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Indian at OIC as guest of honor

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UAE just trying to buoy their economy as it is going down the shithole; with nothing to show except the Dubai Expo. They're also trying to normalise relations with the Israelis which the Indians are close to; so go figure.
India by and large is the largest investor in their economy so they naturally have a tilt towards them.

This is why diplomacy is needed. Work with other Muslim states to get a bigger clout; and yes the OIC block is just useless like the UN; worse actually.
Pakistan need to do whats in it's interest and not follow this Umma blindly, It's just a ruse to control semi literate masses in the name of Muslim brotherhood.. Only brain dead fundamentalists would believe that crap.. Like you mentioned this is a great opportunity for Pakistan to free it self from this and make a statement

Ummah was made for us by prophet Muhammad saws. it is a part of our religion. Who are you to tell us to follow a different faith?
Ummah was made for us by prophet Muhammad saws. it is a part of our religion. Who are you to tell us to follow a different faith?

Someone who's not a brain washed fundamentalist.. But then again lets not go there and derail the thread.. You stick to your fantasies ill engage with more enlightened posters here.. Feel free to ignore my posts
Indian members, what kind of OIC meeting do you want where 3 of the largest Muslim nations are absent? Turkey and Pakistan as a direct result of your presence, and Iran for other reasons. This meeting is just a photo op for UAE and nothing more.

Everyone is looking at Pakistan right now and it has overshadowed the whole event. It bodes ill for the OIC.

We may need to begin another Islamic Organization which does more that issue useless statements and actually takes action in the form of sanctions, boycotts, and military action.

Someone who's not a brain washed fundamentalist.. But then again lets not go there and derail the thread.. You stick to your fantasies ill engage with more enlightened posters here.. Feel free to ignore my posts

Its not your place to mock our religion. Who are you to give us religious advice? What qualifications do you have?
Its not your place to mock our religion. Who are you to give us religious advice? What qualifications do you have?

You're not a authority on Islam and neither is this subject matter, I have no obligation to explain myself to some random person in a forum.. @waz Thought religious discussion is not allowed here
If pak and Israel ever turns to be friends, we can bring Israel and iran on one table and similarly Israel can help india and Pakistan peace process
Lolz Brother we Havent been able to bring Saudi Arabia and Iran on one Table. All our Requests have been ridiculed by both sides. What makes you think they will listen to us?
If Post Revolution Iranis were that wise to listen to a neibour do you think they would have made so many Enemies Throughout the world in first place for no Reason Except Conspiracies and Prophecies?
I mean we have Post Revolution Iran. Best Friend of Pakistan, Best Friend of Turkey, Territorial Tensions with Saudis(No Secterianism) and only Real Conflict with Communist Block and its Allies(Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Iraq etc) And Against the enemy they had massive allies like Whole of the Capitalist Western block, Pakistan, Turkey etc. And even Good relations with Israel upto Defense Cooperation.

And 30 Years forward. Europe is Enemy of Iran, USA is Shaitan e Akbar, Israel is the Root of All Evil, Arabs are Najadi Fitna enemies of Islam, Pakistan is a Terrorist State, Neither East Nor West only Islamic Republic Policy, And look at its Economy being a Major Oil Producing Country.
Their government is beyond my Comprehension. Either they are super human level smart or really stupid
Pakistan should self terminate their membership of oic. bunch of spineless dallay. - - - - - - -
Pakistan should self terminate their membership of oic. bunch of spineless dallay. - - - - - - -
We are founding member so let's restrict the authority of UAE that better.
Unbelievable :woot: India isolated Pak within Ummah!

The last place willing to hear your rona dona is also closed to you :laugh:

Good work India
Looool..yes ofcourse you did. Still a hindu is bowing at the muslim table. Shame on you hindus.
Meanwhile PAF just raped IAF and your northern command cheif got sacked due to being crap.
Ummah was made for us by prophet Muhammad saws. it is a part of our religion. Who are you to tell us to follow a different faith?
Ummah is a good concept in our Religion. The Feeling of relatedness we get when some one from Indonesia or Africa or Azerbaijan says "Asalam O Alaikum Brother" is beyond explaining and blessed.
in the modern order of things. Ummah as a Political Policy is not that practical. See All Muslim Ummah lives under authority and Jurisdictions of Different Nation States whose Interests, Conflicts, Structure of Governance vary drastically. You and all of us should understand it. at Person to Person level we are all United into one Ummah. We love our brothers across the planet without distinction. But you cannot resolve Persian-Arab gulf Claims, Syrian-turkish Kurd Problem, Saudi-Iran Cold war, Pakistan-Afghanistan Durand Line Issue, Egypt-Ghaza Security Problem with one world Ummah. All those countries have so much wrong within themselves. we have to let it go. Afghan Government can never be your Muslim Brothers no matter who comes in power(Unless it is a puppet). Turkey will always be your Iron Brother no matter who is in power.
Ummah was made for us by prophet Muhammad saws. it is a part of our religion. Who are you to tell us to follow a different faith?
Ohh yaar chor do yeh dramy bazi... If umma dont care about us then why we only care about them??? And according to your stupid claim all ummaa accepted isreal now why you are not following the umma path ??
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