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So far, in one case, the court took the easy way out and treated the mosque in question as a piece of land in dispute. That was the Babri Masjid case, that ended up by the court refusing to take a stand and shifting it sideways.

There have also been petitions against prayers in the streets, blocking traffic, but those are still at the magistrates' courts levels.

I see that possibility as unlikely at this moment, but that is a personal opinion.

I can name, however, seven or eight cases of court interpretations of the essential practices, if you start another thread or direct me to the Members' Club or some such location.

So far, in one case, the court took the easy way out and treated the mosque in question as a piece of land in dispute. That was the Babri Masjid case, that ended up by the court refusing to take a stand and shifting it sideways.

There have also been petitions against prayers in the streets, blocking traffic, but those are still at the magistrates' courts levels.

I see that possibility as unlikely at this moment, but that is a personal opinion.

I can name, however, seven or eight cases of court interpretations of the essential practices, if you start another thread or direct me to the Members' Club or some such location.

My point was to inform those who wanted to know how these issues were adjudicated in fact in today's jurisprudential regime. This is neither to approve nor to disapprove of this method; it is to tell you this is what is done, and how it is done.
And this starts,
Hardline Hindu groups are demanding restrictions on wearing the hijab in classrooms in more Indian states after a court upheld a ban on the traditional Islamic headscarf in Karnataka state, worrying Muslim students who had protested against the ban.

The Karnataka High Court decision on Tuesday, backing the southern state's ban on the hijab in February, has also been welcomed by top federal ministers from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who say students should avoid wearing religious clothing in class.

There is no national guideline on uniforms in India and states often leave it to schools to decide what their students should wear.

"We are a Hindu nation and we do not want to see any kind of religious outfit in educational institutes of the country," said Rishi Trivedi, president of the Hindu-first group Akhil Bharat Hindu MahaSabha.

"We welcome the court verdict and want the same rule to be followed throughout the country."

The ban in BJP-ruled Karnataka had sparked protests by some Muslim students and parents, and counter-protests by Hindu students. Critics of the ban say it is another way of marginalising the Muslim community that accounts for about 13 per cent of Hindu-majority India's 1.35 billion people.

In pictures: Women take to streets in Mumbai as hijab row expands in India

Leaders of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), an affiliate of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the BJP's parent organisation, said they have asked for a hijab ban in Modi's home state of Gujarat and would soon write to the country's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. The BJP is in power in both states.

"The hijab is not allowed in the defence forces, police, and government offices, then why the insistence on hijab in schools and colleges?" said VHP's Gujarat secretary, Ashok Raval. "It is an attempt to raise communal tensions."

Gujarat Education Minister Jitu Vaghani declined to comment. A state minister and a bureaucrat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was no immediate plan to ban the hijab in schools.

Officials in Uttar Pradesh, where the BJP retained control in recent state elections, declined to comment, saying a decision will only be taken by the next administration which should be in place in days.

Ayesha Hajeera Almas — who had challenged the Karnataka ban in court and is now considering approaching the country's highest court to get the ban overturned — said there is a real fear that the hijab ban will now go national.

The 18-year-old said she has not attended school since late December after its authorities barred Muslim girls from wearing the hijab, even before the state-wide ban came in early February.

"Increasingly, we feel we are living in an India where its citizens are not treated equally," Almas said from the Karnataka district of Udupi, from where the protests began.

"I am fighting for myself, fighting for my sisters, fighting for my religion. I'm scared that there will be changes like this in the whole country. But I hope it does not happen."
Hindu hardliners seek wider ban on hijab in class after Indian court verdict

Read More at: https://www.dawn.com/news/1680268/h...-on-hijab-in-class-after-indian-court-verdict
Indian courts have no right whatsoever to make any ruling on an Islamic matter.
I am afraid Indian courts hold a different view. That is the reality.
And this starts,
Hardline Hindu groups are demanding restrictions on wearing the hijab in classrooms in more Indian states after a court upheld a ban on the traditional Islamic headscarf in Karnataka state, worrying Muslim students who had protested against the ban.

The Karnataka High Court decision on Tuesday, backing the southern state's ban on the hijab in February, has also been welcomed by top federal ministers from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who say students should avoid wearing religious clothing in class.

There is no national guideline on uniforms in India and states often leave it to schools to decide what their students should wear.

"We are a Hindu nation and we do not want to see any kind of religious outfit in educational institutes of the country," said Rishi Trivedi, president of the Hindu-first group Akhil Bharat Hindu MahaSabha.

"We welcome the court verdict and want the same rule to be followed throughout the country."

The ban in BJP-ruled Karnataka had sparked protests by some Muslim students and parents, and counter-protests by Hindu students. Critics of the ban say it is another way of marginalising the Muslim community that accounts for about 13 per cent of Hindu-majority India's 1.35 billion people.

In pictures: Women take to streets in Mumbai as hijab row expands in India

Leaders of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), an affiliate of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the BJP's parent organisation, said they have asked for a hijab ban in Modi's home state of Gujarat and would soon write to the country's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. The BJP is in power in both states.

"The hijab is not allowed in the defence forces, police, and government offices, then why the insistence on hijab in schools and colleges?" said VHP's Gujarat secretary, Ashok Raval. "It is an attempt to raise communal tensions."

Gujarat Education Minister Jitu Vaghani declined to comment. A state minister and a bureaucrat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was no immediate plan to ban the hijab in schools.

Officials in Uttar Pradesh, where the BJP retained control in recent state elections, declined to comment, saying a decision will only be taken by the next administration which should be in place in days.

Ayesha Hajeera Almas — who had challenged the Karnataka ban in court and is now considering approaching the country's highest court to get the ban overturned — said there is a real fear that the hijab ban will now go national.

The 18-year-old said she has not attended school since late December after its authorities barred Muslim girls from wearing the hijab, even before the state-wide ban came in early February.

"Increasingly, we feel we are living in an India where its citizens are not treated equally," Almas said from the Karnataka district of Udupi, from where the protests began.

"I am fighting for myself, fighting for my sisters, fighting for my religion. I'm scared that there will be changes like this in the whole country. But I hope it does not happen."
Hindu hardliners seek wider ban on hijab in class after Indian court verdict

Read More at: https://www.dawn.com/news/1680268/h...-on-hijab-in-class-after-indian-court-verdict
Please start another come to the Wearing Hijab... thread.
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@to all off topickers

The subject you are all talking is interesting but please stop using this thread for off topic matters.

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@to all off topickers

The subject you are all talking is interesting but please stop using this thread for off topic matters.

i don't understand why mods are letting it go which certainly off topic.

we all must understand to kill the snake by its head.

i won't go into any details since i objected to hijab discussion in this thread. but i would say nobody is to be allowed to discuss those clever hidden thoughts when it come to religion.

i know if we discuss such things about other religion, people will be jumping like popcorns.

so across the board i say such discussions must be discouraged and NO not about any religion even sects.
i don't understand why mods are letting it go which certainly off topic.

we all must understand to kill the snake by its head.

i won't go into any details since i objected to hijab discussion in this thread. but i would say nobody is to be allowed to discuss those clever hidden thoughts when it come to religion.

i know if we discuss such things about other religion, people will be jumping like popcorns.

so across the board i say such discussions must be discouraged and NO not about any religion even sects.
Please come to the thread where LeGenD has relocated some of the posts.

A discussion on religion is certainly not relevant to this forum.

A discussion on the judicial aspects of a recent ruling, and the requirement that Indian courts interpret the constitution, is what is relevant, and is sought to be considered there.
@Mods - currently...

Back in Feb 2019, the next threat of escalation was use of CMs by both countries. India has so far used a fictional surgical strike through para forces, then a disastrous air strike resulting in loss of aircrafts and 3 years later comes the intruding CM.

Why send a CM, is obvious. The timing ? Induction of J-10 in PAF. Quiet on Chinese front. World looking at Ukraine-Russian war. Which weapon will India test in future against Pakistan ? IAF has faltered but the CM has made its way.

A beneficial step will be to start testing ALCMs (Ra'ad series or any other) on J-10 in coming weeks.
You wrote such a long post.....and not one of the people who responded to your post (till now) have either read or tried to understand it.

Pakistanis simply do not have the context to understand about India. or maybe, PDF pakistanis?? Actually - it is not a fault of those individuals. They just can not help it.

One pakistani senior here, (an expatriate of Pak) who has large number of relatives in India and have spent more than a decade this forum and claims to have many friends of India / Indian origin, has such wrong opinion about everything and anything India. Despite any info he is given, there is not way he is going to change even 0.00000000000000000000000001% of his thoughts about India.

That is the way things are........

The matter will be taken to ICJ.

Indian initiated arms race in the region cannot go hand in hand with her incompetence.

Instead of speaking in tongues, a valid probe of the "accident" will be more fruitful.
stop ridiculing yourself . I have asked a valid question. It seems you are in some kind of superficial arrogance as if you are the sole person in Pakistan who knows about missile technology.

If you don't know anything then go to some other thread and discuss gullu butt
You ask stupid question and make stupider statements
To the people who are questioning the character of Pakistanis on this thread why don't you do little introspection.

@jk007 @Joe Shearer

One pakistani senior here, (an expatriate of Pak) who has large number of relatives in India and have spent more than a decade this forum and claims to have many friends of India / Indian origin, has such wrong opinion about everything and anything India.
@SQ8 i think this bakhtora is talking about you. Funny how educated people in his country are casually suggesting mass rape of Muslim women and if someone condemn them the usual "you don't know enough about us" is thrown at them
To the people who are questioning the character of Pakistanis on this thread why don't you do little introspection.

@jk007 @Joe Shearer

@SQ8 i think this bakhtora is talking about you. Funny how educated people in his country are casually suggesting mass rape of Muslim women and if someone condemn them the usual "you don't know enough about us" is thrown at them

Are you here to discuss communal violence or missile technology?
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