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Indian at OIC as guest of honor

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She is disgusting. Preaching peace while launching attacks behind her back. She can stick her ‘shanti’ where the sun don’t shine. It is disgusting these Hindu fundamentalist shouldn’t go near an Islamic conference.

This is like Netanyahu being invited!
Indian geopolitical significance talking actually.
As much as I hate to admit it, I think you are right.

Afterall India has 1.3 billion people. Hmmm... This is the fault of our foreign office.
She is disgusting. Preaching peace while launching attacks behind her back. She can stick her ‘shanti’ where the sun don’t shine. It is disgusting these Hindu fundamentalist shouldn’t go near an Islamic conference.

This is like Netanyahu being invited!
The arabs will invite him too..arabs have gotten fat and lazy..wrong analogy
did you see we gifted their pilot to modi in silver plate?
so don't talk about the spine.

I was talking about those who invited her. The Pakistani govt took the right decision of boycotting - - -

Money talks and bullshit walks. Unfortunately, the trade between India and UAE is big so they won't risk angering them. However. once we develop Gwadar we need to destroy Dubai's port business. Abu Dhabi may have oil but it still a city-state. We can always make a new organization.

The honorable Turks have always stood by us, we won't forget this, already people in Pakistan talk of the fondness of the Ottoman Caliphate, and Erdogan support has further enforced this. We need to build an economic, military and political relationship. In'sha'allah the Red and Green flag will charge together.

Even if Pakistan was on the verge of destruction we can never have a relationship with Israel. Those who sprout such ideas aren't just traitors to Pakistan but to Allah and his noble Holy Prophet (PBUH). We have a moral standard and no money, power in this world will change that.

Didn't the Muslims had multi dimensional dealings with the Jews back in the Caliphate days?
Mughals were/are descendents of Turko-Mongols.
Mughals and Ottomans may have had a common ancestry, but Anatolian Turks are completely different to Mughals who eventually intermarried locals of South Asia.
They're trolling India...

With Pak in the IOC meeting, it's India vs Pak....

Without Pak, it's India vs the rest of the Muslim world (who has downed the Indian jets)....

The worst-case scenario: another Ay-Yildiz (Hilal ve Sitara) is there, and it [representing one nation, two states] is not dumb/deaf/blind etc....
She is disgusting. Preaching peace while launching attacks behind her back. She can stick her ‘shanti’ where the sun don’t shine. It is disgusting these Hindu fundamentalist shouldn’t go near an Islamic conference.

This is like Netanyahu being invited!
Give it time.
Beggars cannot be choosers...IK should have seen this coming when he went with begging bowl to KSA and UAE...blame no other...India has relationship with Arabs dating back 2 Millennium...Pakistan is foolish if it thinks it can isolate India.Pakistan should work on developing its competency and economy to emerge as an indispensable country like Israel.
Haha, I wouldn't be surprised if Netanyahu is invited to OIC! lol!

Muslims in this day and age are very divided.
They are divided. So why do we keep up the pretence of unity.
The Ummah exists in name only. It's time we acknowledged the fact.
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