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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

So you mean to say they lobbed two missile at our nuke facilities and we did nothing in response? Kya bagherti ha
Everybody knows that Yakont aka Brahmos is non-nuclear weapon and after getting bitch slapped they did it.
Everybody knows that Yakont aka Brahmos is non-nuclear weapon and after getting bitch slapped they did it.

@Pindi Boy He has a history of making false claims. He usually go to indian forums/ follows Indian Baba twitter. Read from there, present their theories as Someone from Inside told me this LOL. Don't take his false claims seriously ever.


India's 'accidental' missile fire into Pakistan raises questions, concerns
Liu Xuanzun
Published: Mar 13, 2022 09:27 PM

The remains of a supersonic missile are found in Pakistan on March 9, 2022. Photo: Screenshot from China Central Television

The remains of a supersonic missile are found in Pakistan on March 9, 2022. Photo: Screenshot from China Central Television

After an Indian supersonic missile was allegedly accidentally fired into Pakistani territory last week, Pakistan demanded a joint probe on Saturday, as Pakistan said it doubts India's internal inquiry will answer its questions over India's capabilities to handle such weapons properly. Other countries neighboring India including China should also be concerned about India's lack of effective security protocols or technical safeguards, as this could potentially lead to unexpected consequences under complex situations, analysts said on Sunday.

Pakistan's foreign office said in a statement on Saturday that this serious matter cannot be addressed with the simplistic explanation proffered by the Indian authorities, and Pakistan demands a joint probe to accurately establish the facts surrounding the incident, Reuters reported on Sunday.

The Pakistani demand comes after India said on Friday it had accidentally fired the missile into Pakistan on Wednesday because of a "technical malfunction" during routine maintenance, and it would hold an internal inquiry.

No casualties were caused by the accident, reports from both countries said.

Pakistan's foreign office also listed a set of questions and issues, asking the Indian authorities to explain the measures and procedures in place to prevent accidental missile launches, and if the missile was indeed handled by its armed forces or some rogue elements given the profound "level of incompetence," Pakistani news outlet Dawn reported on Saturday.

"The grave nature of the incident raises several fundamental questions regarding security protocols and technical safeguards against accidental or unauthorized launch of missiles in a nuclearized environment," Pakistan's foreign office said.

A Pakistani defense analyst familiar with the matter told the Global Times on Sunday on condition of anonymity that the incident has inherent risks, and it could have led to retaliation and escalation.

The Pakistani forces exercised restraint in the incident after thoroughly evaluating the situation while taking into account a number of factors, the analyst said, noting that restraint may not be the case every time.

If the incident turns out to be indeed an accident, it is very worrisome in terms of India's safety mechanisms that are in place for launching a missile. Most worrisome is that India did not inform Pakistan immediately after firing, even if accidental, and only confirmed two days later. This aspect raises concerns about irresponsible behavior, lack of professionalism in Indian armed forces and command and control of strategic weapons. It shows India is not capable to be entrusted with such weapons in name of regional and global peace, the analyst said.

This concern should apply not only to Pakistan, but all countries neighboring India. What if an Indian missile accidentally landed close to the China-India Line of Actual Control? So it is a clear and persistent risk for all countries in the region, the analyst said.

China and India just concluded the 15th round of commander level meeting on Friday, as the two sides reached consensus on agreeing to maintain dialogue via military and diplomatic channels to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to the remaining issues at the earliest time, continuing the positive atmosphere since the 14th round of talks.

But an unintentional accident caused by India's incapability to handle its weapons could seriously complicate the situation, experts said.

Despite India's claims saying the incident is accidental, the Pakistani analyst said it could well be intentional, and India's motive could be to test the response options of Pakistan's defense systems which could be the reason probably that Pakistan side intentionally kept some aspects of the incident vague.

It takes a lot to fire a missile, including the aligning of the missile with fire control system, feeding it with certain parameters and more, so an accidental firing is supposed to be difficult, the analyst said. Accordingly there are a lot of queries which India needs to respond to in order to clear its record.
Nothing will happen. Pakistan will not respond. Pakistani security has been compromised. Next time, India will remove parts of Pakistan. I am sure India did it to observe few things. one is how Pakistan will respond and other whether Pakistan can destroy this missile or not. This missile travelled deep inside Pakistan. Only a fool can think that Pakistan allowed this missile deep inside it's own territory. I believe we are unable to stop it because it's mach3.

I believe India has gain much from this. We need people like Musharraf. Pak Airforce should be allowed to make it's own decisions. They must not get permission from higher authorities. Give full permission to Air force Chief and select next Chief of armed forces from Airforce. Pakistan should learn lesson from this. I think next Indian attack will be direct attack on military installations. They do have the capability to fire several missiles on us. Expect total destruction of Karachi and Indian submarine can easily do that, Thanks to forgiveness policy of Pak navy. They will leave Indian submarine unharmed again.

Short of all out attack like in balakot 2019. You cannot expect Pakistan to retaliate. Forgot about Kashmir, you have to deal with balochi, pashtun and sindhi terrorists to maintain integrity of Pakistan. Kashmiris were never with you, they wanted independent country anyway. Use carrot and stick because these groups are in bed with India and 5th columnists, waiting for 1971 like moment again. Though after nukes this scenario is no longer plausible but they can dream. And in wet dream process they will continue to become suicide bombers and create instability in Pakistan.

Thats why so called Pakistan National policy document clearly laid out that India is no longer threat but Pakistan internal enemies.

Point is since we don't have our house in order, the time have come to forgot about IoK and integrate GB and AJK. Indian Kashmiris made their choice in 1948 war. Now they must suffer the consequences of that choice under brutal Hindutva regime.
are you talking about Lal masjid and Irani mullah? Who is stopping you from eliminating them? Everyone wants Pakistan to destroy both saudi and iranian proxy but no action. Don't make excuses of internal problems. Who cares about kashmir but a soverign country can't accept enemy cruise missile in it's own land. It's a compromise. External threats are much bigger than internal threats. intelligence can take care of internal threats easily. They aren't allowed to do their job but they should be allowed to clean the mess. Enough is enough. irani shaitan can go to iran ans saudi terrorists can go to saudia. This country is not a playground.
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India's 'accidental' missile fire into Pakistan raises questions, concerns
Liu Xuanzun
Published: Mar 13, 2022 09:27 PM

The remains of a supersonic missile are found in Pakistan on March 9, 2022. Photo: Screenshot from China Central Television

The remains of a supersonic missile are found in Pakistan on March 9, 2022. Photo: Screenshot from China Central Television

After an Indian supersonic missile was allegedly accidentally fired into Pakistani territory last week, Pakistan demanded a joint probe on Saturday, as Pakistan said it doubts India's internal inquiry will answer its questions over India's capabilities to handle such weapons properly. Other countries neighboring India including China should also be concerned about India's lack of effective security protocols or technical safeguards, as this could potentially lead to unexpected consequences under complex situations, analysts said on Sunday.

Pakistan's foreign office said in a statement on Saturday that this serious matter cannot be addressed with the simplistic explanation proffered by the Indian authorities, and Pakistan demands a joint probe to accurately establish the facts surrounding the incident, Reuters reported on Sunday.

The Pakistani demand comes after India said on Friday it had accidentally fired the missile into Pakistan on Wednesday because of a "technical malfunction" during routine maintenance, and it would hold an internal inquiry.

No casualties were caused by the accident, reports from both countries said.

Pakistan's foreign office also listed a set of questions and issues, asking the Indian authorities to explain the measures and procedures in place to prevent accidental missile launches, and if the missile was indeed handled by its armed forces or some rogue elements given the profound "level of incompetence," Pakistani news outlet Dawn reported on Saturday.

"The grave nature of the incident raises several fundamental questions regarding security protocols and technical safeguards against accidental or unauthorized launch of missiles in a nuclearized environment," Pakistan's foreign office said.

A Pakistani defense analyst familiar with the matter told the Global Times on Sunday on condition of anonymity that the incident has inherent risks, and it could have led to retaliation and escalation.

The Pakistani forces exercised restraint in the incident after thoroughly evaluating the situation while taking into account a number of factors, the analyst said, noting that restraint may not be the case every time.

If the incident turns out to be indeed an accident, it is very worrisome in terms of India's safety mechanisms that are in place for launching a missile. Most worrisome is that India did not inform Pakistan immediately after firing, even if accidental, and only confirmed two days later. This aspect raises concerns about irresponsible behavior, lack of professionalism in Indian armed forces and command and control of strategic weapons. It shows India is not capable to be entrusted with such weapons in name of regional and global peace, the analyst said.

This concern should apply not only to Pakistan, but all countries neighboring India. What if an Indian missile accidentally landed close to the China-India Line of Actual Control? So it is a clear and persistent risk for all countries in the region, the analyst said.

China and India just concluded the 15th round of commander level meeting on Friday, as the two sides reached consensus on agreeing to maintain dialogue via military and diplomatic channels to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to the remaining issues at the earliest time, continuing the positive atmosphere since the 14th round of talks.

But an unintentional accident caused by India's incapability to handle its weapons could seriously complicate the situation, experts said.

Despite India's claims saying the incident is accidental, the Pakistani analyst said it could well be intentional, and India's motive could be to test the response options of Pakistan's defense systems which could be the reason probably that Pakistan side intentionally kept some aspects of the incident vague.

It takes a lot to fire a missile, including the aligning of the missile with fire control system, feeding it with certain parameters and more, so an accidental firing is supposed to be difficult, the analyst said. Accordingly there are a lot of queries which India needs to respond to in order to clear its record.

The interim government in Afghanistan has also shared similar concerns to regional stability and security at risk by Indian incompetence. It's not just countries neighbouring India who are at risk.

Allegedly a new 800km ranged is being primed for testing of the same missile system.
This is not a professional act of IA. Mistakes happens. Looks like this is mistake. India should immediately apologize to Pakistan.
and compensate the loss of property in Pakistan with this missile.
Pakistan hires lots of people on terrible posts. This current government should hire Musharraf. Musharraf can easily handle India. I have seen enough. Create a new post and Make him work alongside with military and Government, just like crazy Indian post of bipin rawat. Time to make drastic changes. Pervez Musharraf Zindabad.

Sir i know that you are not in a good shape but please come back! If you are reading this, please come back. Pakistan needs you. Pakistan needs Pervez Musharraf. I have never felt so humiliated before. It's time to make aggressive moves. I know India still fears Musharraf. Come back Sir! We can do thousand Kargils again. We need aggressive mindset like you.
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Well the reality is we don't have any equivalent of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile. It's hard to intercept just due to it's high speed. All we could do in retaliation is to fire short/medium range ballistic missiles at the launch pad but they have a comprehensive layered Air defense system with the recent induction of S-400. So we didn't know for sure, how to retaliate against a single supersonic cruise missile.

A dozen or more ballistic missiles! Because some of them gonna be intercepted and some could have penetrated to hit the targets. But if a large chunk of our missiles managed to slip through their air defense then the carnage would be at catastrophic levels and ballistic missiles aren't designed to be as much accurate as cruise missile.

So our chest thumping of recent big ticket items purchases and our Air force's superiority etc got it's answer by this random supersonic cruise missile strike. The Indian authorities teased us that they can comprehensively defeat us in some aspects of limited war.

Scenario 1:
Just prior to kick off Cold start against Pakistan they would hit our key installations with these missiles to soften up the defenses.

Scenario 2:
Or would be able to conduct strikes at their will at selected places to call them surgical strikes while we would be startled and confused, how to retaliate against them.

Probable Solutions:
IMHO we should test our missile systems against the S-400/S-300 concentrations and get help from China to get the specifics how those SAMs react to missile strikes, and devise strategies accordingly. We must have some missiles on alert status ready to be fired at moment's notice against possible Indian strike.

Fast track the development of our Supersonic Cruise Missile on priority basis. And also start R&D for hypersonic glide vehicles in advance to balance India's probable hypersonic missile programs. So at least both side shall have similar sized stones to throw at each other. Because due to rapid growth in radars and interception technologies, subsonic low flying cruise missile's fate is unknown against a near peer opposition. Americans have used overwhelming quantities of the tomahawk cruise missiles against badly defended targets, so that condition doesn't apply in our scenario.
Pakistan has ability to track each and everything inside Pakistan and to an extent outside too. Even the stealth fighter with induction of new jet.

Pakistan has been building up it's SAM inventory and FD2000 will be inducted soon. Unlike india we have eagle eye view of things in our airspace.

As for counter strikes Babur was developed to slip through their so called multiple layers.

And P282 is in works but we will needs it's Land to Land version.

But the real response to india should be developing copy of BrahMos with Chinese and naming it IndYan.(Indus+Yangtze)
This is not a professional act of IA. Mistakes happens. Looks like this is mistake. India should immediately apologize to Pakistan.
and compensate the loss of property in Pakistan with this missile.

It's not about compensation, it's a question of Indian ineptitude

From shooting your own helicopters down to killing Bipin and his wife and multiple other officers, to multiple crashes of aircraft to now poor control over your own missiles

This level of ineptitude and unprofessionalism is dangerous and India can't be allowed to act like a monkey with a loaded gun, sure it might shoot itself in the head (like getting Bipin killed) but equally you might get actions like this where India has poor control over its own forces with dodgy tech
Pakistan hires lots of people on terrible posts. This current government should hire Musharraf. Musharraf can easily handle India. I have seen enough. Create a new post and Make him work alongside with military and Government, just like crazy Indian post of bipin rawat. Time to make drastic changes. Pervez Musharraf Zindabad.

Sir i know that you are not in a good shape but please come back! If you are reading this, please come back. Pakistan needs you. Pakistan needs Pervez Musharraf. I have never felt so humiliated before. It's time to make aggressive moves. I know India still fears Musharraf. Come back Sir! We can do thousand Kargils again. We need aggressive mindset like you.
Parvez Musharraf is retired long ago and not in the best of his health.

Raheel Shareef might be another candidate. So General Bajwa would straightforward assume the post of the Commander-in-Chief of Islamic coalition forces after his retirement in November.
@Pindi Boy He has a history of making false claims. He usually go to indian forums/ follows Indian Baba twitter. Read from there, present their theories as Someone from Inside told me this LOL. Don't take his false claims seriously ever.
Yeah I'm aware of the long history of @Maarkhoor aka Overload.
One day he's a retired army Capitan and other day an engineer in UAE.
Also lets not forget he also tried to larp as window of Pakistan army Martyr and a former sikh Indian army officer
I have new take on what happened, one possibility is that the missile was sent intentionally and they were expecting we would react like we say we would by firing our own missile, which they think that they could shot down with their S400. The purpose was to embarrass Pakistani globally for escalating and showing to Pakistan that with S400 India has a credible deterrence against our missiles. They failed miserably on both counts and they are the ones looking like fools.
This level of ineptitude and unprofessionalism is dangerous and India can't be allowed to act like a monkey with a loaded gun, sure it might shoot itself in the head (like getting Bipin killed) but equally you might get actions like this where India has poor control over its own forces with dodgy tech
As per the Ramayana, when Ram got into a quagmire in the war against Ravana it was the army of Hanuman monkeys (with weapons of course) that saved the day for Ram! And, Ram is worshipped as the primary god and Hanuman as an assistant god, by the majority of the Hindu folks (with the principal objective to establish the Ram Rajya) for a reason....
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Pakistan has ability to track each and everything inside Pakistan and to an extent outside too. Even the stealth fighter with induction of new jet.

Pakistan has been building up it's SAM inventory and FD2000 will be inducted soon. Unlike india we have eagle eye view of things in our airspace.

As for counter strikes Babur was developed to slip through their so called multiple layers.

And P282 is in works but we will needs it's Land to Land version.

But the real response to india should be developing copy of BrahMos with Chinese and naming it IndYan.(Indus+Yangtze)
What about Engage and Retaliate?
Is it important after tracking?
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