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Indian fears on Pak aid unaddressed as yet: IAF chief

Seriously man, this is diplomatic jousting. Basically trying to win the war in the political arena, so that it never gets into the battlefield. The aim is to weaken opposition as much as possible so that if war breaks out, they will have that much less firepower in their arsenal.

I don't understand that than what is the purpose of so called "peace talks".. If we both keep looking at each other as an enemy:sniper: than how things will get better.
take it serious guys we already have lost FRANCE.they never mention it clearly that India is behind that but in reality it is.we wer also laughing at India b4 Jf-17 upgrading program and by crying they won the battle...and we kept on laughing on ourselves.
they r crying and will cry till they vanish Pakistan from worlds map.
The baby is crying again and indian members don't dare use that line its politics haha its just so shameful for india to cry basharamsllllllllllllll no one listens and no one cares hahaha keep crying:cry: while we will keep raising ;)
To get our way. And then that will make Pakistan cry!:yahoo:

Seriously man, this is diplomatic jousting. Basically trying to win the war in the political arena, so that it never gets into the battlefield. The aim is to weaken opposition as much as possible so that if war breaks out, they will have that much less firepower in their arsenal.

Even USA uses this policy to cripple opposition like North Korea and Iran. Except then its called 'sanctions'.

I don't think that you will be able to stop F-16's sale. every country has it's own importance and dealing on international level, Pakistan has a big importance bcz of many reasons as well india is also important for many reasons. The meanless propaganda and crying by indians is not as usefull as you people think. Some time it's also a matter of Pride for a nation which do not act in such ways but in indian matters i don't see they care much about these old traditions (which are still very important for many in this world) the main thing is if you cry or do too much useless propaganda you loose your credibilty in front of the world and that might turns against your own interest! It's good to do every neccessary move but don't abuse of it.
I don't think that you will be able to stop F-16's sale. every country has it's own importance and dealing on international level, Pakistan has a big importance bcz of many reasons as well india is also important for many reasons. The meanless propaganda and crying by indians is not as usefull as you people think. Some time it's also a matter of Pride for a nation which do not act in such ways but in indian matters i don't see they care much about these old traditions (which are still very important for many in this world) the main thing is if you cry or do too much useless propaganda you loose your credibilty in front of the world and that might turns against your own interest! It's good to do every neccessary move but don't abuse of it.

even if the 18 F 16s are not stopped, India's "crying" will allow US to extract more concessions from Pakistan than otherwise.. Net Net, the result is same.. Pakistan weakens...
even if the 18 F 16s are not stopped, India's "crying" will allow US to extract more concessions from Pakistan than otherwise.. Net Net, the result is same.. Pakistan weakens...

You r one of my favourite posters, but seriously man tell me how Pakistan end up giving more concessions to America?????:hitwall:
It is America who needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs America..
If Pakistan does not corporate in Afghanistan, than America will lose the war on which it has spent more than a trillion dollars.:dance3::lock:
Indian tears will flood Pakistan's diplomatic moves and result is drowning out of Pakistan's ambitions. Now laugh while we cry and you may end up being the one full of tears. Your tears , not ours
You r one of my favourite posters, but seriously man tell me how Pakistan end up giving more concessions to America?????:hitwall:
It is America who needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs America..
If Pakistan does not corporate in Afghanistan, than America will lose the war on which it has spent more than a trillion dollars.:dance3::lock:

Understand that these planes are not being given to Pakistan out of goodness of american hearts. These are given against the performance of Pakistan in working for America's interests in Afg and NWFP. Now Pakistan wants these planes as bad as USA wants Pakistan to help it in Afg. India's protests are generally countered by Pakistan's promise to do more against the AT. And those are the concessions I am talking about
why indians are so afraid of us???????....although they have much better stuff in their armed forces but still they start crying on any development or aid for Pakistan....ufsoooosssss

Oh so military weapons that will be pointed at Indian's

And could be used to kill Indian's are not a matter of concern to India.

it would be irresponsible to take no action.

Then to do all it can to stop such acquisitions.

India has its own assets in Europe , Russia and US.

It is simply using them to defeat Pakistani interests
I dont want to get indulge into who is crying baby and who is not.. but one thing is sure from audit's perpective.. whatever money you get, you need to give the expenses for all of money and those all expenses should be aligned with the purpose.. if those calculation fails and that too international money then either money is gone in Politician's pocket or somewhere else.. and whole world is wondering for WoT aids recieved by Pakistan...
You r one of my favourite posters, but seriously man tell me how Pakistan end up giving more concessions to America?????:hitwall:
It is America who needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs America..
If Pakistan does not corporate in Afghanistan, than America will lose the war on which it has spent more than a trillion dollars.:dance3::lock:

Think buddy think!!! this is all i can say...Don't look for next 2-5 years....Think beyond that....Policies that nation put forward are not short term(atleast they should not be)...Please tell me what leverage you would have once NATO moves out of AF??? Let me help you a bit....

Do you think in next 2-5 years you would be able to pull out your economy from the sorry state that you are in??? No you need more time for that...First you need to stablize your country and only then you can think of investors willing to invest in your country...For prolonged investment you need to improve your infrastructure...Now again think where that money would come from...India your arch rival has a booming economy and is modernizing all three forces(IAF, IN, IA) at a rapid speed...Just look at the things that are being inducted/plan to be inducted in next 5 years.....Now again think how will you keep up with your development and maintain the balance??? After all this tell me do you honestly think that US needs Pakistan more than what Pakistan needs are???

Mind it i am not taking cheap shots...i am sure Pakistan will bouce back however your assertion that US needs Pakistan than Pakistan needs for US is unfortunately suffering from myopic view...
I dont want to get indulge into who is crying baby and who is not.. but one thing is sure from audit's perpective.. whatever money you get, you need to give the expenses for all of money and those all expenses should be aligned with the purpose.. if those calculation fails and that too international money then either money is gone in Politician's pocket or somewhere else.. and whole world is wondering for WoT aids received by Pakistan...

Man u need to understand than no audit work in front of IR. Such things r only political statements to satisfy others. For Example in 80's America knew that Pakistan is going for nukes but it kept on saying that they will not permit Pakistan as a Nuclear Power. Same is the case here.
even if the 18 F 16s are not stopped, India's "crying" will allow US to extract more concessions from Pakistan than otherwise.. Net Net, the result is same.. Pakistan weakens...

If this is what you think you guys are seriously mistaken, there is nothing that Pakistan would do for those F-16s. Pakistan has already made it clear its not going to start another operation if thats what you are pointing towards. US diplomacy does not run around Indian ambitions.
Those F-16s will reach Pakistan irrespective of Indian whining because in the end its all a diplomatic move, even India understands it cannot stop the US from not delivering these jets and also India will not base its relationship with the US solely on the delivery of these jets.
If this is what you think you guys are seriously mistaken, there is nothing that Pakistan would do for those F-16s. Pakistan has already made it clear its not going to start another operation if thats what you are pointing towards. US diplomacy does not run around Indian ambitions.
Those F-16s will reach Pakistan irrespective of Indian whining because in the end its all a diplomatic move, even India understands it cannot stop the US from not delivering these jets and also India will not base its relationship with the US solely on the delivery of these jets.


Are you saying that you are getting these birds without giving anything back??? I hope not.. and believe that's what Pride means....Whatever you are giving back(opening new front or more active support etc etc) which will weaken taliban hold in AF will serve India's interests...When we whine(diplomacy is the right move) it gives US another tool to put pressure on Pak...Look we are going out of the way to help you so you got to do the same....Simple isn't it???

No doubt it increases our headache too but then its all diplomatic tussle....Sometimes you win and sometimes us...net net only US wins :cheers:
Man u need to understand than no audit work in front of IR. Such things r only political statements to satisfy others. For Example in 80's America knew that Pakistan is going for nukes but it kept on saying that they will not permit Pakistan as a Nuclear Power. Same is the case here.

Mate you are right on some point..but the major issue in current scenario is when aid money is not declared to anyone (leave Indian counterpart aside) where that money is gone? Is that really getting used for WoT or money is used again for buying arms? Why Pakistan is afraid of giving a full report to the world and Indian policymakers are trying to make it a big issue of the same hence future aids may be affected... So again Pakistan is losing a diplomatic battle...
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