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Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

give me a single thing they changed??
their concept is that all ppl in subcontinent have a hindu heritage and those who are muslims,buddhists,jains,sikhs and christians are mostly converted

i am a sikh myself,whats wrong in that??

Nothing wrong with being sikh, when i said that? R u nuts? So they use "Hindu" as geographical term like it originally was used by foreginers? Im from west Punjab, the original homeland of brahmins. Im proud of hindu heritage but not caste system they created to enslave native Indians.

If you know history of punjab, being sikh & probably jatt you may know it. Even in those times Punjab was controlled by zamindars, jatts, gujjar etc. Brahmins were not considered upper caste or anything like that but low class. They didnt have any power, let alone the situation you see in India. When many converted to Islam then the mullah/moulvi of the pind job would be given to lower caste brahmin convert. Because beng moulvi was considered lower class job.

Its widely known that so called syeds in Pakistan are brahmin converts and now claim arab Ancestry, but punjabis laugh at them. Especially now with DNA tests which have debunked their theories.

You already forget RSS inventing sarasvati stories or computer generated seals. No one take their history outside india seriously. infact many dont even take them seriosly in India unless they are RSS baniyas.

Why don't you ask your Arab masters to release you from the holds of Wahabism I mean look what it's done to your failed state Pakistan. :omghaha: Silly Pakistani listening to Pakistani media genuinely thinks all Indians look like Africans. And all Pakistanis are light skinned and blonde haired. :rofl:

Actually its you guys who claimed to look like German, thats why i have that avatar. To put some sense in to wanna be aryans, be proud of your Ancestry.
If one reads the posts from the begining, he/she will easily understand who is a wannabe 'Aryan'.....when there was no-one called "Aryan'...

Just look at you last two posts....quoted above...
On the first you accuse us of 'wannabe Aryans' and on the second you're proud of the MYTHICAL group which 'civilized' India.....:lol:

The loop holes in your madrassa education is very apparent here........you're trying hard to create a 'superior' identity but you don't realize that it exposes your inferiority-complex instead......what a fool....:woot:

But we're happy that you realized what your true identity is(after much effort) and changed your avatar accordingly :tup:.......it's of no use hating-yourself....:tdown:

So now the Vedic Civilization become mytical once i said they originated in Pakistan? Whole world knows the original homeland was west punjab and then they expanded east. There is nothing mytical about them, read the history.


there is a diff between being a hindu and being like a hindu

majority of customs of hindus overlap with sikhs plus we are like uconverted from hindus only so what diff does it make??

It make to majority of sikhs. Sikhsim isnt like Hindusism, there is no caste system and punjabis never bowed down to brahmins & baniyas just because its written in some book. But i guess now Indian punjabis has been Indianizd and are in bed with brahmins and baniyas.
Nothing wrong with being sikh, when i said that? R u nuts? So they use "Hindu" as geographical term like it originally was used by foreginers? Im from west Punjab, the original homeland of brahmins. Im proud of hindu heritage but not caste system they created to enslave native Indians.

If you know history of punjab, being sikh & probably jatt you may know it. Even in those times Punjab was controlled by zamindars, jatts, gujjar etc. Brahmins were not considered upper caste or anything like that but low class. They didnt have any power, let alone the situation you see in India. When many converted to Islam then the mullah/moulvi of the pind job would be given to lower caste brahmin convert. Because beng moulvi was considered lower class job.

Its widely known that so called syeds in Pakistan are brahmin converts and now claim arab Ancestry, but punjabis laugh at them. Especially now with DNA tests which have debunked their theories.

You already forget RSS inventing sarasvati stories or computer generated seals. No one take their history outside india seriously. infact many dont even take them seriosly in India unless they are RSS baniyas.

Actually its you guys who claimed to look like German, thats why i have that avatar. To put some sense in to wanna be aryans, be proud of your Ancestry.
I don't believe in "Aryans" or that sh!t personally. But you Pakistanis are acting like you are a completely separate race? And how have we got African ancestry?

So now the Vedic Civilization become mytical once i said they originated in Pakistan? Whole world knows the original homeland was west punjab and then they expanded east. There is nothing mytical about them, read the history.


It make to majority of sikhs. Sikhsim isnt like Hindusism, there is no caste system and punjabis never bowed down to brahmins & baniyas just because its written in some book. But i guess now Indian punjabis has been Indianizd and are in bed with brahmins and baniyas.

Sikhism shares many similarities with Hinduism. They both believe in Karma, Dharma and reincarnation. They both believe in one god. The caste system to my knowledge isn't mentioned in any highly regarded Hindu text though I may be wrong. And being perfectly honest the punjabi caste system is mainly based on ethnic divisions like Jatts, Rajputs and Gujjars. Nothing to do with Brahmins and that lot.
I don't believe in "Aryans" or that sh!t personally. But you Pakistanis are acting like you are a completely separate race? And how have we got African ancestry?

Sikhism shares many similarities with Hinduism. They both believe in Karma, Dharma and reincarnation. They both believe in one god. The caste system to my knowledge isn't mentioned in any highly regarded Hindu text though I may be wrong. And being perfectly honest the punjabi caste system is mainly based on ethnic divisions like Jatts, Rajputs and Gujjars. Nothing to do with Brahmins and that lot.

By not believing in Aryans doesnt mean they didnt exist, Vedic people are forefathers of current Hindusism which is nothng like Vedic times but still. And caste system is explained in the Rig Veda, the first hindu book written in north punjab, Pakistan. Everyone have african Ancestry once upon a time.

The people in my avatar are not africans but ASI, which mean ancient Indians and they are pure without any mixture with ANI. And i dont belive in race crap, genetic studies have shown original Pakistanis aka ANI mixed with ASI womans. That was before caste system was in full swing, now the closest thing to ANI are Pakistanis because pure ANI doesnt exist now. And closest thing to ASI are Indians, and especially Adamanese people in my picture who fortunatly escaped caste system and are 100% ASI.

And i know the differences between hindu caste system and the one in punjab.
there is a diff between being a hindu and being like a hindu

majority of customs of hindus overlap with sikhs plus we are like uconverted from hindus only so what diff does it make??

why do you bother if Sikhs dont have a problem ? Besides that Sikhsim, Budhism and Jainism are all fundamentally similar to Hinduism

We have many beliefs similar to Hinduism, even though we are not Hindu. However if we are not recognised then why are we always recorded in the census?

Article 25 in The Constitution Of India 1949

25. Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion
(1) Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate religion
(2) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any existing law or prevent the State from making any law
(a) regulating or restricting any economic, financial, political or other secular activity which may be associated with religious practice;
(b) providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus Explanation I The wearing and carrying of kirpans shall be deemed to be included in the profession of the Sikh religion Explanation II In sub clause (b) of clause reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly

Article 25 in The Constitution Of India 1949

The Indian Supreme Court in a ruling of 2005 also states the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists form part of broad Hindu religion.

Jains, Sikhs part of broader Hindu religion, says SC
New Delhi, August 10 [2005]

In a significant ruling defining the status of communities like Sikhs and Jains within the Constitutional frame work, the Supreme Court has declined to treat them as separate minority communities from the broad Hindu religion, saying encouraging such tendencies would pose serious jolt to secularism and democracy in the country.

“The so-called minority communities like Sikhs and Jains were not treated as national minorities at the time of framing of the Constitution. Sikhs and Jains, in fact, have throughout been treated as part of wider Hindu community, which has different sects, sub-sects, faiths, modes of worship and religious philosophies,” a Bench of Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti, Mr Justice D.M. Dharmadhikari and Mr Justice P.K. Balasubramanyan said.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Nation
Large number of Sikhs feel that,

They have already advanced volumes of arguments based on logic and reason that they are not Hindus.

Sikhism fulfils all the norms internationally recognized for an independent religion.

They have their own revealed scripture, independent theology, philosophy and culture.

During the tercentenary celebrations of Sri Guru Granth Sahib's Gurta-Gaddi-Divas, the Guru came to the rescue of the Sikhs, when Sikh intellectuals made a thorough study of their scripture. Sikh Prophet has catagoriclly declared at page 1136 of Sri Guru Granth Sahib that Sikhs are neither Hindus nor Muslims,'Na hum hindu na musalman'. Prophet of a religion is the only authority to define a religion.

Politicians and rulers have no jurisdiction to define a religion against the written ordain of the Prophet of a religion.

Many other HYMNS of Sikh scriptur:e emphasise that Sikhs are neither Hindus nor Muslims.

Wrong classification of Sikhs as Hindus amounts to blasphemy of the Sjkh Prophet and the Sikh scripture. Since Sikh scripture is a revealed scripture, clubbing of Sikhs with Hindus is against the WILL of God. Thus Article 25 defies the WILL of God.”

Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh
By not believing in Aryans doesnt mean they didnt exist, Vedic people are forefathers of current Hindusism which is nothng like Vedic times but still. And caste system is explained in the Rig Veda, the first hindu book written in north punjab, Pakistan. Everyone have african Ancestry once upon a time.

The people in my avatar are not africans but ASI, which mean ancient Indians and they are pure without any mixture with ANI. And i dont belive in race crap, genetic studies have shown original Pakistanis aka ANI mixed with ASI womans. That was before caste system was in full swing, now the closest thing to ANI are Pakistanis because pure ANI doesnt exist now. And closest thing to ASI are Indians, and especially Adamanese people in my picture who fortunatly escaped caste system and are 100% ASI.

And i know the differences between hindu caste system and the one in punjab.

This is correct version of South Asian history. Vedic is much closer to Zoroastrian than Hinduism, Sanskrit and Avestan (old persian) are almost the same language. The name, Iran, means the "Land of Aryan." Aryans are the founder of Vedic civilization. It seems Indians today are either in denial or confused about their civilization history and ancestry. In addition to the Adamanese people, Australian aborigines are ASL too.
So now the Vedic Civilization become mytical once i said they originated in Pakistan? Whole world knows the original homeland was west punjab and then they expanded east. There is nothing mytical about them, read the history.....

LOL......feel pity for you guys....:P
We're forcing you to do so many things.....first you're forced to change your avatar....then out of frustration you're forced to tell blatant lies.....:chilli:

I never said IVC(the vedic civilization) is mythical, I said, the so called 'Aryans' are mythical.....read again dumbo....

Pakistanis don't have any identity, so, trying to create their own fake identity....from a mythical group called 'Aryans'....:lol:.....BUT we Indians will put you in your place.....
LOL......feel pity for you guys....:P
We're forcing you to do so many things.....first you're forced to change your avatar....then out of frustration you're forced to tell blatant lies.....:chilli:

I never said IVC(the vedic civilization) is mythical, I said, the so called 'Aryans' are mythical.....read again dumbo....

Pakistanis don't have any identity, so, trying to creating their own fake identity....from a mythical group called 'Aryans'....:lol:

First you need to learn some history books not written by RSS fundos. And IVC isnt Vedic, two different beasts. Vedic cannot even be called civilization in proper terms, because it was rural based religious movement basically. My identity is in my blood, while you guys continue to seach for your indentity, which is ASI and i have them in my avatars.

But racists people & brainwashed Indians by caste system dont want to accept it.
This is correct version of South Asian history. Vedic is much closer to Zoroastrian than Hinduism, Sanskrit and Avestan (old persian) are almost the same language. The name, Iran, means the "Land of Aryan." Aryans are the founder of Vedic civilization. It seems Indians today are either in denial or confused about their civilization history and ancestry. In addition to the Adamanese people, Australian aborigines are ASL too.

These guys hate themselves, dont want to accept their pure ancestors which i have them in my picture. One correction, Iranis were not founders of Vedic religión. But people living around west punjab surrounding áreas in Pakistan. They were not related to ASI but ANI, ANI group is related to Central Asians, Middle Eastern, Caucasians or Europeans. People cant pinpoint exact location of their origin.

But they lived in Pakistan región for centuries before moving east towards India, before there was no caste system and ANI married ASI womans.
Is it too much effort to even consult the Wikipedia page on the matter?

The people of the Indus Valley Civilization spoke proto-Dravidian, meaning they were related to modern day South Indians. The Aryans, on the other hand, are the forefathers of modern day North Indians. The Pakistani argument that since some of these people at one point lived in modern day Pakistan and hence are related to them is silly, since both groups have historically migrated south since their arrival in the subcontinent. Pakistanis come from Muslim bloodlines; and so, except for the Muslims who come from converted Hindu bloodlines, like Jinnah, they don't have a very strong claim to either of these two groups.

I'm a Punjabi from a Hindu family, but I don't understand all this baseless bashing of South Indians, since they are the most cultured, wealthy, and intelligent group in the Indian subcontinent.

Madhava of Sangamagrama in Kerala, for example, was developing the ideas and methods behind calculus a full 250 years before Newton or Leibniz.

Look them up for yourself, since I can't post links without the required minimum 30 posts.
These guys hate themselves, dont want to accept their pure ancestors which i have them in my picture. One correction, Iranis were not founders of Vedic religión. But people living around west punjab surrounding áreas in Pakistan. They were not related to ASI but ANI, ANI group is related to Central Asians, Middle Eastern, Caucasians or Europeans. People cant pinpoint exact location of their origin.

But they lived in Pakistan región for centuries before moving east towards India, before there was no caste system and ANI married ASI womans.

I mentioned Iran to prove that Aryans existed. Yes, Aryans are the founder of Vedic, not Iranians. But Iranian considered themselves as Aryans. Avestan and Sanskrit are both Indo-Aryans language, they're almost the same language. Funny thing is many Indians denied the existence of Aryans. Why?
I'm aware ANI is different from ASI. I read the research paper by Harvard university. Australian aborigines are supposedly the same group as ASI that migrated out of Africa.
Is it too much effort to even consult the Wikipedia page on the matter?

The people of the Indus Valley Civilization spoke proto-Dravidian, meaning they were related to modern day South Indians. The Aryans, on the other hand, are the forefathers of modern day North Indians. The Pakistani argument that since some of these people at one point lived in modern day Pakistan and hence are related to them is silly, since both groups have historically migrated south since their arrival in the subcontinent. Pakistanis come from Muslim bloodlines; and so, except for the Muslims who come from converted Hindu bloodlines, like Jinnah, they don't have a very strong claim to either of these two groups.

I'm a Punjabi from a Hindu family, but I don't understand all this baseless bashing of South Indians, since they are the most cultured, wealthy, and intelligent group in the Indian subcontinent.

Madhava of Sangamagrama in Kerala, for example, was developing the ideas and methods behind calculus a full 250 years before Newton or Leibniz.

Look them up for yourself, since I can't post links without the required minimum 30 posts.

Just read your first line and then didnt bother to read rest of the post, its clear you have been brainwashed because no one knows what language IVC people spoke! They were not ASI but caucasians because we have found corpses. They used to burry their dead unlike hindus.
This is correct version of South Asian history. Vedic is much closer to Zoroastrian than Hinduism, Sanskrit and Avestan (old persian) are almost the same language. The name, Iran, means the "Land of Aryan." Aryans are the founder of Vedic civilization. It seems Indians today are either in denial or confused about their civilization history and ancestry. In addition to the Adamanese people, Australian aborigines are ASL too.
You have no clue what you're talking about. Are you saying the Aryans founded Vedic Civilization in India and then moved to Iran, subsequently changing their beliefs too? The reason their language and historical belief system are similar is because both modern North Indians and modern Iranians have recent common ancestors, which no Indians will deny. Our forefathers split off from Iranians and formed Vedic Civilization, following which all the most interesting philosophical and mathematical developments have been made in India, not Iran.

Moreover, Hinduism is not a static doctrine, but a fluid set of beliefs still in evolution, so of course it's not the same as the "Hinduism" of over a thousand years ago.
First you need to learn some history books not written by RSS fundos....
When you say things like these, it shows your frustation level....
It is a common tactic to deny opponent's sugestions straightaway by claiming that their source is not authentic when you can't defeat them logically.....
We can also say, you need to learn some real history book, keeping your religious book aside ......BUT we're not saying that....we're just finding loopholes in your logic and you're falling into the trap....:lol:..

And IVC isnt Vedic, two different beasts. Vedic cannot even be called civilization in proper terms....
Yes! there is only one civilization in the world, the Islamic civilization...LOL

...My identity is in my blood....

Yes! your identity is in your blood, but it is pretty f*cked up....you can't make sure who you are....which is causing your massive identity crysis....
Tomorrow I'll discuss about the true identity of Pakistanis.....just wait for more fun....:tup:

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