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Indian Expert: Pakistan 'expanding nuclear arsenal to deter US attack'

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Do you know the meaning of hitting china my dear?

U.S cannot afford this.

Hitting China diplomatically. During Cuba missile crisis America openly announced any attack by Cuba will be considered attack by USSR!

If such things happens, it will bring more good for India with too many concessions and perks. ;)
Hitting China diplomatically. During Cuba missile crisis America openly announced any attack by Cuba will be considered attack by USSR!

If such things happens, it will bring more good for India with too many concessions and perks. ;)

Now it is not possible for them to hit even diplomatically.
Hitting China diplomatically. During Cuba missile crisis America openly announced any attack by Cuba will be considered attack by USSR!

If such things happens, it will bring more good for India with too many concessions and perks. ;)

You don't realize what you are talking about my friend.

What 'leverage' does the U.S have on China?

Hint: Count the 'leverages' China has over the United States... ;)

Who controls/would be controlling the precious Earth metals in the future?:azn:
You don't realize what you are talking about my friend.

What 'leverage' does the U.S have on China?

Hint: Count the 'leverages' China has over the United States... ;)

Who controls/would be controlling the precious Earth metals in the future?:azn:

No.... Most of the Chinese investments and shares are in US what can they do if US freezes them all
and US has as many Leverages like chinese do,
Do you think Saudi Arabia Or Iran has more oil in the world... then you are wrong it's US who has the oil,
they have the oil in their storage all most from all the countries who pump oil
The Missiles that r in the arsenal of Pakistan r atleast 4500-5000 km for Shaheen III that was tested for the first time in 2004.
It is said in a US report that time around mid 2000s that Pak covers entire area within indian union including Port Blair in the Andoman&necorobar Islands.

These tests that were held in few weeks back was just a excersice launch of Ghauri 2 which Pak already has!!!.

The reports of its crash etc i dont really by it as it was the launch of a already tested and in service missile not anything new!!!.

Even yr own media says the same too, that Pak missiles covers entire india n r the biggest thread to indian cities, even to the East as well.
Talk before knowing anything and doing little research first u sound like a bunch of losers and jahil!!!.

Indian BMD system is the biggest threat to those missiles...


and Agni V have a range of atleast 8000 kms for you to know
No One said Pakistan Doesn't have the rights......
and I don't think you have any missile that counter entire India, Correct me If i'm wrong
i heard the last test you made can strike only upto Bangalore, What about south of Bangalore then?
And the Missile test was a failure by Western Intel, there were lots of signs for it, reports claim some part of the Nuts and Bolts fell in the villages of Pakistan and the Missile fell in Iran...

To tell you the truth our missiles cannot even reach Bangalore, we have floated all that information about Shaheen II that covers entire India and then some just to scare India into a stalemate. Even our ALCM is actually a gravity bomb.

China would never make that Mistake because we would arm Vietnam which they don't want

You do not even have enough arms yourself to counter China, let alone the dream of arming any of her enemies especially when China has a much better ABM system then you.
An ICBM will bring sanctions on Pakistan which it can't afford in its current economic condition and worsening economic condition leads to social instability.

So kindly think long lasting and deep effect of such development.

How do you reckon? What laws would Pakistan be violating by testing and fielding an ICBM?
To tell you the truth our missiles cannot even reach Bangalore, we have floated all that information about Shaheen II that covers entire India and then some just to scare India into a stalemate. Even our ALCM is actually a gravity bomb.

You do not even have enough arms yourself to counter China, let alone the dream of arming any of her enemies especially when China has a much better ABM system then you.

Well It's good to hear an Pakistani member talks the reality
and yes i Accept we don't have enough weapons to counter China but that doesn't mean we wouldn't do..... may be we could sell them our future ships and help them to develop missiles to counter China as they are doing the same to Pakistan....
I don't think so China is arming Pakistan without getting money from you guys right, that's the same thing i'm talking about
No.... you're taking it very lightly, Transferring ICBM to Pakistan is a very sensitive matter from both India and US... US will sanction Pakistan again, and another guy said th US did the same with their Nuclear program and later lifted the restrictions.... ya but US's approach to Pakistan is not the same as it was in 90s........even if Pakistan makes one to hit as far as Europe then there would be a big reactions from the west...... and ya if you give DF-41 to Pakistan India would arm Vietnam with Missile that could reach entire china from Vietnam, or else China would have armed them long ago

Why would transfer of ICBM's to Pakistan worry India? Does that make any sense at all?

Did you forget what happened to the Nuke storage base back in some months.... they're clearly not safe, that's what most of the countries are afraid

No....what happened?
Shaheen 3 program is been terminated acc to WIKI

According to Abdul Qadeer Khan, funding for Shaheen 3 was stopped by Musharraf when development was 50% complete in 2000. Since AKQ was sidelined quite early (even as early as 2001), he wouldn't really know what happened afterwards.

Anyway, there is general consensus that funding has been focused on the more advanced solid fuel Missiles series Shaheen ever since.
Remember Cuba missile crisis, America will directly hit at China if she provides DF-41 to Pakistan.

Wouldn't that be like taking on 2 enemies simultaneously, both of which have enough Nuclear weapons to annihilate US.....some would consider even the notion to be extremely stupid. For a sane conclusion, it would ensure that the US exerts self restraint on matters in which the US gives itself liberty usually, even though it may mean breaking numerous international laws.
Nice Joke, Do you even know what you are writing..... Shaheen 3 was never tested, the program was canceled.. your missiles max is just 2000 to 2500, it may be covering whole india but what's the use we just tested world's best Anti-missile system successfully

You just tested the world's best anti-missile system? Gosh, if self declaration was in fashion, you would be ..... ah well, you'd still be a nobody. Anyway, I wonder what kind of ABM system can even begin to engage an extremely fast, super maneuverable, ABM dodging missile that can change even it's terminal position many times!

Anyway good luck with our Shaheen 1A, let alone any of the later versions/variants.
Wouldn't that be like taking on 2 enemies simultaneously, both of which have enough Nuclear weapons to annihilate US.....some would consider even the notion to be extremely stupid. For a sane conclusion, it would ensure that the US exerts self restraint on matters in which the US gives itself liberty usually, even though it may mean breaking numerous international laws.

The Cuban missle crisis was a real event, and the Soviets were much less economically intertwined with the West than China is.

If China was any bit as bold as the Soviets, they would have done it already.

20 nuclear bombs is not really a deterrance against an opponent who has 10,000 nuclear bombs.
what good is it even if a country have 10,000 nukes..how many nukes do u suppose a country can use in a full fledged war??make a guess..both countries would be a grave yard with 2 or 3 nukes..ofcourse depends on the size too..
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