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Indian Called Parasite Invader in Poland !

Your source all this while : trust me bro

I guess news sources need to stop referring Pew polls and refer to "
trust me bro" as their source from now on

Go learn from proper professors about inherent bias. I’m not saying all polls are wrong but it’s common knowledge among professionals during race related questions people tend to hide their feelings.

Trump election should be a wake up call to a lot of people, especially his immigration stance which showed peoples true colors. If you chose to be blind go ahead.

I will say this,Trump was good for the country, as people do not have to hold their opinions to be politically correct. Down the road as people lash out we’ll get the true readings on the underlining feeling as we are seeing in Europe.

Since you loves polls so much one poll post George Floyd riots show almost 65-70% of whites didn’t care enough to implement change for blacks in social Justice, etc., and you think the vast majority going to care about Indians?
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His story is he is a mongrel. He is a citizen of India but he hates India and loves to identify with South East Asians who don't accept him and calls him an Indian. A true mongrel.

I know a few from there, quite well adjusted ones to big city life away from the north east, also quite well to do. They were subjected to some unpleasant racial slurs in the wake of the pandemic in it's early days.

This guy is a bit of an extreme case but, wonder who said what to him :P
Go learn from proper professors about inherent bias. I’m not saying all polls are wrong but it’s common knowledge among professionals during race related questions people tend to hide their feelings.
You need to learn about ethnocentric bias. I am not claiming polls are absolute, but they are much accurate than an individual's opinion

you think the vast majority going to care about Indians?
So we have consensus on my earlier point, larger part of Americans are neutral in regards to Indians and have no specifically negative or positive image

I know a few from there, quite well adjusted ones to big city life away from the north east, also quite well to do. They were subjected to some unpleasant racial slurs in the wake of the pandemic in it's early days.

This guy is a bit of an extreme case but, wonder who said what to him :P

Yes many are but doesn't mean they like India. I am saying things at the risk of Indians thinking I am trying to drive a wedge between various Indian ethnicity, I am not. I have spoken with a lot of nurses in a Kolkata hospital, knowing I am from BD they opened up and said to me they don't like Indians. I have also met some in Aus, similar opinions.
Yes many are but doesn't mean they like India. I am saying things at the risk of Indians thinking I am trying to drive a wedge between various Indian ethnicity, I am not. I have spoken with a lot of nurses in a Kolkata hospital, knowing I am from BD they opened up and said to me they don't like Indians. I have also met some in Aus, similar opinions.
Sure, there are all sorts everywhere.
Yes many are but doesn't mean they like India. I am saying things at the risk of Indians thinking I am trying to drive a wedge between various Indian ethnicity, I am not. I have spoken with a lot of nurses in a Kolkata hospital, knowing I am from BD they opened up and said to me they don't like Indians. I have also met some in Aus, similar opinions.

A complex country like India is bound to have ethnicities with varying degrees of affinity for the state. The fact is that policy making is hijacked by bigger (i.e. more populous) states. They dominate the political discourse and economic decisions and the hubris are also evident. No one is a big brother in a nation. All are equal. The horrible racist attitude that ordinary Hindi speakers have displayed against the north easterners in the past will take time to go away. Or it may never. It is also difficult to rally them around on usual nationalistic anchor points like cricket match against Pakistan, Ram Mandir, Muslim invasion etc because they can't relate to it. For ultra nationalists this amounts to lack of patriotism and things like that.

The question is: Will they survive without the rest of India? I am not so sure. These are not resource rich states, not agricultural powerhouses, no industry and still have fair amount of population.
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I know a few from there, quite well adjusted ones to big city life away from the north east, also quite well to do.

I am yet to meet well to do north easterners who are not government officials. The ones working in private sector are almost entirely in service industry at the low end. I see none in Banking, IT, or big corporations. While traveling I never come across well to do north easterners, whereas I come across people from all other states. I know they are wired differently and have different outlook towards studies and jobs, and do not like the 9 to 5 rut, but you don't have to be in job to do well.
A complex country like India is bound to have ethnicities with varying degrees of affinity for the state. The fact is that policy making is hijacked by bigger (i.e. more populous) states. They dominate the political discourse and economic decisions and the hubris are also evident. No one is a big brother in a nation. All are equal. The horrible racist attitude that ordinary Hindi speakers have displayed against the north easterners in the past will take time to go away. Or it may never. It is also difficult to rally them around on usual nationalistic anchor points like cricket match against Pakistan, Ram Mandir, Muslim invasion etc because they can't relate to it. For ultra nationalists this amounts to lack of patriotism and things like that.

The question is: Will they survive without the rest of India? I am not so sure. These are not resource rich states, not agricultural powerhouses, no industry and still have fair amount of population.

Racism is one thing, the problem may have been exacerbated because of that. But I don't think racism is the cause of it, neither is any lack of development, discrimination etc. Even if all those go away, the dislike or incompatibility will not go away. There is just a fact in life that people always try to associate themselves with a group with common traits and distance themselves form other groups. I believe the problem of the easterners lie in there.
Sad thing is most Indians ally with these racists to vilify Muslims.

Merit Indians are those who are well versed in Vedas and Quran !!!

Would be Foreign Passport Holder : @ Musalman came as Invaders in India.

Hindustani : Joint Indo Arab Military Formations have always defeated Mongols & European Colonizers.

Would be Foreign Passport Holder : @ Musalman Ruled India for 1,000 Years.

Hindustani : Hindu Shahi Zindabad !!!

Irony is that when Indians encourage white racists it’s Sikhs who get attacked due to their long beards.

Are those Khalsa Sarkar - Citizen Individuals - Prisoners of War ??? transferred to London !!!

I feel sorry for the Indian guy - he was obviously very upset - almost burst into tears.

Yes was very upset because these Panah Gazeen were violating Indian Diplomatic Mission - Protocols and were thinking bigger than Mulkis !!!
How did you determine the fact that it's a Han?
You saw his Aadhar card? Or passport? What makes you confident he's a Meitei?
Just because he told you stories from facebook feeds or NE news websites does not make him a Meitei.
Not in most case scenarios. You see i'v meet normal people with very bigoted parents,grandparents and I'v meet bigoted people with normal Parents. Sometimes somethings or a single event can change your whole perception of thinking. Upbringing is not always the case.

Perceptions are visible for those only who understand Civilisation and the real meaning of Holy Scriptures !!! Blessed Ones will be Blessed Ones !!!
You saw his Aadhar card? Or passport? What makes you confident he's a Meitei?
Just because he told you stories from facebook feeds or NE news websites does not make him a Meitei.

Well I never met him obviously and I am not saying with 100% certainty he is east Indian. Nobody can unless you met him personally. But from hi post history, he seems to be east indian, not a han.
You saw his Aadhar card? Or passport? What makes you confident he's a Meitei?
Just because he told you stories from facebook feeds or NE news websites does not make him a Meitei.
I also don't think he is from the NE. Although in logged out mode his IP flag comes out as Indian. I don't know if that can be manipulated.

I can understand the some NE guy must be bitter with Indians, maybe even extremely and fanatically so. But that does not mean he is automatically dying to fall into China's lap. His posts are not just anti-India but pro China, bordering on pro CCP. Why the hell would a disgruntled NE guy want to suck up to the CCP
I also don't think he is from the NE. Although in logged out mode his IP flag comes out as Indian. I don't know if that can be manipulated.

I can understand the some NE guy must be bitter with Indians, maybe even extremely and fanatically so. But that does not mean he is automatically dying to fall into China's lap. His posts are not just anti-India but pro China, bordering on pro CCP. Why the hell would a disgruntled NE guy want to suck up to the CCP
How did you check his IP when logged out?
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