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I am going to book TATA Nexon... :D
View attachment 908296
Idiots have brought their obsession with personal cars into this thread too. But after all this Capitalism-oriented thread is suited for such idiotic talk.

5 - 7 k type EASY emi pe bhi le sakta hai, better just pay cash and save on interest but you could take out a loan too.

Neither "Royal" ( monarchy ) should exist nor should the noisy Bullet motorcycle nor should interest-based economics or money system at all since you speak about EMI.

What is the point of the dhadh-dhadh noise-making Bullet bike ? What do the riders want to say or show ?
Neither "Royal" ( monarchy ) should exist nor should the noisy Bullet motorcycle nor should interest-based economics or money system at all since you speak about EMI.

What is the point of the dhadh-dhadh noise-making Bullet bike ? What do the riders want to say or show ?
Dunia ka oldest brand hai, kept alive all these post war years in India by a loyal cult following, and being taken to the next level now under Mr Laal's excellent leadership.

Look at those classic curves, man.. I thought you were a fan of curves !

The dhad-dhad is the old classic, sadly only comes in a 350cc variant now.. can't wait for a bigger displacement classic, mazaa aa jayings !
Idiots have brought their obsession with personal cars into this thread too. But after all this Capitalism-oriented thread is suited for such idiotic talk.
So you Want us take a slow moving, stinking,cramped bus for long distance travel when we can travel comfortably and safely in our cars? No thanks, I'll pass

Neither "Royal" ( monarchy ) should exist nor should the noisy Bullet motorcycle nor should interest-based economics or money system at all since you speak about EMI.

What is the point of the dhadh-dhadh noise-making Bullet bike ? What do the riders want to say or show ?
Says the dude who owns hero splendor

So you Want us take a slow moving, stinking,cramped bus for long distance travel when we can travel comfortably and safely in our cars? No thanks, I'll pass

What is the problem in manufacturing some tens of thousands of 30-passenger comfortable buses and making them more in frequency of travel in cities ? And this will be for people's regular use. In case you want to go alone to an eatery and are dressed up or want to go to the airport with your luggage or want to go in company of a special one, use a taxi. Simples.

Says the dude who owns hero splendor

Who told you that ? I don't own any personal vehicle. My brother owns a car and a motorcycle but when I travel for any personal reason I go by autorickshaw.
What is the problem in manufacturing some tens of thousands of 30-passenger comfortable buses and making them more in frequency of travel in cities ? And this will be for people's regular use. In case you want to go alone to an eatery and are dressed up or want to go to the airport with your luggage or want to go in company of a special one, use a taxi. Simples.
The level of privacy and comfort which a car gives you cannot be offered by public transport
Who told you that ? I don't own any personal vehicle. My brother owns a car and a motorcycle but when I travel for any personal reason I go by autorickshaw.
Revolution begins at home. Force your brother to sell his car and motorcycle
The level of privacy and comfort which a car gives you cannot be offered by public transport

And why do you need privacy every day when going to work place and back ? I already described some situations where privacy is desired but regular commute does not need privacy. Why do you want to cut off from fellow citizens every day two times or multiple times ? And it is not just you saying this but millions of others and what is the result ? Kilometers of traffic jams many days.
Bangalore :


Look at those motorcycle riders squeezing between every space and adding to the jam.

Delhi :


Bombay :


What would have been the very simple, scientific and rational solution to the above problem ? Just abolish personal vehicles in favor of buses and taxis. Tens of thousands of these in conjunction with optimized work environments and corrections in culture like weddings to be only done in courts with only five people being present - bride and groom, two witnesses, notary - and then prohibitions on people needlessly going to religious buildings, such things... are much better than the chaos, crime, injuries and deaths, pollution and disharmony that comes through allowing hundreds of millions of personal vehicles.

But what is being done ? That idiotic bike taxi company Rapido. And there is another idiotic business coming up in Bangalore which I read on LinkedIn. An American company whose name I forgot, provides helicopter transport within American cities for those who can afford short hops, is bringing that set up to Bangalore. Helicopter rides between Bangalore new airport and old airport with drops in between, and each passenger will be charged IIRC 3500 rupees. Why ? To avoid the massive traffic jams below. :lol: The traffic jams exist because of the massive number of personal vehicles. According to news from four days ago there are 10.3 million vehicles in Bangalore in total for a human population of 10.25 million and every day 5000 vehicles are added. Much of this vehicle count will be of personal vehicles - cars and two-wheelers. Soon the number of vehicles in Bangalore will exceed the number of humans. :lol: That helicopter trip above Bangalore's traffic that costs 3500 rupees one way which most people cannot afford, need not exist if personal vehicles are simply banned which will remove the traffic jams entirely and the citizens will travel only in buses and taxis smoothly. Problem solved.

Revolution begins at home. Force your brother to sell his car and motorcycle

I have mentioned occasionally at home that personal vehicles are the problem and must be banned. It is often the case that the desi family set up is not the most intellectual of set ups and the sensible people will be listened to, just like @-=virus=- wants to do Ha Has to my call on banning personal vehicles globally which not only produce the problems I listed to you but also caused the massive Pakistan floods some months ago and are melting glaciers in the Andes mountains 13,000 kilometers away in South America.

The best way is to collaborate with people who understand things calmly and at big picture level and enable abolition of personal vehicles at societal level. Both my brother and Virus will have to accept that situation and modify their situations accordingly. :)
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