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Indian Bluff

Yes I have. There's also a thread where he explained how Chinese bluff about warheads and range averted war with Russia.

The presence of our missiles and their accuracy is enough for you not to attack us either.
The only way for you to find out is to bring it on, no more bluffs...thats what the article is about.
You need to pay attention when talking to me!

If you're trying to convince me that you're just another internet warrior full of idiotic jingoism than you're wasting my time. :disagree:
Engage an intellectual debate or shut up, I have zero tollerence with trolls.
Consider this a warning!

Bluff...more bluff.

Brother.. i had already stated in my post that we have got more to loose than you guys..AND WE DONT SUPPORT WARR!!! Without understanding that you where trying talk about our economy..and talking about" us thinking of destroying pakistan"..you are the one who stated BRING IT ON and not me.!!! and doesnt that amount to jingoism..!!!

And if you dont have tolerance to take criticism... then please understand i dont take rubbish.. and and please feel free to do whatever in your capacity..!!!
Your media didn't waste time creating war hysteria during the Mumbai Siege, your goverment delayed the evidence but continued to sdpread propaganda, your generals were talking about precision and surgical strikes, Murdike was all over your news, your fighters violated our aerospace twice...if this is not war hysteria than what is?
All we did is warned you that we'll meet ever threat, be it on diplomatic or military level. :coffee:
Diplomacy is conducted through governemnt to government talk but not through media..!!! And you have mobilised your troops from afghan border to the border with india..canceelled officers leave... and we havent done any of these.. and Officially we have denied any airspace violations and even your President have played down such viloations if ever it has happend. And i belive evidence can be handed over only after proper investigation..!!! And i would say that it was wrong on indias part to accuse pakistan or ask them to hand over terrorrists without passing the evidence..!!!! But whatever comments made by the ministry was based on primafacia evidence..and it all pointed to ELEMENTS IN pakistan..!!!
Diplomacy is conducted through governemnt to government talk but not through media..!!!
Then why was your governemnt leaking or sharing the intel to the media instead using proper channels to approach Pakistan?

And you have mobilised your troops from afghan border to the border with india..canceelled officers leave... and we havent done any of these..
The war hysteria created by your media and generals and threats of sugical strikes on Muridke led to cancellation of leave and the IAF intrusion didn't help ease the tensions either.

and Officially we have denied any airspace violations and even your President have played down such viloations if ever it has happend.
The pictures were shown to US Admiral Mullen, the evidence has been discussed in Think Tank section. It happened!

And i belive evidence can be handed over only after proper investigation..!!! And i would say that it was wrong on indias part to accuse pakistan or ask them to hand over terrorrists without passing the evidence..!!!! But whatever comments made by the ministry was based on primafacia evidence..and it all pointed to ELEMENTS IN pakistan..!!!
My governement is looking into it and has demanded access to the crime scene, we'll just have to wait for the outcome.
Brother.. Majority in our country doesnt supports war, indians have more to loose than pakistanis.. And it is understood to every sensible person in the world.. But the way the author put is absolute amatuerish and i believe targeted to satisfy the avg uneducated Paksitani youth.. And its very impractical to equate Pakistan With India.. as india is much bigger country in size,population,economy... Digest the facts dude.. india have grown beyond your imagination.. and its pathetic from your end to point out the poverty and issues that is left in country and judge the entire nation without considering the growth this country have achieved.. And please note that indians never mobilised their troops, and its your country which cancelled all your officers leaves, and mobilesed trooops from afghan border to indian border.. we didnt do any of those.. brther..!!!

I did not talk about poverty or the negatives about India at any point, i really dont know what you are talking about. Iinfact i admire how the Indian economy is growing and hopefully once we solve our energy crises our economy can grow as fast as India's economy. As far as the officers leaves being cancelled is concerend, when another country is threatning you with war i think it was the appropriate response. You didnt do any of that but your leaders were constantly threatning us with war, what did you expect us to do. Its quite funny you are blaming Pakistan for everything when infact its your country that should be blamed for creating this all war hysteria and btw it was not PAF that intruded into Indian airspace. Your leaders were threatning Pakistan with surgical strikes, not ours. Get your facts right buddy, its India that created all this war talk not Pakistan.
Has it been inducted yet in numbers? Can it take down 100% of incoming milssiles?

The answer is NO!

Neo, Anti-ballistic missile is highly confidential concept no country show that where it has inducted and what are the number, location....
they only activated when it needed.
Hope you know importance of confidential matter....
Yes I have. There's also a thread where he explained how Chinese bluff about warheads and range averted war with Russia.

The presence of our missiles and their accuracy is enough for you not to attack us either.

Sir, going to war you cannot expect to be completely un-scathed. Bombs will fall here as well, but, the thing is these sort of terror attacks happening in India, and so many people dying, still if the Pakistani authorities ar'nt taking any action against the terrorists and it's infrastructure, these attacks will happen in the future as well. Then, instead of dying in un-certainty, we'd rather die during a war,..it dosent make any difference.
I did not talk about poverty or the negatives about India at any point, i really dont know what you are talking about. Iinfact i admire how the Indian economy is growing and hopefully once we solve our energy crises our economy can grow as fast as India's economy..
My apologies ,the comment was directed to the author of the article..!!!
As far as the officers leaves being cancelled is concerend, when another country is threatning you with war i think it was the appropriate response. You didnt do any of that but your leaders were constantly threatning us with war, what did you expect us to do. Its quite funny you are blaming Pakistan for everything when infact its your country that should be blamed for creating this all war hysteria and btw it was not PAF that intruded into Indian airspace. Your leaders were threatning Pakistan with surgical strikes, not ours. Get your facts right buddy, its India that created all this war talk not Pakistan.

Well regarding this, i would like to get a video of the said statement of our Minsisters..!!! What we all heard from our leaders this side was that.. all option's are open. !!! And it didnt threaten pakistan with War at any point of time..!!! I never heard an indian Minister talk about surgical strikes in pakistan..!!! Ofcourse.. in the debates and the news channells the so called think tanks had discussed the possibility of Surgical strikes and a war with pakistan..!! But brother.. people and think tanks from 2 countries say all kind of crap.. they would want us to bomb each other.. all kinda opinions come out of that debates... but that doesnt mean India threatned pakistan with warr.. okk...!!! Well if you could give a link to the youtube video or something of any our Ministers or spokesperson from governemtn threatning pakistan with war..then i can get my perspective right brother..and hey not any news paper reports brother..!!!
Then why was your governemnt leaking or sharing the intel to the media instead using proper channels to approach Pakistan?
Well i already said it was not right for indian government to ask to hand over the criminals before handing over the evidence.. and secondly indian public needs to know what has happend and it is the duty of the indian government to inform the country the progress of the investigation..!!!

The war hysteria created by your media and generals and threats of sugical strikes on Muridke led to cancellation of leave and the IAF intrusion didn't help ease the tensions either.

The pictures were shown to US Admiral Mullen, the evidence has been discussed in Think Tank section. It happened!

Yes our think thank and media have always debated about the war options but never government officially said anything about war.. well regarding IAF incrusions we only have an official version from the government..
I guess I am the most inexperienced person here. But what I get is we are simply talking illogical. Do we (both Indian and Pakistani) believe that the people in-charge (whoever they may be) are fools? Do we really think that the decisions about war are taken in such a hasty and emotional manner?

A war is something which costs years of progress for each one participating it. Do Pakistani people believe, if Pakistani high officials would have been at the place of their Indian counterparts, they would have started a war? If so, I think you are much mistaken.

Now coming to your comments, I will ask some simple questions-

1. Isn't it obvious that India will try to get its purpose solved (whatever it may be, it is a topic for special thread) without getting into a war, if it is possible?

2. Do you really think wars are started after a warning?

3. Do you really believe that killing a nation's economy (same goes for Pakistan also) is just a missile button press away?

What I want to say is - come on, be logical. Every country does (and should) go for its interests BEFORE thinking of other country's damage. Just look around and you will see the whole world is getting affected, the equations are being changed, brilliant moves are being made on the chessboard of the world politics. And here we are, fighting like some pre-primary students.

I, and many others like me, expect to see some real genius here. Or am I asking for too much??
Yes I have. There's also a thread where he explained how Chinese bluff about warheads and range averted war with Russia.

The presence of our missiles and their accuracy is enough for you not to attack us either.

The question of India attacking is hypothetical in the context of these attacks.

The best option is Pakistan co-operating in bringing the terrorists to justice.

Why is it more acceptable to go to a war that would almost certainly be calamitous (and not just for India) rather than working to bring the perpetrators to justice? What strategic objectives are they expected to serve in future that Pakistan should go to war over them?
The concept of cold start is taken very lightly, it would work and not be of Indian bluff. In theory if India did a surgial strike to the terrorist camp within 5 hours there would be no question about nuclear attack. Think about 5 hour operation is quick and stealthy.

And ofcourse the Pakistanie establishment would be unhappy and angry, but the question of nuclear strike would certainly not come in the play in this senario. But being honest, India i believe does not have the capability to do this strike within 5 hours. More technology needs to be built in order for this to happen.
This is the nutball threatening Pakistan continueosly?
What a handsome youngman:
Who told war is fought to thrive the econom? Well thats what one feels when we read it. Even a kid knows a war is heavy drain on economy, whats even more surprising is that Pakistan economic impact isnt compared. Or is it that only India gets effected?

India is malnutrioned, India has poor, 80% is obsolute machinery.
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