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Indian cricketer angry on 'Baap' kon hai' chant

But as far as we know here is that Baap of Pakistan is China?

How pathetic...but I expect nothing less from a bullshitter:) Grow a pair of balls and show us the clip where Pakistani cricketers say a Muslim can do no sin. I know your lying because in Islam we believe only the Holy Prophets can be sinless, not ordinary people?:) Just like the temple debate, I have checkmated you again.
How pathetic...but I expect nothing less from a bullshitter:) Grow a pair of balls and show us the clip where Pakistani cricketers say a Muslim can do no sin. I know your lying because in Islam we believe only the Holy Prophets can be sinless, not ordinary people?:) Just like the temple debate, I have checkmated you again.
Neither prophets nor peoplenare sinless. You have failed to chcmeckmate anyone let alone me. Muslims can't play chess. It's full of idols. Lol... Google what I told u to.
pagal modi.png

Fallout from defeat:

BCCI told me captain has reservations with my 'style': Kumble:
Fathers day will always be remembered as "BAAP BAAP HOTA HAI"....Thanx to the utter stupidity of some few ex Indian cricketers and some old rusty celebrities. 18 February will be remembered as "Real Father's Day" with the banner head size in history for the longggggg longggggggggg longggggggggggggg times. :woot::welcome::dance3::dance3:
Neither prophets nor peoplenare sinless. You have failed to chcmeckmate anyone let alone me. Muslims can't play chess. It's full of idols. Lol... Google what I told u to.

Not only are you a bullshitter, but you also can't read. In Islam we Muslims believe that the only sinless person is a Prophet, and this cannot apply to an ordinary person. I didn't ask your Hindu opinion on the subject, this is a Muslim belief. Do you understand the difference? Thus, nobody in Pakistan will say that a ordinary Muslim can do no sin. I am a Muslim and I play chess all the time with my friend...so you were debunked again. Grow a pair of balls and show us a clip..otherwise, hush your gums:)
Not only are you a bullshitter, but you also can't read. In Islam we Muslims believe that the only sinless person is a Prophet, and this cannot apply to an ordinary person. I didn't ask your Hindu opinion on the subject, this is a Muslim belief. Do you understand the difference? Thus, nobody in Pakistan will say that a ordinary Muslim can do no sin. I am a Muslim and I play chess all the time with my friend...so you were debunked again. Grow a pair of balls and show us a clip..otherwise, hush your gums:)
ok, you grow a pair of balls.. will you convert back to hinduism if I show you the clip.

So you mean to say that there is no prophet because all men are sinners. if you play chess you are doing idolatory.
ok, you grow a pair of balls.. will you convert back to hinuism if I show you the clip

Why should I convert to Hinduism, a religion which bows down to a monkey?:) No, thank you, my common sense will prevail. In addition, my ancestors were never Hindu to begin with:) From my paternal side, I have Persian ancestry, and from my maternal side I have Arab ancestors. I have asked you three times, and like a coward you don't have the guts to show a clip to prove your point.
it was a fixed match. this is all a plan by bcci to bring cricket back to paksitan.

Why should I convert to Hinduism, a religion which bows down to a monkey?:) No, thank you, my common sense will prevail. In addition, my ancestors were never Hindu to begin with:) From my paternal side, I have Persian ancestry, and from my maternal side I have Arab ancestors. I have asked you three times, and like a coward you don't have the guts to show a clip to prove your point.
if you can bow down to imaginary god, nothing wrong in bowing down to a monkey, because god resides in it also. that's what they all say. your family converted from Hinduism just a 100 or 200 yrs ago.
If you will convert to Hinduism I will show the clip, else google yourself.
if you can bow down to imaginary god, nothing wrong in bowing down to a monkey, because god resides in it also. that's what they all say. your family converted from Hinduism just a 100 or 200 yrs ago.
If you will convert to Hinduism I will show the clip, else google yourself.

How do you know my family converted to Islam 200 years ago...you really are a crackpot fool:) Do you think I give a flying hoot, if you don't believe my ancestry?:) Even if my ancestors were Hindu, I wouldn't have no problem with it, because we have changed for the better. I will never bow down to a monkey, some of my friends in China love to eat it:) When you make a statement then it's your duty to show us evidence.
How do you know my family converted to Islam 200 years ago...you really are a crackpot fool:) Do you think I give a flying hoot, if you don't believe my ancestry?:) Even if my ancestors were Hindu, I wouldn't have no problem with it, because we have changed for the better. I will never bow down to a monkey, some of my friends in China love to eat it:) When you make a statement then it's your duty to show us evidence.
chal bhag- dimag mat kha.. if you are so keen go check it out yourself. I don't ask for proof of your belief and faith. If I want to prove it wrong I go and check it out myself.

If we look deeper into what has happened---it is really a scary moment for the general public on both the sides---.

We see how the indian media has flared up views against the opponents---just torched the dry tinder and let it burn with more rhetoric and hate speech.

I think that this is an eye opening moment for the indian public to see where their media has taken them---I think they should take a step back---and re-assess what has happened to them.

Such viciousness and name calling was not called for---.

I have great praise for Kohli and his team---Dravid---Ganguly---Gavaskar and many other top indian cricketers who kept their cool and who accepted the results gracefully---and were not combatative before the finals either---.

If you can look back and assess things---you will begin to understand how ONE INFLUENTIAL PERSONALITY can rile up the massess into a frenzy of hate and anger.

This match result is a thoughtful moment for indians and pakistanis as well---just to undertsand where this kind of rhetoric can take them.

I am very displeased with many a pakistanis who have retorted back with profane language at the indians----. There was no reason for that---a quite smile---some simple comments would have sufficed---.

It truly was a moment for them just to step back and be quiet---because there are many in India that are also very upset at this kind of speech.
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