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Indian at OIC as guest of honor

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I'm not sure why everyone's panty's in a bundle.

Pakistan send a lower level delegate... The Saudi FM is in Pakistan, Turkey's not there, ?Iran?

This just continues to show the neglect of competent foreign policy. Handing over a captured pilot isn't a diplomatic coup. Only Small minds think that.

Diplomatic coup would be going to Israel and giving a neutral speech to Knessat. A diplomatic coup would be to expand ties to Central Asia, and Africa. Have Imran Khan shake hands with Shakira.

Diplomatic relations aren't just having an ambassador and staff in a foreign country. Pakistan's exports are showing minimal growth, while $Hundreds of Millions are spent on the Foreign Ministry.

Dude we just dragged ourselves from WoT with WoI.

Aint nobody got the time for that. You do know Pakistanis have unflinching belief on '' We do not need a narrative. Other party does ''.

However soft power projection is becoming important day by day and we will get there eventually. You see while the world managed to ride the trade wars storm rather unscathed, war has erupted in South Asia. We do things differently but the same every time.

Maybe when Imran Khan can clinch the Noble Peace Prize for averting nuclear war, Pique would step aside for him just like he does for any left winger.
Why would you keep hopes from another muslim country apart from Turkey?
Because Pakistan keeps licking Saudi and Arab boots. Don't deny this. Our higher up love the Arabs. We expect them the least not to promote India but the Arabs played a game. Invested 20 billions in Pakistan and 100Billion in India. Plus I am sure UAE will invest more.

If Saudi Arabia/UAE can be sidekicks of India then Pakistan should be free and independent to make good alliance with Russia China Iran Turkey Qatar. Natural alliance in the making
The minimum I expect from OIC is stop India from coming to OIC to show support to Pakistan. They can keep their condemnation to themselves
There are more than 200 million Muslims in India. And Kashmiri Muslims are only 5% of Indian Muslim population. More importantly Kashmir is basically a water dispute between India and Pakistan. It's not a religious war. So comparing it with Palestine is oxymoron. I'm not saying they should gain OIC membership however I also do not see any major reasons that why they shouldn't .
There are more than 200 million Muslims in India. And Kashmiri Muslims are only 5% of Indian Muslim population. More importantly Kashmir is basically a water dispute between India and Pakistan. It's not a religious war. So comparing it with Palestine is oxymoron. I'm not saying they should gain OIC membership however I also do not see any major reasons that why they shouldn't .

Kashmiris are Pakistani.

End of argument.
I think we should recall our ambassador from UAE return their borrowed money and close down their palaces here and show a Naya Pakistan and spine. Rather eat grass then have anything to do with them again. Its spineless elite and leadership who is going to let us down and come up with excuses from their backside where sun doesn't shine as they have got properties their. Its just not on.
I think we should recall our ambassador from UAE return their borrowed money and close down their palaces here and show a Naya Pakistan and spine. Rather eat grass then have anything to do with them again. Its spineless elite and leadership who is going to let us down and come up with excuses from their backside where sun doesn't shine as they have got properties their. Its just not on.
Naya Pakistan lol. The Naya Pakistan is pro Arab
You're not a authority on Islam and neither is this subject matter, I have no obligation to explain myself to some random person in a forum.. @waz Thought religious discussion is not allowed here

Don’t bash our religion here. I will report you next time.
Shaking my head, over 700,000 Indian terrorist army is oppressing, raping and killing non-Arab Kashmiri muslims for over 70 years and look at what the Arabs have done.

Oh how I wish the Ottomans was still an empire today, there is only one nation in the middle east that are our true blood brothers only one the Turks.
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