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Indian defence & religion

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The world is not ideal. Every culture has its own quirky practices that lend the uniqueness and color to it. Doing away with it leaves a bland robotic process with no spice,color in it. This is our culture, our tradition and as such must be maintained.

Right side brain is necessary for the optimal utilization of left side.

Nobody is telling you to do away your culture but you have only been asked not to impose your culture on others. You'd not want your neighbour to play death metal in full volume at midnight, would you, even if that's his/her culture?
Nobody is telling you to do away your culture but you have only been asked not to impose your culture on others. You'd not want your neighbour to play death metal in full volume at midnight, would you, even if that's his/her culture?

No body is imposing anything on anyone. Pray tell me how running a new army vehicle over lemons on its first drive or breaking a coconut on the hull of the ship during its commissioning is imposing your culture on others ?

Hell even that coconut is broken only by a woman traditionally in IN..so is that imposing the culture on men ?

Re the death metal, I feel azaan is worse than death metal at 5.30 in the morning. It assaults my senses directly, yet I put up with it. So it is not much of an issue for the others to put up with this.
Alas you can't even get tough on the internet .

I am living in more civilized commune than yours where normally crushing of coconuts on the ground is done on religious events where people come out to celebrate and share coconut as Prasad.

We are talking public religious rituals here ,not inconvenient arsing out of bad behavior.

I'm part of the public in this case and I don't subscribe to these ritual, and find it idiotic. So if want crushing coconut will make the rocket not to veer off-course, the do it in your home.
Fortunately, the other 99% of Tamil Nadu thinks differently.

Would your hostility have anything to do with his withering contempt for Tamil Brahmins?

The many consists of four. What conclusions are you trying to draw from a sample of four? And have you checked out how many of the Jewish Nobel Laureates are atheist?

You are right. Some asinine comments are simply not worth dealing with.

She said that she did not care either way, being agnostic, but felt it was preposterous that the entire matter was taken for granted, and that her consent, indeed, the whole team's consent, was assumed.

On checking in an Open House, most people, mostly Hindus, felt that it was a waste of time. A crestfallen Admin. Officer cancelled the ritual.

99% of TamilNadu,please.

Most people dont,all it took was some fair skin and propoganda for MGR to rout the the idealogically perfect iconoclastic DMK,

Even in the good old days, the Justice party won jackshit,people kept on voting for the Congress.

The only reason people voted for DMK was rice getting expensive due to a drought in 1965 and the emotional blackmailing of the DMK rousing linguistic pride.

As always Joe Shearer, you have zero knowledge about the actual reality and you read your newspapers and make superficial opinions.
I'm part of the public in this case and I don't subscribe to these ritual, and find it idiotic. So if want crushing coconut will make the rocket not to veer off-course, the do it in your home.

Who claimed so ?

No one claimed they have any scientific logic behind that. Please read through all pages before going back to square one.

I'm sure while you moved into your own home or your relatives moved into theirs they held a house warming ceremony with certain rituals. Why ? It's again a tradition. If you don't like it, fine. Let others who believe in it, do it as long,however they want,as long as it is not imposed on you.
No body is imposing anything on anyone. Pray tell me how running a new army vehicle over lemons on its first drive or breaking a coconut on the hull of the ship during its commissioning is imposing your culture on others ?

Hell even that coconut is broken only by a woman traditionally in IN..so is that imposing the culture on men ?

Re the death metal, I feel azaan is worse than death metal at 5.30 in the morning.

It will not be imposing as long as the car is yours, but sadly you don't own ISRO nor do the scientists. It's public property.

Azaan in loudspeaker in non-Muslim areas need to be stopped too. Though I rarely have heard about this nuisance.
Nobody is telling you to do away your culture but you have only been asked not to impose your culture on others. You'd not want your neighbour to play death metal in full volume at midnight, would you, even if that's his/her culture?

Dude that's different.. Hindus/Buddhists ring bells, Christians ring bells, Muslims have the call of Azan in the mornings and evenings etc. Shiiet it shouldn't even be a problem if Christians started blessing ships and missiles with Holy Water.. the ideology is symbolic, it has nothing to do with imposing another religion on the other.
What kind of wacko would hurt his sentiment for Bhumi pooja ritual or breaking coconut during a celebration of a hindu festival??

I know idiots who wont come out of the hostel rooms or apartment building to join some pooja ,but thats their individual choices.

But people opposing some harmless hindu religious celebration or ritual on the ground that it " might " hurt some minorities sentiment... I've yet meet to such wackos . That 'cause they are so rare to find.I'm sure even the minorities don't agree with them .
It will not be imposing as long as the car is yours, but sadly you don't own ISRO nor do the scientists. It's public property.

If any of the scientists feel about it let them write to the Govt. I'm sure the law of the land is upto the task.

If they are ok with it, I dont understand why you , who has no connection whatsoever with ISRO, is getting fidgety.

Just don't take secularism (or the desi version of it) to its extreme so much so that people start hating it or make it dogmatic as religions themselves.
Jokers ?..got your nerve pricked Mr.Joe ?

Why I posted the Buddhist monks doing Bhumi Puja ? To expose your claims about these Pujas being exclusive to Hinduism and alienates other minority.

No, I am referring to your habit of speaking on behalf of all belonging to all Indic religions. When anyone else makes a generalisation, you seem to object strenuously.

Un-necessary victim hood complex for which I feel sorry. In our workplace we celebrate Diwali and Xmas with the same gaiety and the Muslims perform namaz in the office itself during Ramzan. We don't have any inhibitions,complexes, in-securites about anything. Unfortunately for you, majority of Indians, even minorities don't have this teeming insecurity about these rituals. So I can discard you as a one-off case and go on. But it is more imperative that you be made aware of that fact.

There can be no logical objection to a voluntary and internal acceptance of each other. The problem arises when people are taken for granted, and formalities are couched in ways that smack of parochial intimidation.

Oh btw I see now the filter has reduced from Hindus as a whole to middle class and upper class.Keep going until you arrive at the magic word "Brahmin". :)

It is more likely to end up with the upper castes, the Rajputs, Baniyas and Brahmins.

Un-necessary verbiage, exhibit # n.

One man's meat, another man's poison.
No, I am referring to your habit of speaking on behalf of all belonging to all Indic religions. When anyone else makes a generalisation, you seem to object strenuously.

Maybe because my generalization actually has some sense rather than some other's ? Unfortunately for you , majority of the practioners of the Indic religions don't have the concept of majority or minority and they get along fine with each other's rituals as their own even if a distinct identity is maintained. All four Indic religions derive from the same underlying Sanatan Dharma with their own refinements. Cousins, if you will. So next time you try to generalize try limiting yourself to the practioners of Abrahamic religions,some of whose sentiments get hurt at the drop of a hat and have a permanent insecurity vis-a-vis the Indic religions and its traditions in India.

There can be no logical objection to a voluntary and internal acceptance of each other. The problem arises when people are taken for granted, and formalities are couched in ways that smack of parochial intimidation.

Again this is our interpretation that arises due to your innate (unwarranted) insecurity and a possible supremacist attitude that looks at these pagan rituals with disdain. Don't impose your viewpoint as a fact or that of others. If you have any studies that proves your claim we can go forward, else I dont see any sense in this continuing tutu mein mein.

It is more likely to end up with the upper castes, the Rajputs, Baniyas and Brahmins.

I'm surprised at your generosity. Only that there are no classification as Rajput or baniya among south Indians who make the bulk of the ISRO,DRDO cadre.
Azaan in the morning & Church bells are no issue,

I never see people complaining about it.I know religious people in all religions and they are always nice,

it is only the god less marxists who have a dogged agenda to undermine us.

I am against anything brought to the streets in the name of religion. Azaan or church bells or the dec month early morning hindu religious songs blaring at every street corners. And I hate Marxism to the core. But I am an athiest. So do not generalize.
lolz... I can see frustration building up, why don't you go back to your venture and force people to not do anything religious, why troll here? If this was the point, why did you discuss so much, you could have simply put up a point that it would have been better if due consultations were done with minority? :blink:

You will see from my posts that I do not lose my patience in dealing with ignorance and prejudice. Displays of anger then become an excuse for people to back out, or to get angry, and to evade issues raised.

In my opinion, those points had to be discussed threadbare, not for you, but for others, who seemed confused. Also ill-read. Which is why all the detail.
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Why is it so difficult for some people to grasp that the culture of this land derives itself from the Indic religions and the traditions still play a very important role in the day to day life of the people - individually and collectively ? Maybe for that you need an open mind, a sense of reality and tolerance which seems to be lacking in the same people masquerading as liberals.

The desi version of secularism is not the start and end of India. The traditions are much much older than that.
99% of TamilNadu,please.

Most people dont,all it took was some fair skin and propoganda for MGR to rout the the idealogically perfect iconoclastic DMK,

Even in the good old days, the Justice party won jackshit,people kept on voting for the Congress.

The only reason people voted for DMK was rice getting expensive due to a drought in 1965 and the emotional blackmailing of the DMK rousing linguistic pride.

As always Joe Shearer, you have zero knowledge about the actual reality and you read your newspapers and make superficial opinions.

Aren't you oversimplying the reasons for the Congress defeat? If rice shortage and hindi agitation were the two reasons Congress lost, then you would have seen Congress still powerful today and would have ruled Tamilnadu anytime in the past 47 years. The fair skinned MGR would not have won the elections if he joined Congress.

And about Periyar - there are certain beliefs(or for that matter most beliefs) of his which I do not subscribe to but I have respect for him as he was not a hypocrite - Atleast he hated christianism and islamism in the similar way he hated hinduism.
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