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indian beats innocent guy accusing him for slaughtering cow


Apr 3, 2012
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United States
Dhakar News | Facebook

Muzaffarnagar , June 28:
A video was uploaded on the website showing a Muslim youth beaten brutally by the Bajrang Dal goons after which communal tension in Muzaffarnagar mounted.

The Muslim youth, Riyaz sat at the place where the cow was allegedly being slaughtered.

In the video, Riyaz was shown being paraded by the group of Bajrang Dal goons who were repeatedly heard shouting ‘gau hatya kar raha tha. yehi anjam hoga gau hatya karne walon ka (He was slaughtering cow, this will be the treatment of those who attempt to slaughter cows).
Riyaz was seen bleeding profusely in the video. He was shouting that he belonged to Shamli village in Muzaffarnagar and he was only sitting at that place where the cow was said to be being slaughtered.
The shocking scene was in the third video was that the police constables were seen arresting the victim leaving the goons free

Bajrang Dal goons attack Muslim youth - Communal tension mounts in Muzaffarnagar | Siasat

malawn gula besi baira gece , now where all these good indian people why u not saying anythings about this ?
sorry to say but majority off hindus are very narrow minded , i dare u to say somethings in america while millions of cows we slaughtering here everyday ,just except the fact cow is not a god , god just made that for us to eat
Point is not respect of an 'animal' or not, point is violence and absence of law and order. If he had broken a law, however bizarre or aparthied it may me, a case against him should have been filed and law allowed to make its way. However, better was not expected from 'confessed' Mukti Bahini terrorist Modi's Bharat.
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Well I would say you are inviting trolls.....

Everyone's view changes boss....According Hindus cow is sacred and it is revered as god...So if you are living in a Hindu majority place you should respect their customs and religion....Well speaking USA....If USA was a Hindu majority country the same would have been happening there also....
If you are speaking about India................Then you are mistaken.......................Kerala is a Hindu Majority.....................
What is this hindu or muslim majority bullcrap? If india as a whole is a secular nation then different religions should be allowed to do things according to their religion? Is there a law which prohibits someone to slaughter a cow?
Point is not respect of an 'animal' or not, point is violence and absence of law and order. If he had broken a law, however bizarre or aparthied it may me, a case against him should have been filed and law allowed to make its way. However, better was not expected from 'confessed' Mukti Bahini terrorist Modi's Bharat.

What is it that makes Modi a terrorist ??
Their goes your so called SECULARISM down the drain. Now don't wiggle it in front of the world and shove it up.
Because he is a follower of hindutva.

It as retarded as saying that followers of Islam are terrorists .

Their goes your so called SECULARISM down the drain. Now don't wiggle it in front of the world and shove it up.

Secularism also means respecting others religions as well .

There is no free license given to Muslims by God that you can go on and abuse other religions .
Their goes your so called SECULARISM down the drain. Now don't wiggle it in front of the world and shove it up.
you guys are not authorized to talk about secular countries. you better discuss bomb, gun, terrorism, dictatorship, shariah etc etc.
Their goes your so called SECULARISM down the drain. Now don't wiggle it in front of the world and shove it up.

Secularism would go down the drain if Bajrang Dal beat him up for being Muslim. But they beat him up for slaughtering a cow in a state where its illegal. The fact that the guy turned out to be a Muslim is irrelevant (although granted it is mostly Muslims that do this stuff in these states).
Exactly my point....If you are in a Hindu majority area you should respect their customs and religious beliefs....
But there is no ban on Cow Slaughter there....................

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