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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

We haven't been this close to an actual nuclear war ever. We dodged a flipping bullet is an understatement. These fkn stupid cow poop lumping nutjobs are a threat to the world.
We haven't been this close to an actual nuclear war ever. We dodged a flipping bullet is an understatement. These fkn stupid cow poop lumping nutjobs are a threat to the world.
rest assured, has we seen more activity on the other side while the doomed missile was in our airspace, We surely would've launched a pre-emptive nuclear assault, no question about it. the only reason they didn't is most probably because they did NOT see any unusual activity on the other side, hence settling for just shooting it down and not retaliating...yet!
Wish I had a nickel for everytime I heard the Indians justifying their interference in Pakistan's internal affairs in 1971 like that. Mods can we get an ultra BS rating button??
The very best of luck with that. I look forward to reading of your future vast fortune in nickels.
given that it was shot down (and it WAS shot down), I wouldn't go around advertising it if I was an indian. just logically think about it... if PAF had not shot it down, Pakistan could've easily claimed that they did shoot it down thus making a claim that it possessed the ability to shoot down a super sonic cruise missile. indians aren't that stupid to provide such an opportunity to their adversary on a silver platter to humiliate india (again) by making a claim that they had shot down india's top of the line supersonic cruise missile that india had been cheat thumping about as being unstoppable and undetectable. So it makes sense to assume that india's aim was not to crash their own missile in the middle of no where. rather, their aim was to attack the Rafique Airbase (formerly known as the sargodha Airbase) and then pump their moobs about how the Chinese HQ9 system couldn't stop their missile. So that much is clear that india's intention was to actually reach the Airbase, not drop dead 70kms away from it, that would ruin any potential sales and would have a demoralizing effect of its military, not to mention it would also strain their already strained relations with Russia because let's face it, the only thing indian about the brahmos is the indian crew that it assembling it, for all intents and purposes, it is a Russian missile. But the opposite of what india had anticipated has happened. Pakistan did shoot it but did not claim that it shot it down. that keeps our capabilities under wraps as intended while making india look like a total buffoon in front of the world who can't keep its missiles from either "accidentally" launching or even reaching its intended target if it was an intentional launch which it was.

PAF is being very quiet about how it went down. I am certain that they purposefully lied about how it went down, such disinformation is not beyond us We lied about making nuclear weapons for 20 years for God's sakes, also lied about so many other things related to Afghanistan. That's understandable, the current situation requires that we keep our cards close to our chest and hidden.
it wasn't shot down. secondly, shooting down is not an answer.. retaliation is.

We failed at that front be it diplomacy or otherwise ... by now Pakistan should have broke the hell in Geneva and New York.. none of the major capitals in the world utter a single word condemning india for this naked aggression or safety of the nuclear arsenal currently in the hands of saffron terrorists .. what a dismal situation..
Crater was more than 12 feet deep ..... there was a video in which a rescue worker was standing in this crater
That looks like 12 feet wide maybe 2 feet deep means ground impact at high speed

I wrote this on another thread…. In Ukraine an artillery shell destroys a building or makes a huge crater 6-7 feet deep. It has a few pounds worth of a warhead . If this had a 200kg warhead the damage would have been extreme. Which was not seen

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it wasn't shot down. secondly, shooting down is not an answer.. retaliation is.

We failed at that front be it diplomacy or otherwise ... by now Pakistan should have broke the hell in Geneva and New York.. none of the major capitals in the world utter a single word condemning india for this naked aggression or safety of the nuclear arsenal currently in the hands of saffron terrorists .. what a dismal situation..
and no one will utter a single word condemning india's actions in the western world because they have vested interests against China in india. On the other hand, China HAS reinforced our concerns and demands. that's international politics for you. it is clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that india picked this time to conduct this misadventure JUST when the OIC summit is right around the corner while in the midst of political circus that is being played out. Pakistan is fast becoming a leader for the OIC and that would strengthen the OIC as time goes on. it is clear that india had the intention of actually attacking some target either in a military installation or near it and tout it as a "sir ji kaal" strike against Pakistan and then claim that Pakistan is incapable of stopping india so how can it lead the OIC right now. they would've claimed that they attacked such and such target on a sensitive installation and nothing could stop it. Falling 70KM short of their true objective is no mere coincidence. it is IMPOSSIBLE to believe that the missile "malfunctioned" and launch, then the missile "malfunctioned" and entered Pakistan, then the missile "malfunctioned" again and followed a known civil air traffic route at the altitude of passenger airliners with consistency and then the missile "malfunctioned" yet again and crashed in the middle of no where in mian chunnu just 70km from the Rafique Airbase...yeah, no thanks but no thanks, I may have been born at night but not last night! THIS THING WAS SHOT DOWN. That is the exact reason why you are not hearing any chest thumping coming from across the border...you are free to not believe it, whatever rocks your boat. But the realiy is and will remain that it was shot down. In sha Allah, time will prove me right.

also, having a diplomatic offensive in the western world won't get you anything against india, they are too scared of China and india is their sacrificial cow against China so they won't say a word against it. Our best diplomatic offensive will yeild results by concentrating on China, Russia and the middle eastern countries.
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This means that Indian nuclear delivery systems are in the hands of infested DRDO personnel.

No neighbouring country is safe due to insane psyche of these people.

On 18 February 2022, the plan was revealed in Lucknow and on 9 March 2022 it was executed. It appears DRDO is now being controlled by the famous extremist CM Yogi Adityanath.
infested DRDO personnel is an under statement .. Indian nuclear arsenal is in the hands of saffron terrorists
Some funny analysis

what? Khan Sir? Yeh pathan kab se kaalay hone lage. o_O
2 numbri pathan.
(I am serious btw). har jaga 2 numbri yaar.
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negative. there aim was actually not to bomb 3 trees, they actually aimed to bomb the madrassa in Balakot. but their pilots panicked and ran away after dropping their payload to loose weight. so that's not an accurate example. there is only one and only one reason why they would take such a risk and that is that they were 100 convinced that it would get detected because of its speed and low rcs. fatal overconfidence. I promise you, had the missile reached Rafique Airbase, modi himself would've announced that they attacked the PAF Airbase on the eve of the OIC summit and the indians godi media would've been having live rectal orgasms all over their channels and thumping their moobs about how brahmos could not be detected by any of the Pakistani radars. And THAT is why ISPR made it a point to show that not only did they detect it, they detected it from well within tht indian airspace. interception is something that they will not disclose for obvious reasons.
Not everything said in media is true. This isn't accidental. Missiles can't be fired like that. there are many protocols which you have to pass through before actual initiation. I don't want to discuss Balakot. problem is they are doing everything openly and without any regret. By looking at their recent ongoing exercises, it's clear that they are validating stuff. Pakistan knows everything and understands it but our country is in mess, thanks to TTP,BLA, madrassa,Zainabun etc. We are in a pathetic situation.
Some funny analysis

pajeet khan with repulsive a gangu accent to top it all of - so no sorry
besides first yall need to make up your mind if it was an accident than yall are an incompetent rouge nation on your hand
if it was an attack than it landed in a field of a no name village - so again incompetent

what? Khan Sir? Yeh pathan kab se kaalay hone lage. o_O
2 numbri pathan.
(I am serious btw). har jaga 2 numbri yaar.
khan is not only for pashtuns, many people in salt ranges use it too - AM Noor khan for example
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khan is not only for pashtuns, many people in salt ranges use it too - AM Noor khan for example
I know. I was just joking. Btw just to let everyone know one thing. Some people in Karachi from the Bihari segment have the very same style of speaking.
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