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Indian Bluff

India is in much better shape compare to pakistan. They need not ask money from US and get hit back by droons.
Pakistan should understnad there is a life beyond military and war.

Then whats with the bluff about surgical strikes and intimidation? India once had the chance but she's lost it.

"It was also a disastrous Indian deployment, because even after one year of hostile posturing, they could not cross the border, fearing an all out war ending in a nuclear exchange. That is when India truly lost its supposed conventional superiority over Pakistan. The humiliating pull back effectively closed the doors on India for any future conventional war endeavors; because Pakistani nuclear arsenal was here to stay".
Brother.. Majority in our country doesnt supports war, indians have more to loose than pakistanis.. And it is understood to every sensible person in the world.. But the way the author put is absolute amatuerish and i believe targeted to satisfy the avg uneducated Paksitani youth.. And its very impractical to equate Pakistan With India.. as india is much bigger country in size,population,economy... Digest the facts dude.. india have grown beyond your imagination.. and its pathetic from your end to point out the poverty and issues that is left in country and judge the entire nation without considering the growth this country have achieved.. And please note that indians never mobilised their troops, and its your country which cancelled all your officers leaves, and mobilesed trooops from afghan border to indian border.. we didnt do any of those.. brther..!!!

Comon man in Pakistan nor India wants war, its your government and specially BJP who're responsible for this war hysteria, pretty much in the same way she was reponsible in 2002 after the Parliament attack. What we saw was a year long intimidation with 700.000 troops on our border and IAF positioning her frontline fighters to forwarding base in Western Command. But she couldn't pull it off and left you with humiliation.

The author has provided a detailed analysis of Indian economy, desipte its size and recent growth its vulnerable and can't afford a long lasting full conflict with a giant neighbor like Pakistan, thats the reality. India may be shining for some 300 million, the truth is that 70% of your population survives on $2 per day , your forex reserves are enough to pay for 5 weeks of imports, your foreign depth is at record high, your service sector is running on IT and Call Center business which can easily be shut off by Pak missiles.

Economic chaos in your country would be as distructive as any attack from Pakistan, do the aftermath and tell me what you have got to lose. If you think you can destroy Pakistan and survive than bring it on, don't give me another bluff!
the truth is that 70% of your population survives on $2 per day

Isn't that true for Pakistan too?

your forex reserves are enough to pay for 5 weeks of imports

Last I heard, we had $ 250 billion plus reserves. Guess, we don't import that much in 5 weeks!

your foreign depth is at record high

Perhaps you meant debt. It is less than the foreign reserves and a much lesser % of GDP than in the past!

your service sector is running on IT and Call Center business which can easily be shut off by Pak missiles.

The whole IT and BPO business is ~ 5-6% of the economy. The service sector is much more than this.

And how exactly do you propose to easily shut off the whole business which is run from hundreds of offices all over the country?
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Isn't that true for Pakistan too?
Yes, we too have a huge population surviving on less than $2 but we're not the one spreading war hysteria or bluffing here.

Last I heard, we had $ 250 billion plus reserves. Guess, we don't import that much in 5 weeks!
Imports 2007: $230.5 billion (Cia Factbook)
Forex 31/12/2007: $275 billion (Cia Factbook)

Perhaps you meant debt. It is less than the foreign reserves and a much lesser % of GDP that in the past!
Foreign debt IIRC stands at $172 billion, 17% of GDP.

The whole IT and BPO business is ~ 5-6% of the economy. The service sector is much more than this.
Indian service sector generates 55% of the $1 trillion economy, IT exports account for $33 billion and is a major contributor.
The author has provided a detailed analysis of Indian economy, desipte its size and recent growth its vulnerable and can't afford a long lasting full conflict with a giant neighbor like Pakistan, thats the reality.
Well will you be able to sustain my GIANT Brother..!!!!:lol: And to begin with it would be helpful if you could check out a world map..!!!:lol:

India may be shining for some 300 million, the truth is that 70% of your population survives on $2 per day , your forex reserves are enough to pay for 5 weeks of imports, your foreign depth is at record high, your service sector is running on IT and Call Center business which can easily be shut off by Pak missiles.
Yeah brother we will be waiting for your missiles.. Try Try.. as hard as you can.. You cant even shoot down a US drone and talking about destorying indian cities throuh missiles.. wot an irony of patirotismm.. :disagree:

Economic chaos in your country would be as distructive as any attack from Pakistan, do the aftermath and tell me what you have got to lose. If you think you can destroy Pakistan and survive than bring it on, don't give me another bluff!
And brother.. its didnt you read my post.. as a sensible democracy.. we HAVE GOT LOT MORE to loose than.. pakistan with a NON EXISTANT economy.. and we are sensible enough not to go for a war..!!! and however hard you try us to bring us to YOUR level its not going to sucseed..!!! And your war cry would be definetly ignored by our government as a rambling of an illinformed friend..!!!
And how exactly do you propose to easily shut off the whole business which is run from hundreds of offices all over the country?

Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India. A large number of Information Technology companies are located in the city. It is the largest contributor of India`s $33 billion IT exports (2007). IT giants like Infosys and Wipro are headquartered in Bangalore. Other undertakings headquartered in Bangalore are Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to name the few.

Bangalore is also called the world`s call-centre capital. Foreign IT giants like the IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Apple and Cisco have also heavily invested in the city by opening call centers there. These call centers bring in major amounts of service-generated foreign revenues. Their 24/7 operations provide the customer-support on a global scale. An interruption of operations for even for a single day could mean loss of millions of dollars for the foreign investors.
Yes, we too have a huge population surviving on less than $2 but we're not the one spreading war hysteria or bluffing here.

That is not how we see it. We see that Pakistan created a war hysteria to avoid taking action against the perpetrators of the attacks. May be it was complicit or not earlier, now it is!

Imports 2007: $230.5 billion (Cia Factbook)
Forex 31/12/2007: $275 billion (Cia Factbook)

That doesn't make it enough for 5 weeks of imports! More like > 1year.

Am I missing something?

Foreign debt IIRC stands at $172 billion, 17% of GDP.

So, it is less that the FOREX and 17% is pretty comfortable by any standards. It used to be 40% of the GDP not long back. There are several developing countries with much bigger %.

Indian service sector generates 55% of the $1 trillion economy, IT exports account for $33 billion and is a major contributor.

Again the answer is in your figures. 55% of $1 trillion is $550 Bn. $33 billion is a big amount but still only 6% of the services GDP!
Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India. A large number of Information Technology companies are located in the city. It is the largest contributor of India`s $33 billion IT exports (2007). IT giants like Infosys and Wipro are headquartered in Bangalore. Other undertakings headquartered in Bangalore are Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to name the few.

Bangalore is also called the world`s call-centre capital. Foreign IT giants like the IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Apple and Cisco have also heavily invested in the city by opening call centers there. These call centers bring in major amounts of service-generated foreign revenues. Their 24/7 operations provide the customer-support on a global scale. An interruption of operations for even for a single day could mean loss of millions of dollars for the foreign investors.

I know that Bangalore and the IT industry in India evokes envy (even some jealousy?) across the border and the urge to destroy it (because they themselves can't do it) is strong.

Take it from me, it will not be simple and will carry a higher cost than you would (or should) be reasonably willing to pay!
Well will you be able to sustain my GIANT Brother..!!!!:lol: And to begin with it would be helpful if you could check out a world map..!!!:lol:
The only way for you to find out is to bring it on, no more bluffs...thats what the article is about.
You need to pay attention when talking to me!

Yeah brother we will be waiting for your missiles.. Try Try.. as hard as you can.. You cant even shoot down a US drone and talking about destorying indian cities throuh missiles.. wot an irony of patirotismm.. :disagree:
If you're trying to convince me that you're just another internet warrior full of idiotic jingoism than you're wasting my time. :disagree:
Engage an intellectual debate or shut up, I have zero tollerence with trolls.
Consider this a warning!

And brother.. its didnt you read my post.. as a sensible democracy.. we HAVE GOT LOT MORE to loose than.. pakistan with a NON EXISTANT economy.. and we are sensible enough not to go for a war..!!! and however hard you try us to bring us to YOUR level its not going to sucseed..!!! And your war cry would be definetly ignored by our government as a rambling of an illinformed friend..!!!
Bluff...more bluff.
That is not how we see it. We see that Pakistan created a war hysteria to avoid taking action against the perpetrators of the attacks. May be it was complicit or not earlier, now it is!
Your media didn't waste time creating war hysteria during the Mumbai Siege, your goverment delayed the evidence but continued to sdpread propaganda, your generals were talking about precision and surgical strikes, Murdike was all over your news, your fighters violated our aerospace twice...if this is not war hysteria than what is?
All we did is warned you that we'll meet ever threat, be it on diplomatic or military level. :coffee:

That doesn't make it enough for 5 weeks of imports! More like > 1year.

Am I missing something?
No you're not, but forex usually take a hike during war with most of the investors pulling off investments whereas a lot more has to be imported, specially fuel and military hardware against much higher cost due immidiate demand.

So, it is less that the FOREX and 17% is pretty comfortable by any standards. It used to be 40% of the GDP not long back. There are several developing countries with much bigger %.
Again true but not good enough. You have your liabilities to avoid default. Unless your government has a plan to freeze all forex during war billions will be retreated by investors leaving you treasury almost empty. Billions will be needed to import fuel, military hardware and miscelanious expenditures.

Again the answer is in your figures. 55% of $1 trillion is $550 Bn. $33 billion is a big amount but still only 6% of the services GDP!
6% is only the value of IT exports, services and salaries are not included in this fugure.
Then whats with the bluff about surgical strikes and intimidation? India once had the chance but she's lost it.

"It was also a disastrous Indian deployment, because even after one year of hostile posturing, they could not cross the border, fearing an all out war ending in a nuclear exchange. That is when India truly lost its supposed conventional superiority over Pakistan. The humiliating pull back effectively closed the doors on India for any future conventional war endeavors; because Pakistani nuclear arsenal was here to stay".

neo I think you know that India has developed Anti-ballistic missile, and improving rage of intersect in air to reduce/ prevent loss of nuclear war
So don't worry future is different
neo I think you know that India has developed Anti-ballistic missile, and improving rage of intersect in air to reduce/ prevent loss of nuclear war
So don't worry future is different

Has it been inducted yet in numbers? Can it take down 100% of incoming milssiles?

The answer is NO!
Your media didn't waste time creating war hysteria during the Mumbai Siege, your goverment delayed the evidence but continued to sdpread propaganda, your generals were talking about precision and surgical strikes, Murdike was all over your news, your fighters violated our aerospace twice...if this is not war hysteria than what is?
All we did is warned you that we'll meet ever threat, be it on diplomatic or military level. :coffee:

Different perceptions.

Your president clarified the so called airspace violations. The generals were replying to questions posed to them, they never said they intend to invade Pakistan. It is their job to keep the military ready when required.

Frankly India never talked of war. It was Pakistan that did that and started all those air exercises in vain.

No you're not, but forex usually take a hike during war with most of the investors pulling off investments whereas a lot more has to be imported, specially fuel and military hardware against much higher cost due immidiate demand.

Possible, but I think we still have good margin there. Nothing is above national security and the l lives of our people.

Again true but not good enough. You have your liabilities to avoid default. Unless your government has a plan to freeze all forex during war billions will be retreated by investors leaving you treasury almost empty. Billions will be needed to import fuel, military hardware and miscelanious expenditures.

I would think we would have a good stock to fight out a short duration war with Pakistan. It will be Pakistan which will be huffing and puffing much before us given the resources that we have at our command respectively.

6% is only the value of IT exports, services and salaries are not included in this fugure.

The exports pay for most of the salary. The foreign component of the IT and IT services exports is not much more than the figure you quoted.

And rest assured not more than a small fraction can be destroyed by Pakistan before the stakes are raised so high as to be unviable.

India won't take it lying down for sure.
Has it been inducted yet in numbers? Can it take down 100% of incoming milssiles?

The answer is NO!

It doesn't need to. Just their presence introduces sufficient uncertainty in Pakistani calculations to muddle up whatever plans they have.

I hope you have seen OOE's posts on this issue on WAB and the example of UK vs. USSR that he gave there.

The presence of the missile shield reduced the targets for the UK from 40 to just 1!
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