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indian beats innocent guy accusing him for slaughtering cow

Why someone to be enforced for some one else will ??? Next time you comes in and ask for worship a cow :rolleyes:.

Thats a problem with Indian mentality they enforce what they like and don't accept the reality. Now the 15% population from which not every one can be included as a vegetarian that means merely 5% population of the world is asking another 95% of the population not to eat their food because their sentiments hurt

Indeed a huge difference between the Rates of buffalo and bull and even their meat is not considered as better as a cow meat.

Isn't pork and liquor banned in Muslim nations ..... so Muslims should be the last ones to lecture about enforcing to us .

15% of population is free to eat anything except cows ...... there is no problem doing that , so as to not hurt the religious sentiments of their Hindu brethren .

Let me ask you a question ..... answer it genuinely .

Tomorrow if I borrow a Quran with my money and burns it , will it not hurt your feelings ?

Or will you behaving like , it's your money ... do anything with it .
Why someone to be enforced for some one else will ??? Next time you comes in and ask for worship a cow :rolleyes:.

That would be a valid criticism if you supported people drawing images & cartoons of the prophet which might cause offense to Muslims. Why should non-Muslims be subjected to respecting figures & restrictions on depicting figures of a religion that they do not subscribe to? On what basis do Muslims ask non-Muslims to respect religious figures & teachings of a religion not their own?

In India, you can't draw images of the prophet or insult Muslim sentiments even if you are not a Muslim. The same rule can be made out in a case of cow slaughter. France follows such a secular principle where they don't care for anyone's religious sentiments, India does not, instead following a general principle of showing respect to all religions. If you accept France's position, I would agree with your submission. Not otherwise.
ya it should be individual choice.........i want to eat Mr Katju......fucking *** hole ...90 % of Indians are idiot....and he is one of them.......buddhe ke dimag satiya gaya hai
Isn't pork and liquor banned in Muslim nations ..... so Muslims should be the last ones to lecture about enforcing to us .

You drink Cow pee and eat Cow dung we don't care neither we ask for a ban over any of this so kindly refrain to bring in off topic.

15% of population is free to eat anything except cows ...... there is no problem doing that , so as to not hurt the religious sentiments of their Hindu brethren .

Well again from that 15% population only merely 5% are enforcing their view over rest of 10% ???

Let me ask you a question ..... answer it genuinely .

Tomorrow if I borrow a Quran with my money and burns it , will it not hurt your feelings ?

Or will you behaving like , it's your money ... do anything with it .

Can you eat paper ???
You drink Cow pee and eat Cow dung we don't care neither we ask for a ban over any of this so kindly refrain to bring in off topic.

Neither do I care about you drinking camel piss and eating camel dung .

So if you don't want to be shown mirror , don't make stupid sweeping statements about Indian mentality .

Well again from that 15% population only merely 5% are enforcing their view over rest of 10% ???

Can you eat paper ???

It's about respecting other religious belief . @Banglore has explained it beautifully in post#36 .

Also add to that fact why should Hindus , Christians , etc every non-muslim accommodate azan every single day 5 times when it is highly anti-non-muslim .

Even then we accomodate it , so there is no problem Muslims reciprocating it .
That would be a valid criticism if you supported people drawing images & cartoons of the prophet which might cause offense to Muslims. Why should non-Muslims be subjected to respecting figures & restrictions on depicting figures of a religion that they do not subscribe to? On what basis do Muslims ask non-Muslims to respect religious figures & teachings of a religion not their own?

In India, you can't draw images of the prophet or insult Muslim sentiments even if you are not a Muslim. The same rule can be made out in a case of cow slaughter. France follows such a secular principle where they don't care for anyone's religious sentiments, India does not, instead following a general principle of showing respect to all religions. If you accept France's position, I would agree with your submission. Not otherwise.

Comparing apple with Oranges !!!

It has nothing to do with respect god damit from the beginning I am saying that Cow is a food stock what is wrong in your head you people cant you comprehend things clearly or just look every thing through your delusional thoughts.

I am not talking about making a cows sketches and disrespect it I am talking about the meal of 95% of the whole world population. By the way before BJP Govt is their not any slaughter of cows in India ??? what was happening then ??? you people were sleeping or what ??? Now in a sudden wake after years you people are banning it in every other state and forcing upon other non followers !!! I believe this Hindutva forcing strategy will bring even more difficulties to Indians and India it won't do good ... And yes wait for a little while lets see how long you can accomodate cows population till they keep breeding at their pace ...

Neither do I care about you drinking camel piss and eating camel dung .

So if you don't want to be shown mirror , don't make stupid sweeping statements about Indian mentality .

Ooh that hit your nerve :D ... We don't do that and if their is someone a rare case May Be then again its their personal choice society doesn't decide the diet of individual! and by the way we don't worship Camel.

It's about respecting other religious belief . @Banglore has explained it beautifully in post#36 .

Regarding your Buddy you bring in for help Yes I know how you people nothing new you scratch my back I scratch yours ... Do sipahi mil gaye aik afsar bun gaya purana drama huh. Its been answered in post#41 single handedly!

Also add to that fact why should Hindus , Christians , etc every non-muslim accommodate azan every single day 5 times when it is highly anti-non-muslim .

What is so offending in Adhaan ??? every single 5 times a day why are you people circling things round and round and brining in irrelevant issues ???
I am simply saying its others life stock not disrespecting or any thing !!!
Its Church Chimes here and Temple Blowing Horn we hear but we never thought like Highly Anti-Muslim :rolleyes: or accommodating they are open to do their worship. Ooh ok we were talking about India not Pakistan.
World Racisim Index :enjoy:

Comparing apple with Oranges !!!

It has nothing to do with respect god damit from the beginning I am saying that Cow is a food stock what is wrong in your head you people cant you comprehend things clearly or just look every thing through your delusional thoughts.

I am not talking about making a cows sketches and disrespect it I am talking about the meal of 95% of the whole world population. By the way before BJP Govt is their not any slaughter of cows in India ??? what was happening then ??? you people were sleeping or what ??? Now in a sudden wake after years you people are banning it in every other state and forcing upon other non followers !!! I believe this Hindutva forcing strategy will bring even more difficulties to Indians and India it won't do good ... And yes wait for a little while lets see how long you can accomodate cows population till they keep breeding at their pace ...

You don't get to decide what is offensive for others. Just like many would think the outrage over cartoons is ridiculous, you can hold similar views over the banning of beef. Doesn't make them dissimilar. The principle followed would be of the same logic.

Being obnoxious is the last resort of one who cannot argue rationally. Your knowledge of law in India is poor yet you talk like you understand it. The law in UP is dated from the mid 1950's nor is that state under BJP control. No government now has banned cow slaughter, even the law in Maharashtra was the Presidential ratification of a law passed in 1995. That would be the right of a state government to do so, it is allowed explicitly under the constitution of India which was not framed by Modi & co.

When Muslims agree that non-followers need not be restricted from drawing cartoons or otherwise doing acts offensive to Muslims & their religion, then maybe this argument needs a hearing. Otherwise such a position will only get the contempt that it deserves.
Ooh that hit your nerve :D ... We don't do that and if their is someone a rare case May Be then again its their personal choice society doesn't decide the diet of individual! and by the way we don't worship Camel.
Did my post about camels hit your nerve ? lol ..... write cr@p about my religion , I can reciprocate it better than you .
Google camel urine and islam , you will know about it .
Regarding your Buddy you bring in for help Yes I know how you people nothing new you scratch my back I scratch yours ... Do sipahi mil gaye aik afsar bun gaya purana drama huh.
DId you saw he helping me ??
If you are unable to debate , please free to ignore .
What is so offending in Adhaan ??? every single 5 times a day why are you people circling things round and round and brining in irrelevant issues ???
Its Church Chimes here and Temple Blowing Horn we hear but we never thought like Highly Anti-Muslim :rolleyes: or accommodating they are open to do their worship. Ooh ok we were talking about India not Pakistan.
World Racisim Index :enjoy:


Church bells and Temple bells .... does they saying anything ??
OTOH lets hear what azan has to say ...... There is only one GOD and there is no GOD other than this one ..... How pious and beautifull .... How can that be anti any religion ??
The fact that you have to bring off-topic $hit just shows your desperation .
You don't get to decide what is offensive for others. Just like many would think the outrage over cartoons are ridiculous, you can hold similar views over the banning of beef. Doesn't make them dissimilar. The principle followed would be of the same logic.

Similarly what society has to do with individuals preference to eat something. I am following you people bringing in pork and wine and bla bla bla yes thats right in our society its prohibited but its ones choice what to eat and not enforced.

Again you are going off topic. How come something which is regarding direct insult could be associated with something has an issue with food stock ??? Indeed it is dissimilar

Being obnoxious is the last resort of one who cannot argue rationally. Your knowledge of law in India is poor yet you talk like you understand it. The law in UP is dated from the mid 1950's. No government now has banned cow slaughter, even the law in Maharashtra was the Presidential ratification of a law passed in 1995. That would be the right of a state government to do so, it is allowed explicitly under the constitution of India which was not framed by Modi & co.

Being obnoxious is the last resort of one who cannot argue absolutely and yes I am unaware of Indian Law and I did not denied it ever but again thats not the question here.

When Muslims agree that non-followers need not be restricted from drawing cartoons or otherwise doing acts offensive to Muslims & their religion, then maybe this argument needs a hearing. Otherwise such a position will only get the contempt that it deserves.

Again you are bringing in irrelevant to support your argument just for argument for long I am talking about food stock and you people going round and round with disrespect hatred bla bla bla. I am saying that society has no right to enforce what one prefer to eat and again you bring in disrespect.

Did my post about camels hit your nerve ? lol ..... write cr@p about my religion , I can reciprocate it better than you .
Google camel urine and islam , you will know about it .

Ooh I am sorry I seriously hit you at the right place.

Well I am not doing any kind of mud slinging their were documentaries on National geographic regarding Cow and its residue consumers if that offended you or your religion kindly go and ask them.

And yes I swear I never meant to Cr@p about your religion its a fact and I never make a fun of it I just argued and you replied and I have answered your reply no hard feelings.

So Google is your source :tsk: ... find something better or even if you ask me about it I can tell you ... Its Camel pee in just one case of dermatology and it is even not properly defined and it is vague. 99.9% muslims don't follow it :).

DId you saw he helping me ??
If you are unable to debate , please free to ignore .

Hahahaha typical Indian!

Church bells and Temple bells .... does they saying anything ??
OTOH lets hear what azan has to say ...... There is only one GOD and there is no GOD other than this one ..... How pious and beautifull .... How can that be anti any religion ??

Aaha it has been answered clearly in my last post

The fact that you have to bring off-topic $hit just shows your desperation .

Really you think I am desperate :blink:

I am the :big_boss: here.

Well leave it yaar tum logon ki hut rahi hai janay dau ... Its useless to talk coherent in front of an Indian.

Any ways accept my apologies if any thing hurt you people I never meant to hurt any sentiments or mudslinging over any ones religion. My question stands but I don't want to drag it further as I never meant to hurt any ones sentiments I withdrew.
Similarly what society has to do with individuals preference to eat something. I am following you people bringing in pork and wine and bla bla bla yes thats right in our society its prohibited but its ones choice what to eat and not enforced.

Again you are going off topic. How come something which is regarding direct insult could be associated with something has an issue with food stock ??? Indeed it is dissimilar

Direct insult means what? Something that offends the believer? Cow slaughter offends many Hindus just like cartoons on the prophet offends many Muslims. Hindus may find the objection to cartoons silly, Muslims may find the objection to cow slaughter silly but the principle is the same for both types of offense . No matter how much you argue, you cannot change the similarity.

.... and yes I am unaware of Indian Law and I did not denied it ever but again thats not the question here.

It is the question. You have suggested repeatedly that this is something the BJP government is doing now and I pointed out that it is ingrained in the constitution itself (the states have the right to decide) and many states that ban cow slaughter have a history from many decades back & has nothing to do with the present government. The issue being raised concerned the state of Uttar Pradesh which is not run by the BJP but has a law banning cow slaughter going all the way back to the mid-1950's. The law in Maharasthra that you are probably more aware of was not done now but got the President's assent for a law passed in the mid 1990's.

Again you are bringing in irrelevant to support your argument just for argument for long I am talking about food stock and you people going round and round with disrespect hatred bla bla bla. I am saying that society has no right to enforce what one prefer to eat and again you bring in disrespect

Society bans many things. In India, one cannot slaughter many wild animals and they are punishable offenses. That would hold for most states about dogs, cats, donkeys etc. To each their own. The cow is added to the list, it is difficult to argue that one should necessarily hold the same cultural values that others have.

Disrespect is brought in because the cow finds a place as a holy animal to many Hindus. To ask to slaughter an animal that holds such a place is to argue the point that one mans belief should not restrain any other from doing what he wants regardless of whether offense is caused. A very rational & lucid argument but one that begs the counter question -the argument then holds even if the subject is the drawing of cartoons. France is a classic follower of such a policy. India is not.
I am sorry I seriously hit you at the right place.

Well I am not doing any kind of mud slinging their were documentaries on National geographic regarding Cow and its residue consumers if that offended you or your religion kindly go and ask them.

And yes I swear I never meant to Cr@p about your religion its a fact and I never make a fun of it I just argued and you replied and I have answered your reply no hard feelings.

So Google is your source :tsk: ... find something better or even if you ask me about it I can tell you ... Its Camel pee in just one case of dermatology and it is even not properly defined and it is vague. 99.9% muslims don't follow it :).

Hahahaha typical Indian!

Aaha it has been answered clearly in my last post

Really you think I am desperate :blink:

I am the :big_boss: here.

Well leave it yaar tum logon ki hut rahi hai janay dau ... Its useless to talk coherent in front of an Indian.

Any ways accept my apologies if any thing hurt you people I never meant to hurt any sentiments or mudslinging over any ones religion. My question stands but I don't want to drag it further as I never meant to hurt any ones sentiments I withdrew.

1. Yes , Google is the source .... sites written by muslims quoting Quran and Hadiths .

2. Typical Pakistani ..... find nothing to counter any points balme it on others .

3. You never answered anything in the last post .... bells makes noise , azan insults others .

4. I am a beef eater myself but the point is there is something called equal justice to all .
Regardless of what the Hindu, Muslims or Christians think, Beef, Pork, Chicken etc. are food items and should be easily available in any free market. They are all delicious foods, a lot of Hindu friends of my mine eat beef so I don't know what the big problem here is. Is it incorrect to beat the shit out of someone who slaughtered a cow, if its forbidden in the state by law, then report to the authorities :police:. Can't go on beating people half to death every time someone breaks the 'law' no matter how useful/useless the law is. It will only lead to divisions. I think tolerance is the key word here, if you feel someone is breaking a law, call the police.
Dhakar News | Facebook

Muzaffarnagar , June 28:
A video was uploaded on the website showing a Muslim youth beaten brutally by the Bajrang Dal goons after which communal tension in Muzaffarnagar mounted.

The Muslim youth, Riyaz sat at the place where the cow was allegedly being slaughtered.

In the video, Riyaz was shown being paraded by the group of Bajrang Dal goons who were repeatedly heard shouting ‘gau hatya kar raha tha. yehi anjam hoga gau hatya karne walon ka (He was slaughtering cow, this will be the treatment of those who attempt to slaughter cows).
Riyaz was seen bleeding profusely in the video. He was shouting that he belonged to Shamli village in Muzaffarnagar and he was only sitting at that place where the cow was said to be being slaughtered.
The shocking scene was in the third video was that the police constables were seen arresting the victim leaving the goons free

Bajrang Dal goons attack Muslim youth - Communal tension mounts in Muzaffarnagar | Siasat

malawn gula besi baira gece , now where all these good indian people why u not saying anythings about this ?
sorry to say but majority off hindus are very narrow minded , i dare u to say somethings in america while millions of cows we slaughtering here everyday ,just except the fact cow is not a god , god just made that for us to eat
we should declared him doing blasphemy and then kill him legally !

Point is not respect of an 'animal' or not, point is violence and absence of law and order. If he had broken a law, however bizarre or aparthied it may me, a case against him should have been filed and law allowed to make its way. However, better was not expected from 'confessed' Mukti Bahini terrorist Modi's Bharat.
we should have treated him the way pakistani treat blasphemers who do the mighty crime of burning newspaper containing word form a holy book ! halal treatment !
Slaughtering a cow, that too in UP? Lets just say he got what he deserved. I would say he got off easy if he is still alive, UP people can be very unforgiving when this kind of crime is involved.

are u really serious ? u consider that a crime ? i think u living in old area , this is 2015 u just got a accept that cow is not a anyone god , god just made that for people to eat , more than 200 countries eating cow everyday why cant u stop that ? and here u guys are just beating a innocent muslim guy smh

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