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Indian Defence acquisitions council has okayed the purchase of S-400 long range missile systems

i have posted in china defence section but here it is
this is the third accident of J-10 in flight tests in less than 1 year since last November accident. This time it loaded with missiles. Plus 1 J10S crashed in May with 2 KIA.
Pilot survives after Chinese military jet crashes into hillside on training flight

PUBLISHED : Monday, 12 October, 2015, 1:35pm
UPDATED : Monday, 12 October, 2015, 1:35pm

Liu Zhen


The pilot's parachute at the crash site. Photo: CCTV

A Chinese air force pilot parachuted to safety from low altitude moments before his fighter aircraft crashed into a hillside, state media reported.

He was taking part in a night training exercise when his aircraft suffered an engine failure, but he managed to steer his fighter away from two nearby residential areas before ejecting from the plane, state television reported.

The aircraft had rapidly fallen from an altitude of 3,000 metres to 1,500 metres before the control tower ordered the pilot to bail out.

Debris at the scene of the accident. Photo: CCTV

The plane crashed into a hill and the pilot, Li Tong, was said to be suffering from spinal injuries after his parachute landing.

READ MORE: PLA fighter jet on possible test flight crashes into building in Chengdu

The report did not say when or where the accident happened.

The pilot ejected from the aircraft about 350 metres above the ground, according to the report.

Quite a few accidents are happening with J-10,and which is more interesting,China with its all secrecy couldn't hide all of these accidents.I think around 8-10 J-10 crashes has been reported.
Till the 1990s the challenge was the meet the range and warhead carrying capacity for the missile. But from 2002 onwards the focus has been on accuracy of hit or hit to kill. This requires special technologies such as infrared and radio frequency seekers embedded in the missiles with high precision homing devices. Besides the ballistic missile defence, we have plans for a space-based surveillance radar system which could track any missile.

LRDE scientists have been always ahead of their time. Phased Array design, Engineering of hardware and development of PCMs for Multimode Radar paved the way to develop weapon control radar Rajendra for Akash Weapon System. INDRA-I, INDRA-II with Pulse Compression and Rajendra radars rolled out in this era of uncertainties and challenges.

The unprecedented growth of LRDE during the second half of the Golden Jubilee period is due to multitude of enticing or compelling scenarios. Needless to say that the design, development and delivery of INDRA series radars, followed by Rajendra Phased Array Radar, WLR, BFSR-SR, 3D CAR, ROHINI, REVATHI, 3D-TCR, BHARANI, ASLESHA, XV-2004 and still counting, is the true reflector of maturity of LRDE, not only in the mastering of ground based, airborne and ship borne complex radar systems, but also practice of concurrent system engineering, R&D � Industry Partnership and Professional approach to Technology & Project Management. The user�s unflinching faith has transformed LRDE as a force to reckon with. Many of such radars are now accepted or inducted by the users.

The present day quoted technologies such as Multibeam Antennas, Phased Arrays, Slotted waveguide and Patch arrays, High Speed Computing Programmable Signal and Data Processors, high purity RF sources, wide band coherent multi channel receivers, high power coherent transmitters find their roots traced back to the two decades spanning 1970 - 1990.

Rajendra Radar: Rajendra, multifunction phased array radar, is the primary sensor at battery level for Akash SAM system - an air defence system for the Indian Army as part of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). The radar has the capability to perform extensive search, track multiple targets and missiles, and to command and guide own multiple missile concurrently. The radar system, mounted on two tracked vehicles – Battery Level Radar (BLR) and Battery Control Center (BCC), is available to tactical forces for all types of operations with matching mobility. The radar has the flexibility to work in Group or Autonomous mode, and it has UHF communication facility to support Group mode of operation.
You fail to understand the requirement of the early warning system like FPS-115 LPAR system by Raytheon fielded by taiwan, with a range of 5,000km (3,100nm), and it is able to track a golf ball-sized target out to 3,000km as early warning LPR. If the thread is detected 95% job is done and rest 5% is to track and destroy with the ABM PDV/AAD/Akash. LTRE have to work on this type field to safe gaurd the country from the nuclear threat. Yes we have plans for a space-based surveillance radar system which could track any missile fired which is important as the early warning system but all the data collected from these sensors needs to centralized and linked to form the system, and the center for fire and control system to analysed the speed, trajectory, heat signature to identify the threat/missile and the location of the target so that ABM deployed there with the radar you mentioned above could target those threats.
You fail to understand the requirement of the early warning system like FPS-115 LPAR system by Raytheon fielded by taiwan, with a range of 5,000km (3,100nm), and it is able to track a golf ball-sized target out to 3,000km as early warning LPR. If the thread is detected 95% job is done and rest 5% is to track and destroy with the ABM PDV/AAD/Akash. LTRE have to work on this type field to safe gaurd the country from the nuclear threat. Yes we have plans for a space-based surveillance radar system which could track any missile fired which is important as the early warning system but all the data collected from these sensors needs to centralized and linked to form the system, and the center for fire and control system to analysed the speed, trajectory, heat signature to identify the threat/missile and the location of the target so that ABM deployed there with the radar you mentioned above could target those threats.

India is now equipped with the technology for advanced surveillance called Sophisticated Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B). This surveillance system is capable to cover the Indian subcontinent’s vast landscape of more than three million square kilometres. It will also cover parts of Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the entire Himalayas. With the help of this system India can easily monitor any movements with increased efficiency in the areas which have been under restricted radar coverage so far.
India is now equipped with the technology for advanced surveillance called Sophisticated Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B). This surveillance system is capable to cover the Indian subcontinent’s vast landscape of more than three million square kilometres. It will also cover parts of Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the entire Himalayas. With the help of this system India can easily monitor any movements with increased efficiency in the areas which have been under restricted radar coverage so far.
Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS–B) is a cooperative surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by air traffic control ground stations as a replacement for secondary radar. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self separation.

Its can be used for trafic control and clash avoidance.

Request Rejected

Now what is the relation between ADS-B and the ABM. Does the missile like Shaheen and Gauri have the device onboard which will broadcast its location to Indians.
Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS–B) is a cooperative surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by air traffic control ground stations as a replacement for secondary radar. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self separation.

Its can be used for trafic control and clash avoidance.

Request Rejected

Now what is the relation between ADS-B and the ABM. Does the missile like Shaheen and Gauri have the device onboard which will broadcast its location to Indians.

When have India launched its first satellite ?

The important Satellites Launched were
Aryabhatta - X-Ray Astronomy - 1975 (Launched from Russia)
Bhaskara - TV Cameras - 1979
Bjaskara 2 - TV Cameras - 1981
Rohini - India's first launch - 1981
SROSS - Scientific Experiments - 1994
IRS Series - Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1988
INSAT Series - Indian National Satellite - TV Relay to remote areas and weather - 1982

SLV - The first Indian Satellite Launch Vehicle - 1980
ASLV - Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle - 1987
PSLV - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - 1994
GSLV - Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - 2000
When have India launched its first satellite ?

The important Satellites Launched were
Aryabhatta - X-Ray Astronomy - 1975 (Launched from Russia)
Bhaskara - TV Cameras - 1979
Bjaskara 2 - TV Cameras - 1981
Rohini - India's first launch - 1981
SROSS - Scientific Experiments - 1994
IRS Series - Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1988
INSAT Series - Indian National Satellite - TV Relay to remote areas and weather - 1982

SLV - The first Indian Satellite Launch Vehicle - 1980
ASLV - Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle - 1987
PSLV - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - 1994
GSLV - Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - 2000
Good you fail to add SSGV-- Super Sonic Glide Vehicle -- Year ??
HSGV - Hypersonic Glide Vehicle --Year ??
Basically it was PAF which halted J-10 induction not China...
China will not hesitate to sell / provide J-11 or higher because their future strategic interest are at stake in Pakistan.
And half a dozen of the prettiest Hollywood heroines and supermodels were after me, begging to be my girlfriends but I said no, I only want tun tun 17 with dsi
2012: china begs paf to buy j-10, turned back
2015: Russia pleads with pakistan to buy su-35 but smart Pakistanis go for 25-year old used f-16s
2018: china offers j-11 but goes back crying
2021: china shamelessly come back again with j-20 and paf mocks then, pointing to supah-advanced mig-21, sorry jf-17
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If true then it means they knew that Pakistan maybe purchasing Su-35 / J-11D or higher series because India don't need that systems in current threat environment as they are already working with Israel and other countries on SAMS.

Source: Indian Defence acquisitions council has okayed the purchase of S-400 long range missile systems
Lol, the PAF would laugh at this comment. They would never consider the purchase of such heavy fighters like Flankers. What they desire are still require at light, reliable craft for interception and CAS.
If the purchase of these missiles is true, than the IAF maybe concerned with threats from stealth aircraft, now or in the near future. As of now only the USAF has stealth aircraft in operation. This is assuming the brochure on the S-400 system is true. This maybe resolved when we learn were the IAF places such systems. I don't forsee them being much use against China since the Himalayas would negate any range advantage this system provides.
Is it for the PAF? well not exactly, this weapon is far to short legged considering it can not be located to close to PAF airspace for concern of anti SAM bubbles which is why the IAF and Army have bulk Akash SAMs.
If none of this is true, then this is stop gap measure for the IAF since they are short fighters for air patrol and years away from a operational MR/LRSAM! and this will reduce the number of opernings in the air space. More choke points means a tighter defence.
Also there may also be said about Russian lobby groups? Perhaps Putin and Modi have more in common?

India doesn't have BM shield and the S-400 has limited ABM capability. ABM is an entire infastructure, because its all about first response, tracking and targeting. First you needs the radars, which are years, away in the case of India, but luckily for India, Israel can and is providing cooperation in this field.
Lol, the PAF would laugh at this comment. They would never consider the purchase of such heavy fighters like Flankers. What they desire are still require at light, reliable craft for interception and CAS.
If the purchase of these missiles is true, than the IAF maybe concerned with threats from stealth aircraft, now or in the near future. As of now only the USAF has stealth aircraft in operation. This is assuming the brochure on the S-400 system is true. This maybe resolved when we learn were the IAF places such systems. I don't forsee them being much use against China since the Himalayas would negate any range advantage this system provides.
Is it for the PAF? well not exactly, this weapon is far to short legged considering it can not be located to close to PAF airspace for concern of anti SAM bubbles which is why the IAF and Army have bulk Akash SAMs.
If none of this is true, then this is stop gap measure for the IAF since they are short fighters for air patrol and years away from a operational MR/LRSAM! and this will reduce the number of opernings in the air space. More choke points means a tighter defence.
Also there may also be said about Russian lobby groups? Perhaps Putin and Modi have more in common?

India doesn't have BM shield and the S-400 has limited ABM capability. ABM is an entire infastructure, because its all about first response, tracking and targeting. First you needs the radars, which are years, away in the case of India, but luckily for India, Israel can and is providing cooperation in this field.

May be the talk of SU35 was for the acquiring the SU35 on the lease basis. Russia need to su35 export despirately, China not interested in SU-35 instead interested in Ibris-E MMR, and Pakistan could not effort to buy heavy flanker but wants Su-35 for safegaurding its Gadawar. So China will buy and give it to pakistan on lease basis.

I don't think there is any need for S-400 in India, because Barak is there for LRSAM, and for ABM S-400 offers limited protection, and india have their home grown aad/pdv shield project.
What kinda radar S-400 uses? Why arent we going for S-500? Its almost ready.
If true then it means they knew that Pakistan maybe purchasing Su-35 / J-11D or higher series because India don't need that systems in current threat environment as they are already working with Israel and other countries on SAMS.
We need it for SAM cover near LAC !!!!
But you guys are working on AAD/PAD with eyes on THAAD, SM-6 etc. Then why S-400 for BMD?

My 1000th post.

AAD PAD are basically anti missile defense system where s 400 has a primary role of anti aircraft. AAD may use in anti aircraft role to a limited range. May be upto 150 KM which is not even Half of what S400 offers. PDV and PAD goes very high to intercept the missile but they have no role in anti aircraft operation like S400.
May be the talk of SU35 was for the acquiring the SU35 on the lease basis. Russia need to su35 export despirately, China not interested in SU-35 instead interested in Ibris-E MMR, and Pakistan could not effort to buy heavy flanker but wants Su-35 for safegaurding its Gadawar. So China will buy and give it to pakistan on lease basis.

I don't think there is any need for S-400 in India, because Barak is there for LRSAM, and for ABM S-400 offers limited protection, and india have their home grown aad/pdv shield project.

Source: Indian Defence acquisitions council has okayed the purchase of S-400 long range missile systems | Page 6
Wow none of what you just typed makes any sense. I don't know of a Su-35 lease but I do know is that Gawadar is NOT going to be protected against India, because India can do everything to it from India. China will not in the near term or long term future want a base in Pakistan. May want to make port calls in Gawadar but a actual base would not only piss of India but also break the constitution of Pakistan. If it happens, that PLA has a base in SA, it would send defence spending through the rough in India. But fact is China can not protect any base in SA expecially that close to India, hence why isleands bases like Deigo Garcia are preferred.
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