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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Not everything said in media is true. This isn't accidental. Missiles can't be fired like that. there are many protocols which you have to pass through before actual initiation. I don't want to discuss Balakot. problem is they are doing everything openly and without any regret. By looking at their recent ongoing exercises, it's clear that they are validating stuff. Pakistan knows everything and understands it but our country is in mess, thanks to TTP,BLA, madrassa,Zainabun etc. We are in a pathetic situation.
you wanna put india in its lowly place? crush the internal mixed achar party known as the so called opposition!
I know. I was just joking. Btw just to let everyone know one thing. Some people in Karachi from the Bihari segment have the very same style of speaking.
they should really think about changing their accents- sounds god awful
rest assured, has we seen more activity on the other side while the doomed missile was in our airspace, We surely would've launched a pre-emptive nuclear assault, no question about it. the only reason they didn't is most probably because they did NOT see any unusual activity on the other side, hence settling for just shooting it down and not retaliating...yet!

Are you in your senses?? You want Pak to launch nuclear assault on India?? Maybe, you read too much about Gulam Ishaq khan and his stupidity?? Just check what you are reading / watching, that will help.

Launching nuclear weapons is no joke.

Aside - After reading all such responses from such Lunatics in this forum........I happened to watch a youtube video of Ms.Yana Mir. Ms.Yana Mir's video is so refreshing and happens to have restored my faith in humanity. We, Indians, are extremely proud of Ms.Yana Mir. We are extremely proud to have Ms.Yana Mir as a fellow citizen of India.

MODs - my intention is not to troll, but you MODs need to find a way of controlling those folks who think launching a nuclear assault is some sort of a kid's play.
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Are you in your senses?? You want Pak to launch nuclear assault on India?? Maybe, you read too much about Gulam Ishaq khan and his stupidity?? Just check what you are reading / watching, that will help.

Launching nuclear weapons is no joke.

Aside - After reading all such responses from such Lunatics in this forum........I happened to watch a youtube video of Ms.Yana Mir. Ms.Yana Mir's video is so refreshing and happens to have restored my faith in humanity. We, Indians, are extremely proud of Ms.Yana Mir. We are extremely proud to have Ms.Yana Mir as a fellow citizen of India.

MODs - my intention is not to troll, but you MODs need to find a way of controlling those folks who think launching a nuclear assault is some sort of a kid's play.
read what I said again. if a missile enters our airspace and there is unusual activity on their side then we have choice since there is no way to tell if the incoming missile has a nuke or not.
Accident or not.

India has shown its intent for full-scale conflict by firing its top-of-the-line missile.


Even if Pakistan does not respond.

I think it's time to build bunkers, trenches and scale-up all the defenses. Build Oil/energy reserves, food & water (China is pretty good with this, seek their advice)


Closing airspace too for overflight from Indian origin flights too, perhaps.


Secondly, India never acts on its own, it always has backing/funding of their masters.

Anyways, as far as sanction goes, Pakistan is going to be sanctioned sooner or later. FATF has already been weaponised.

Time to kick start big industries i.e. steel mill on war-footing. I am serious. Become self-sufficient. Start trade with regional countries, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Central asia and so on.

If we fail to do aforementioned items, then we'll have to fight the war within our borders, and it is never a good idea.
These are the short answers prompted by foolish assertions by fanboys who should never have opened their mouths.
Joe, these fanboys are here to vent their frustration whether it seems foolish or not to anyone.
They have every right under the 'freedom of expression'. If they are fanboys, you are a mature person and not to lose your senses.

Indian government takes stupid/foolish steps in a very sensitive part of the globe, then whatever India says does not matter. Only they should thank their 'Bhagwan' that it didn't escalate.

Just imagine if the 'faulty launch' is miscalculated by Pakistan as nuclear and Pakistan immediately responds, I think you will not be there to answer the posts on PDF, though I will be waiting for your posts OR even the PDF server is not there to support our network.

My quarrel is with the dates that your friend talked about.

It is really disappointing that with superficial knowledge of India, of Indian politics of the period, of the organisation of the Indian border security arrangements, of the creation of Indian intelligence organisations, and of the leadership and primary objectives of the Indian Army, people should make these assertions.

If I had made similar suggestions about Pakistan and about affairs in Pakistan, I would rightly have become a laughing stock. In this case, I shall restrict myself to saying that you need to read what I have to say below before ever commenting on this aspect.
Joe, why do you assume that he is my friend? If I give like to someone's post and give thumps-up it does not mean what you assumed.

Sometimes it happens, that one thinks he is professional in every aspect of a system but just a single loose screw or the polarity change in electrical cable destroys the whole system. So what you will explain about India will be taken as a general assumption/speculation indeed it would be a better explanation than one who never studied the Indian system.

I'm afraid that the facts completely are against you. It isn't a question of patriotism, or even of facts interpreted by two sides.

These are not my personal assumptions or likings. Everything I say below is a matter of public record, or of personal experience and knowledge.

First, the Army was indifferent, and unconcerned with affairs in the east.

From 1965 to 1971, we had two Army Chiefs, the well-liked but quiescent Kumaramangalam, and following him, Manekshaw, who had been separated from HQ for several years and spent a lot of time coping with renewing contacts in Army HQ in Delhi and keeping the Army out of the political turmoil that gripped the nation. There was no time for fiddling around creating terrorist organisations in the east.

The primary objectives of the Indian Army were to guard against the Chinese; at the time of Manekshaw's taking over, (in 1969, it was just seven years before that the traumatic defeat at the hands of the PLA had occurred), and to strengthen the order of battle in the west, where we had won some, and lost some encounters in 1965. The failure of the Indian 1st Armoured Division was uppermost, followed by the disastrous surrender of the Haji Pir Pass in the Tashkent peace agreement, something that the Army regrets bitterly to this day. There was also the trauma of the Nagas to deal with, although the Assam Rifles took the brunt of the burden, as the Indian Army objected strongly to being engaged as a substitute for the failed apparatus of civil administration. There was nobody in the Army even aware of events in East Pakistan; both Jagjit Arora and his Chief of Staff, Jacob, were focussed on the activities of XXXIII Corps and on the northern borders. Only IV Corps had some responsibility for the rest of Eastern Command, and they were deployed in Assam and Nagaland. There was no organisation within the Army, and no apparatus for fiddling around creating terrorist operations in the east. In fact, the boot was on the other foot.

In 1966, the Mizo National Front staged an armed revolt, and killed and fought the security forces, at that time, their own constabulary, as well as a battalion of the Assam Rifles. They failed, the Indian Army and Indian Air Force were called out, and by 1967, the MNF were driven out; two battalions of regulars, three battalions of Assam Rifles, and four battalions of CRPF were involved in pacifying the territory. MNF forces retired to the Chittagong Hill Tracts, where, in 1971, Brigadier Z. A. Khan found them in well-organised barracks, with regular service weaponry, and subsidised by the ISI. This last is on record in the Pakistani army officer's memoirs.

There was not even a local civil organisation to fiddle around creating terrorist organisations in the east.

In 1965, the only hostilities in the east were between the West Bengal armed police, three battalions of constables armed with .303 SMLE rifles of World War II vintage. Until hostilities became intense, there were not even Light Machine Guns available. There was also one battalion of the Eastern Frontier Rifles.

Against this, there were 10,000 enlisted men of the East Pakistan Rifles, composed of units of the old Eastern Frontier Rifles, less the Gorkhas, who stayed back in India, in West Bengal, units of the Calcutta Armed Police and nearly one thousand ex-servicemen of the Pakistan Army transferred here. In 1965, they were commanded by Brigadier Torgul, whose name sticks to my memory because it was the first exotic name from the north-west that I had encountered.

Largely as a reaction to facing the organised covert operations of the Pakistan Army in Operation Gibraltar, very well recorded in Pakistani accounts, a senior officer with experience of armed operations was pulled out of the Madhya Pradesh and asked to organise a border guard, that became the Border Security Force. This force was raised with 25 battalions in December 1965, and had four or five battalions in the east, and was still trying to find its feet over the next two to three years. By 1968, when they had settled down, these formations, not exceeding 3,000 in the east, were faced by a tough, well-armed EPR with 10,000 people in it.

Whether this force could organise terrorism under the noses of the well-armed and well-equipped and officered by the Regular Army EPR is for you to judge. But since you don't know the facts, and will not take the trouble of taking my laconic statements at face value but ascribe them to an ego problem, it is difficult for you to accept that you are mistaken.

Things were worse on the political front.

We had the political turmoil of Shastri's tragic death at Tashkent, and the succession problem. Indira Gandhi was elected Prime Minister by the Congress Legislative Party in Parliament, but power lay with a set of powerful, conservative leaders who despised her and thought of her as a figurehead who would allow them to govern just as they pleased. This was clearly an untenable situation; over 1968 and early 1969, Indira Gandhi challenged the old guard of the Congress, put up her own candidate for president . Mr. V. V. Giri won the elections in 1969, and became President. Indira Gandhi then set about consolidating her grip on the party, and on the administration, and was completely caught up in those political affairs. Even in 1971, events in East Pakistan, as it then was, came as a shock to the entire political establishment, and for several months, the Indian response was confused and undecided. None of the politicians had any clue about the possibilities of organising terrorism in the east.

That leaves one factor to be dealt with, the intelligence agencies.

Following the debacle in 1962, it was already clear that the Intelligence Bureau would not be capable of handling extra-territorial intelligence gathering. in 1968, a policeman named Kao was asked to build such an organisation, and he was appointed to the Cabinet Secretariat. There was no constitutional provision for such an agency other than as an arm of the bureaucracy. If you have read any of the books published by former senior officers of the intelligence agencies, you will have known that the IB spent most of its time in Kashmir, and RAW spent most of its time in monitoring the Pakistan Army. These are on record. Not one person, not one source, within or outside the government, has ever even suggested that there was an eastern initiative. RAW was setting up, selecting officers for its cadre positions and recruiting the rank and file. RAW was completely in set up mode through 1969, 1970 and most of 1971. They had no time fiddling around building terrorist organisations in the east.

Finally, the role of Mujib and the Awami League. That is something that did not amount to building a terrorist organisation, and that is something for which India, and Indian intelligence agencies, or security forces, or the Indian military cannot be blamed.

When I speak about a subject, you may be sure that I do that with a thorough awareness of the facts, both public and private. It is disappointing that you chose to consider my brief remark as a knee-jerk reaction and to use foul language about a body of knowledge acquired over a lifetime of service. On these matters that I have described above, I challenge anyone to contradict me on any fact.

I believe you owe me an apology.

Appreciated, your knowledge and vision of Indian history.

First bold line, I think you are among a handful of Indians who accepted this.

You described it well, but the bold part, that I am not going to buy as 'businessman' Mr. Kalbhushan Yadave is still in my custody, tomorrow he will write his memoir but believe me no Indian will believe him.

Further, what prompted you to blame me to use foul language against you, kindly advise.
I am just a learner here and now I am trying to do better in English as you pointed out previously. In short, I took you as a teacher of English.

Upon your belief, if I offended you, I offer my sincere apology.
Joe, these fanboys are here to vent their frustration whether it seems foolish or not to anyone.
They have every right under the 'freedom of expression'. If they are fanboys, you are a mature person and not to lose your senses.

Indian government takes stupid/foolish steps in a very sensitive part of the globe, then whatever India says does not matter. Only they should thank their 'Bhagwan' that it didn't escalate.

Just imagine if the 'faulty launch' is miscalculated by Pakistan as nuclear and Pakistan immediately responds, I think you will not be there to answer the posts on PDF, though I will be waiting for your posts OR even the PDF server is not there to support our network.

Joe, why do you assume that he is my friend? If I give like to someone's post and give thumps-up it does not mean what you assumed.

Sometimes it happens, that one thinks he is professional in every aspect of a system but just a single loose screw or the polarity change in electrical cable destroys the whole system. So what you will explain about India will be taken as a general assumption/speculation indeed it would be a better explanation than one who never studied the Indian system.

Appreciated, your knowledge and vision of Indian history.

First bold line, I think you are among a handful of Indians who accepted this.

You described it well, but the bold part, that I am not going to buy as 'businessman' Mr. Kalbhushan Yadave is still in my custody, tomorrow he will write his memoir but believe me no Indian will believe him.

Further, what prompted you to blame me to use foul language against you, kindly advise.
I am just a learner here and now I am trying to do better in English as you pointed out previously. In short, I took you as a teacher of English.

Upon your belief, if I offended you, I offer my sincere apology.
Bhaiyya, if there was no intent to offend on your side, there is no offence. There was a phrase you used that seemed very harsh, but after what you have said here, it seems nothing, a feather.

Let me answer separately.
Joe, these fanboys are here to vent their frustration whether it seems foolish or not to anyone.
They have every right under the 'freedom of expression'. If they are fanboys, you are a mature person and not to lose your senses.

Indian government takes stupid/foolish steps in a very sensitive part of the globe, then whatever India says does not matter. Only they should thank their 'Bhagwan' that it didn't escalate.

Just imagine if the 'faulty launch' is miscalculated by Pakistan as nuclear and Pakistan immediately responds, I think you will not be there to answer the posts on PDF, though I will be waiting for your posts OR even the PDF server is not there to support our network.

Joe, why do you assume that he is my friend? If I give like to someone's post and give thumps-up it does not mean what you assumed.

Sometimes it happens, that one thinks he is professional in every aspect of a system but just a single loose screw or the polarity change in electrical cable destroys the whole system. So what you will explain about India will be taken as a general assumption/speculation indeed it would be a better explanation than one who never studied the Indian system.
Let me explain.

The officer who faced the EPR and Torgul was my father. I was then in 65 at the Sainik School, where one blood-chilling morning, two planes flew over our school heading east from the west, and a few hours later, we learnt that Kalaikunda had been attacked. Those PAF badmashes had swung wide, turned and attacked from the side least expected!

Every single thing I have narrated, I either saw myself - in 71, I was a 21 year old college kid, and Jagjit Arora and Jake used to come home for dinner. The Pakistani consul in Calcutta, Mehdi Masud, was detained by the authorities, and not allowed to return to Delhi, and they took over the ground floor of our flat to keep him under watch.
Appreciated, your knowledge and vision of Indian history.

First bold line, I think you are among a handful of Indians who accepted this.
I am surprised to read this. We all know. It was lost by our generals, not by the jawans. I still have horrible memories of the events, as we watched from a distance in Calcutta (my father went to Assam as requested, with a mission, but the rest of the family sat and watched the entire catastrophe).
You described it well, but the bold part, that I am not going to buy as 'businessman' Mr. Kalbhushan Yadave is still in my custody, tomorrow he will write his memoir but believe me no Indian will believe him.
I don't know about that incident regarding Kulbhushan, and have never commented on it. For what I have narrated, ask me on any point, and I will give you full detail.

About Mujib, I am well aware of the Agartala Conspiracy Case. My point is that a Pakistani did something; he did not do it at gunpoint. He was released by your authorities, and stood for elections. Let me ask some plain questions:

Did India approach the people tried by the government of Pakistan for sedition?
Did India ask them to come across the border?
Was there a single Indian agent in East Pakistan?
Did an Indian kill Sergeant Zahur ul-Haq?
Did India have anything to do with Mujib's release and with the charges against him being dropped?
Did India ask that he be allowed to campaign, and to fight the elections?

All that happened on your side.

What did India do? The chargesheet said that a steward from the navy - a steward! not a sailor, not an officer - and a teacher went to Agartala, an Indian city, and met Indian officers.

Who were these? Nobody knows; the Pakistani authorities could put neither name nor designation to them, nothing besides stating that two of the accused were alleged to have met officers of the Indian Army.

Who else met them, other than these two? Nobody.

What was proved during the trial? Nothing.

What proof or evidence is there that anything at all happened? A statement in 2011 by an Awami League man saying there was a plan among the Awami League; not a single word about India.

So some East Pakistanis start plotting and planning against the government of Pakistan, without contact with India, but India comes into the picture!

In my language, Bengali, there is a phrase - যত দোষ নন্দ ঘোষ - joto dosh, Nando Ghosh!

Whenever there was trouble in Vrindavan, all the angry mothers would get together and say that it must have been the fault of Krishna! Whatever went wrong.....

Ayub Khan must have been a Krishna-bhakt.

Further, what prompted you to blame me to use foul language against you, kindly advise.
We will talk about it some other time. If I rake it up, it will cause hurt, and I do not like hurting people.
I am just a learner here and now I am trying to do better in English as you pointed out previously. In short, I took you as a teacher of English.

Upon your belief, if I offended you, I offer my sincere apology.
We are square, brother.
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Rona es baat ka hai ki kuch kar nai pye and this is the reality.
Don't worry, learn to take a hit on the chin like that especially when it's not our fault but a cheap shot.We don't bicker but twirl around and surprise the enemy.....
The very best of luck with that. I look forward to reading of your future vast fortune in nickels.
Yeah all that BS of technicalities,R&AW not prepared, internal political turmoil yada yada yada..The fact that Pakistan can think beyond India but Indians are still childishly hanging on to Niazi signing portrait like Alexander conquering the world,after all these years, speaks volumes of whose future would be what.
Let me explain.

The officer who faced the EPR and Torgul was my father. I was then in 65 at the Sainik School, where one blood-chilling morning, two planes flew over our school heading east from the west, and a few hours later, we learnt that Kalaikunda had been attacked. Those PAF badmashes had swung wide, turned and attacked from the side least expected!

Every single thing I have narrated, I either saw myself - in 71, I was a 21 year old college kid, and Jagjit Arora and Jake used to come home for dinner. The Pakistani consul in Calcutta, Mehdi Masud, was detained by the authorities, and not allowed to return to Delhi, and they took over the ground floor of our flat to keep him under watch.

I am surprised to read this. We all know. It was lost by our generals, not by the jawans. I still have horrible memories of the events, as we watched from a distance in Calcutta (my father went to Assam as requested, with a mission, but the rest of the family sat and watched the entire catastrophe).

I don't know about that incident, and have never commented on it. For what I have narrated, ask me on any point, and I will give you full detail.

Including on the East Pakistan campaign. The truth is not often told.

We will talk about it some other time. If I rake it up, it will cause hurt, and I do not like hurting people.

We are square, brother.

Yeah all that BS of technicalities,R&AW not prepared, internal political turmoil yada yada yada
Well that was what was alleged. Did you want me to talk about programming the mission computer for the PSLV instead?

I can explain that, my team did that back in the day, but then I would have to write another long note explaining to you what programming is, what programming in Ada is, what a mission computer is, what the PSLV was.....you get the picture.
The fact that Pakistan can think beyond India
Sure, it can. So how did this come up? Because some jerk referred to it, and a good man who normally thinks and speaks calmly and rationally defended him.

If you can think beyond India, please do. Stop dragging us in every time you get a tummy ache.
Indian government takes stupid/foolish steps in a very sensitive part of the globe, then whatever India says does not matter. Only they should thank their 'Bhagwan' that it didn't escalate.

Just imagine if the 'faulty launch' is miscalculated by Pakistan as nuclear and Pakistan immediately responds, I think you will not be there to answer the posts on PDF, though I will be waiting for your posts OR even the PDF server is not there to support our network.

Which country (leadership) is bigger fool? A country which "miscalculates" an incoming cruise missile (in a peacetime) as a nuclear and immediately responds?? Or the Country which made a mistake and accepted it?

You, pakistanis, are bought up in an environment where the only things that give pride are - 1992 world cup win and Nuclear weapons. Hence, aththe drop of a hat, you folks keep talking about nuclear response.

Nope - you don't need to respond. I know your answer.
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