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Indian Atheists Population

How many atheists are in India as a percentage? Some relatives in India told me most atheists in India are Western wannabes who are desperate too seem "modern" and "cool".:rofl:

There are Hindus who don't believe in god but keep it to themselves. They will live their lives as Hindus. So, there can't be an accurate measure of atheists in India.
my friends family is hindu but they dont worship any god since generations.
I know plenty of communists who belong to all religions but are atheists. Don't know their population percentage though.
How many atheists are in India as a percentage? Some relatives in India told me most atheists in India are Western wannabes who are desperate too seem "modern" and "cool".:rofl:

Ver much true. SOme people are very shameless, that they feel shame to talk in native language, shamefull to accept to say a Indian and its civilisation.
Am technically hindu,but non religious.Agnostic/dieist is more appropiate word than atheist.
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