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Indian at OIC as guest of honor

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There is no sense that Pakistan is not participating. This is foolishness. It was Pakistan on the yes of whom India was invited. Now what happened?
We cant let anybody to manipulate our friends.
So Pakistan participate.

Who told you that India was invited on the 'yes' of Pakistan?
Update from OIC. Meeting ended Pakistani pressure worked India was not allowed to take Pakistan's name at OIC. Thank you Turkey Iran and Saudis.
This is no gain, especially after they requested Pakistan to head their combined military force. Inshallah, one day the Pakistanis will come back home vowing to return to protest the Saudi establishment and its hypocrisy and they will be victorious at every step they take.
Pakistan should self terminate their membership of oic. bunch of spineless dallay. - - - - - - -
did you see we gifted their pilot to modi in silver plate?
so don't talk about the spine.
did you see we gifted their pilot to modi in silver plate?
so don't talk about the spine.
We have the spine bro Kulboshan is still here and will rott for the rest of his life. So please don't talk about spine. We went into India and bombed them.
Pakistan should take some actions against UAE.

Why is UAE doing this? This is because they are bigger puppets of Israelis and US than KSA.

All is being done by US.

They are breaking OIC now.

Money talks and bullshit walks. Unfortunately, the trade between India and UAE is big so they won't risk angering them. However. once we develop Gwadar we need to destroy Dubai's port business. Abu Dhabi may have oil but it still a city-state. We can always make a new organization.

I think our Pakistani brothers understand better now why we struggle with Zayed-MBS team and some theirs puppet coup-generals.

The honorable Turks have always stood by us, we won't forget this, already people in Pakistan talk of the fondness of the Ottoman Caliphate, and Erdogan support has further enforced this. We need to build an economic, military and political relationship. In'sha'allah the Red and Green flag will charge together.

Then the reason for your existence will disappear and you will lose all moral high ground. Your society will fracture. Lastly, prepare for the full wrath of Allah swt from Heaven and Earth. Our enemies would leave nothing left.

The same happened to Bani Israel after they fought each other using foreigners as proxies, Allah swt made them slaves of every nation and humiliated them. Learn from history.

Even if Pakistan was on the verge of destruction we can never have a relationship with Israel. Those who sprout such ideas aren't just traitors to Pakistan but to Allah and his noble Holy Prophet (PBUH). We have a moral standard and no money, power in this world will change that.
Pakistan should take some actions against UAE.

Why is UAE doing this? This is because they are bigger puppets of Israelis and US than KSA.

All is being done by US.

They are breaking OIC now.

Its not like the OIC has any sway in the Islamic World its just became a bigger version of the the Arab League for rich Arab Sheikhs the height of the OIC was in 1974 when the summit was last held in Lahore, Pakistan ever since then its become nothing but a club of rich Gulf Arab sheikhs mind I been warning Pakistanis about getting close to the Gulf Arabs for a while I am afraid my fears are coming true and some posts are saying this is the UAE matter lets not forget the UAE/Saudi see each other as equals and are in favor of using India of starting relations with Israel, Saudis are running out of the "Petro lottery" this is why MBS is "pivot" to Asia policy I think internally they are with the Slum Dogs cause frankly they want investments there to be fair most of Pakistan's allies(Turkey,,China) have huge economic investments there due to the slumdog population and frankly economic reforms taken in the 1990s and 2000s but the Gulf Arabs are known to be money grubbers so not to be trusted if they want our protection and cheap labor we need to twist their arm even if it risks $20 billion worth of MOUs.

Let's make our relationship better with Iran, it will burn UAE.

Publicly support territorial integrity of Yemen and Somalia, whose breakaway republics UAE is supporting.

I am for this two weeks ago I was being burned by some folks here for being a Pro-Iranian boot licker who got the moral card now yes Iran is playing double games with India but last I check they have not used Pakistan as proxy for the Saudi Secatarian wars for the past two decades I rather piss the UAE and take side with Qataris the most sane Gulf Arabs.

Go home, OIC is just an organization.

Ummah is a religious concept within Islam.

Enjoy Abhin's homecoming.

I believe in Ummah as spritual concept we Muslims all over from the shores of Morrocco to the seas of Indonesia as one but I am relalist in today's day in age each of us have unique racial, national and cultural characteristics that makes us unique I am not saying we should fight we should prevent fight but we first need to get Muslim Countries on par to the West and the now rising East when it comes to defense and hi-tech I only see a few countries with that potential Turkey,Azerbaijan,Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia those countries are independent from the dependence of oil and gas well sort of (Azerbaijan and Iran have oil and gas) but still they have well educated populace and unified nationalism as a people

Their leadership has some hate against Pakistan. Probably because of fear of Gwadar and trying to prevent Pakistan's rise in prestige.

UAE official insults Pakistanis, calls them criminals
APR 03, 2018

Tribune News Network
In a series of demeaning and humiliating tweets, a senior Dubai police official has launched a vitriolic attack on Pakistani citizens working in the UAE.
Dhahi Khalfan, a senior police official in Dubai, is not new to controversies and is known to shoot off his mouth.
"We have seen great harm caused by the Pakistanis to our Gulf communities. I urge our citizens not to employ Pakistanis. It is now a national duty to stop hiring Pakistanis," Khalfan said in tweets posted on his official Twitter account.
In another tweet, he wrote:"How come Indians are disciplined, while sedition, criminality and smuggling are rampant in the Pakistani community."
This fierce attack unleashed by Khalfan on the Pakistanis was preceded by reports that spoke of deterioration in Saudi-UAE and Pakistani relations.
The Wall Street Journal revealed that Saudi Arabia had abandoned Pakistan's support and succumbed to US pressure to include Islamabad on a terrorism financing list, despite Pakistan sending 1,000 troops to Saudi Arabia to protect the country, according to reports.
Several Western newspapers have recently reported the conflict between the UAE and Pakistan over ports.
The UAE sees expansion of the Gwadar port in Pakistan as a game changer that could reshape the economic agenda for the region.
Many economic analysts believe that port of Gwadar could pose a threat to Dubai in the region.



Those Gulfies were always against Gwader since the 2000s not a suprise KSA only started to steer towards Pakistan cause they need to expand investments still cant be trusted

I think our Pakistani brothers understand better now why we struggle with Zayed-MBS team and some theirs puppet coup-generals.

I have issues with Turkey's leadership and the Erdogan plus his AK PARTI but I rather ally with them than with the Gulf Arabs we can have better relations with the Iranians with the help of the Turks

You will have to kill the vast majority of Pakistanis. More likely that the present government will face mass protests and forced to cede power.

Unlikely scenario.

Getting Israel in the OIC is good meme and probably could piss some Arabs but the whole point of getting India was to help normalize relations with them but I think Pakistani people would not accept that nor should we should be friends with all nations who dont harm us but Israel is country that wants death and destruction and the Koshers are the scum of the earth they suck nations blood look at the USA and the West now

Your PM words are important too.

Let them behave like munafiqeen and abandon the history and pride of Muslims. We don't have to follow their follies.

We will keep hitting back at Israel in our own way. We proved we can defeat Israeli tech on the battlefield.

Then the reason for your existence will disappear and you will lose all moral high ground. Your society will fracture. Lastly, prepare for the full wrath of Allah swt from Heaven and Earth. Our enemies would leave nothing left.

The same happened to Bani Israel after they fought each other using foreigners as proxies, Allah swt made them slaves of every nation and humiliated them. Learn from history.

True we cant allow for this to happen

Pakistan is sending a junior delegation
Pakistan need to do whats in it's interest and not follow this Umma blindly, It's just a ruse to control semi literate masses in the name of Muslim brotherhood.. Only brain dead fundamentalists would believe that crap.. Like you mentioned this is a great opportunity for Pakistan to free it self from this and make a statement
while some Pak members on this forum understand this, many still say "we are muslim brotherhood, west rolling over golden past of islam rule".
Open your eyes......no other islamic country believes that besides Pak.
Sab kehene ki baat hai, sirf paisa chalta hai.
Pak may be a nuclear country, but develop an economy (we may be bad on per capita and have 1000 other problems, but we are still a very large economy) and then those nukes will be treated with respect. Afterall NK has Nukes too.
Good decision by Pakistan but PTI and Pakistan need to understand that beggers can't be choosers. You cannot be a slave to Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA and then expect them to respect you.

India invitation to OIC is a clear slap on Pakistan face by the Arabs, this is too during everyday Indian threats to Pakistan and also after an air warfare which nearly led to a war.

As I said on here many times, Pakistan needs to get out of the slave mentality and learn to have some self respect.

We need an alliance from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran to Turkey
We need to build strong relationship with Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, but instead Pakistan is licking up to the Arabs and training their armed forces against Iran and then expect Iran to not be Indian friend. Pakistan sticks up the the Arabs whilst UAE is becoming sidekick of India and Saudi Arabia investing 100Billions in India. This shows the world what Pakistan is taken for by the Arabs.
Good decision by Pakistan but PTI and Pakistan need to understand that beggers can't be choosers. You cannot be a slave to Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA and then expect them to respect you.

India invitation to OIC is a clear slap on Pakistan face by the Arabs, this is too during everyday Indian threats to Pakistan and also after an air warfare which nearly led to a war.

As I said on here many times, Pakistan needs to get out of the slave mentality and learn to have some self respect.

We need an alliance from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran to Turkey
We need to build strong relationship with Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, but instead Pakistan is licking up to the Arabs and training their armed forces against Iran and then expect Iran to not be Indian friend. Pakistan sticks up the the Arabs whilst UAE is becoming sidekick of India and Saudi Arabia investing 100Billions in India. This shows the world what Pakistan is taken for by the Arabs.

Preaching to the Choir @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Open your eyes......no other islamic country believes that besides Pak.

Not every Muslim country depends on survival through support from the West.

Just tell the Pakistanis Security force in Bahrain to leave and see how fast the country falls to democratic forces who want freedom from the Monarchy.
Good decision by Pakistan but PTI and Pakistan need to understand that beggers can't be choosers. You cannot be a slave to Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA and then expect them to respect you.

India invitation to OIC is a clear slap on Pakistan face by the Arabs, this is too during everyday Indian threats to Pakistan and also after an air warfare which nearly led to a war.

As I said on here many times, Pakistan needs to get out of the slave mentality and learn to have some self respect.

We need an alliance from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran to Turkey
We need to build strong relationship with Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, but instead Pakistan is licking up to the Arabs and training their armed forces against Iran and then expect Iran to not be Indian friend. Pakistan sticks up the the Arabs whilst UAE is becoming sidekick of India and Saudi Arabia investing 100Billions in India. This shows the world what Pakistan is taken for by the Arabs.
i totally agree with abv....
One vannot run in all durections at same time and reach somewhere...Pakistan must show its decision to the world. Stop Islamic Ummah thing..it dint help it when it needed during its time of survival.
Not every Muslim country depends on survival through support from the West.

Just tell the Pakistanis Security force in Bahrain to leave and see how fast the country falls to democratic forces who want freedom from the Monarchy.

Excuse me sir but we are exporting Islamic Democracy in the region.

It may look Texas in style but it is Pakistani at heart.
Excuse me sir but we are exporting Islamic Democracy in the region.

It may look Texas in style but it is Pakistani at heart.

I'm not sure why everyone's panty's in a bundle.

Pakistan send a lower level delegate... The Saudi FM is in Pakistan, Turkey's not there, ?Iran?

This just continues to show the neglect of competent foreign policy. Handing over a captured pilot isn't a diplomatic coup. Only Small minds think that.

Diplomatic coup would be going to Israel and giving a neutral speech to Knessat. A diplomatic coup would be to expand ties to Central Asia, and Africa. Have Imran Khan shake hands with Shakira.

Diplomatic relations aren't just having an ambassador and staff in a foreign country. Pakistan's exports are showing minimal growth, while $Hundreds of Millions are spent on the Foreign Ministry.
The decision was made by the parliament - and it was a hobson’s choice anyway; damned if you do it, damned if you don’t.
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