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Indian Denial Accepting Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as Separate Religions

Random ignorants need to believe that others are as fanatics as them.

Infact they need to believe that to justify their fanaticism. Like Pakistanis give example of Babri Mosque demolition to Justify the destruction of thousands of temple and killing Minorities.
All three eyes conveniently left out the first par in the Wikipedia:

The Mahar Regiment is an Infantry Regiment of the Indian Army. Although it was originally intended to be a regiment consisting of troops from the Mahars in Maharashtra, the Mahar Regiment is one of the only regiments in the Indian Army that is composed of troops from all communities and regions of India.

What ails thee ?

In post no 93 you said The Brigade Of Guards is the only mixed class Regiment of the IA - I pointed out another.

You had a concern for the Battle Cry - I solved it for you.

Will you stop being a Mother - in- Law now ?

Do some research before waffling all over..Please.

P>S> I did not quote Wiki either.
Only an Ignorant Idiot will make such a statement in PDF. Using the prefix "If" in that statement is most objectionable.

That is why I told you that you guys lacks the reason. When you loose argument you either tell others nonsense or it is a blasphemy. What you are facing is a result of not accepting the truth and reasons. Wait, your country is going to be a next Pakistan or Syria or Iraq. I foresee all indication.
Hinduism too as its share prophets - rishis, "holy books" -sruthi as smrithi and SOP - Agama texts etc but does not qualify Hinduism from not being a hotch potch, mumbo jumbo religion.

The concept of your so called "dharma" / " righteous way" exist in all religions , but its interpretation is subjective. The concept of attaining heaven by fighting a righteous war (jihad) is there in Hinduism (refer Mahabharata)

Even in Hinduism the concept of dharma is not clearly defined, Manu smrithi constitutes the Hindu Dharma-shastras and Manu was racist to the core , who assigned the caste system how righteous was Manu ??

The Hindu philosophy is based upon the vedas and Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism reject the vedas so where is the common paradigm ?

A simplistic concept of heaven and hell exist in all religion and don't make a tall claim that its derived from Hinduism

Yes yes please expound your profound knowledge on Hinduism. I just switched off Cartoon Network !! Reading what you write is more entertaining! Please please more of this!!!! :rofl:
That is why I told you that you guys lacks the reason. When you loose argument you either tell others nonsense or it is a blasphemy. What you are facing is a result of not accepting the truth and reasons. Wait, your country is going to be a next Pakistan or Syria or Iraq. I foresee all indication.

Thank you for not saying Rape-ublic of India where half the nation-is fighting its govt. Where the govt itself blasts bombs and kills citizens to manufacture terrorists.
Thank you for not saying Rape-ublic of India where half the nation-is fighting its govt. Where the govt itself blasts bombs and kills citizens to manufacture terrorists.

You again Exposed yourself. Once again you prove that you lack reason. When 2 lakh of your women and girls were raped by your own army (West Pakistan), India (Rape Republic as per you. You spelled it wrong) saved your country and made it an Independent Sovereign Nation. Had you any sense of decency, you would not have used these words for a country which lost its 4000 soldier and tax their citizens to create and support your country. But We can expect this from you. I know the reason.

By the way all the generals involved in liberating your country were non Hindus. Sam manekshaw a Parsi, Jagjit singh Aurora A Shikh and general Jacob a christian. Hope this may en-light you about the subject matter why they are equal citizens as Hindus in India and India has never denied shikhism, Jainism or any other religion. They originated from Indian soil and so part of Hinduism.
Would it be acceptable if the name of the Hindu Marriage Act was changed to Buddhist or Sikh or Jain Marriage Act and made applicable to all four religions ………….. after all, all these are Dharmic religions!

Can Hindu law cover Sikhs, Jains, asks SC
Dhananjay Mahapatra, TNN Nov 13, 2012, 05.45AM IST

NEW DELHI: If Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism are separate and distinct religions, can followers of these faiths be bracketed as Hindus under the Constitution and be governed by Hindu personal law, the Supreme Court asked before issuing notice to the Centre and attorney general G E Vahanvati.

Sikh scholar Birendra Kaur in her petition questioned the constitutional and past legislative attempts to obliterate identities of separate faiths by recognizing them under the broad religious connotation of Hindus. She said this negated the constitutional guarantee to each individual to practice and propagate the religion of his/her choice.

'Kaur's petition an expression of frustration'

The Punjab and Haryana high court had dismissed with caustic observations a petition by Sikh scholar Birendra Kaur questioning the constitutional and past legislative attempts to obliterate identities of separate faiths by recognizing them under the broad religious connotation of Hindus, but an SC bench of Chief Justice Altamas Kabir and Justices S S Nijjar and J Chelameswar not only entertained her appeal but also framed the question for adjudication.

"This petition is seeking to express and make clear the frustration and disappointment of a large part of the Sikh community which feels its identity as Sikh is undermined by certain clauses and titles of certain statutes which club Sikhs under the definition of Hindu," senior advocateClin Gonsalves argued.

The SC said, "Issue notice on the question as to whether the inclusion of people professing the Sikh, Jain or Buddhist faiths could be included in the enactments relating exclusively to persons professing the Hindu religion, within the ambit of Explanation II to Article 25(2) of the Constitution. Let notice be issued separately to the AG also, to be served both through the ministry of minority affairs as also through the central agency, returnable six weeks hence." However, the petitioners said a constitutional mischief arose through Explanation II, which said, "The reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jain or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly." The petition said making a law applicable to all religions was one thing but it would be discriminatory to refer different religions by the name of a religion.

The petitioner added, "The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, use the word Hindu to include Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and others, even though it is clarified that these are separate religions." Would it be acceptable if the name of the Hindu Marriage Act was changed to Buddhist Marriage Act and made applicable to all four religions, the petitioner asked.

Can Hindu law cover Sikhs, Jains, asks SC - Times Of India
Indians have a fetish for statues ... so dont read too much into Hussain sagar !!


BSP election symbol :omghaha:


Indians are so delusional that they look like schizophrenics. If you ask a person what religion majority Chinese belong too, if he says Hinduism, you would think that person is mad, but that is the official position of Indians on this matter. Indians think Chinese are Hindus..lol

Do you see what sort of nut jobs we are dealing here with. They lie to the core, with a straight face, without any shame.
Hinduism is recently coined term by foreigners (Persians). The actual religion is Vedic religion/'Sanatan Dharma'. The Hindu refers to 'Sindhu river' (Indus river, where India also gets its' name from. Which ironically flows mostly in Pakistan) which was a natural boundary between ancient Persia and India so they called everyone living on east side of this river 'Hindu' so all the religions that originated on east side of the river are Hindu religions and everyone following any of this religion is a Hindu. So Hinduism constitutionally isn't a religion it is a set of 'Dharmik beliefs'. Hence, only the Abrahmic religions are considered different which are mainly missionary religions hoping to 'dominate the world'.

These Pakistanis always need some straws to grasp on to justify their country's existance :)

India was a state created in 1947.....lol, Indus River System is ours, we have been living around it for centuries, you people had your own land and your own river systems. Don't be jealous of us. Lol
Is it not interesting to note that, here we are having a debate and saying everybody falls in the same fold and across the border most discussions are on how they do not belong to the same fold :D
I fail to understand, since when Muslims have become so sympathetic to Sikhs?? I read Muslims boiled SIKH GURUS in hot water to death. ashamed

Well it was not modern days then what has happened suddenly??

There was never any operation like Bluestar in Pakistan; then why is condition of the SIKH community in Pakistan so pathetic??

Why do hundreds of Sikhs from Pakistan from their ancestral homes come over to India for refugee??

Why is the Sikh Percentage in Pakistan dropped in Pakistan since Partition?
There is still couple of questions in my mind but I would request a sane MUSLIM to answer my questions one by one.
Discussing Hinduism / Dharmic religionswith Abrahmic religion followers is like teaching Linux to an Ipad user. The fundamentals are so different that Hinduism simply cannot be squeezed into Abrahmic terminology without it being unrecognizably mutilated. While Dharmic sects, especially Hinduism is infinitely customizable, conformity is the name of the game for Abrahmic religions.

The fundamental differences:

1. No concept of Anthropomorphic God in Hinduism

2. No gospel / word of God

3. No chosen prophet to transmit God's instructions to mere mortals

4. No correct path

5. No concept of salvation

5. No concept of sin

6. And finally, no distinction between the creator and the created.

Dharmic religions share many of the features of Hinduism and are therefore different from Abrahmic religions on a fundamental, design plane.
The fundamental differences:

2. No gospel / word of God

3. No chosen prophet to transmit God's instructions to mere mortals

just in case you are not aware - the Bhagavad Gita is supposed to be spoken by Hindu God and the Guru is suppose to be the mediator between man and God . I am not going waste time refuting the rest of your points ..
just in case you are not aware - the Bhagavad Gita is supposed to be spoken by Hindu God and the Guru is suppose to be the mediator between man and God . I am not going waste time refuting the rest of your points ..

We need not discuss it any further because it is very clear that you don't know the first thing about Hinduism... So Srimad Bhagwadgita is spoken by Hindu God?

Guru, a mediator??? looks like some commercial "guru" has pulled a fast one over you.
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