have fled to Pakistan in last 3 decades.

The only refugees from Kashmir in last 3 decades are the Kashmiri Pandits ..who live in refugees colonies in Delhi and Jammu.

We are human beings, we could not turn a blind eye to the East Pakistanis, leave them to their fate of being killed and raped by Pakistan army.
Neither we had resources to stem the flow millions East Pakistanis, seeking refuge from West Pakistan attrocities.

You are trying to derail the thread but we all know it was Indian army men disguised as PA who raped Bengalis and killed hundreds and thousands of innocent Bengalis through false flag operations.

So dont tell us what happened in East Pakistan, it was again the coward rapist Indian army who raped Bengalis.
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