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Indian Army’s professional credibility under question

Mitigates but doesn't necessarily negate.

Dont you see the Indian philosophy of "if in doubt and unable to handle the truth - blame OP or the source."
Common Indian trade nowadays.

Lets just look at recent activity - will justify the doubt in professional credability.
The number killed over the last decade by Indian land mines.
The recent activity at the Ladakh border.
The excessive suicide rates in the Indian army.
The number of innocent people shot by the incompetent twats at the border.

I can go on all day but just bore the pants off you. Lets just say they are a poor set of humans that lack professional etiquette and probably one of the most incompetent armies in the world. Jonny English could have done a better job...........
Every day, Indian army pounds its adversary to the west.. The adversary in the west have surrendered to Indian Army in mass.. Yet they have doubt over professionalism of Indian Army??
Yes, our 20 brave-heart got martyred (achieved Veer-gati) yet you forgot to mention of 40+ casualties of PLA.. Indian army themselves treated few PLA injured in its camp and so did PLA treated India soldiers in their camps.. Where you could not find professionalism? And had China be overwhelmingly superior, they would have attacked Indian positions by now. Why they are waiting? Perhaps fear of getting bloody nose.
PLA has to be respected for its technical superiority, but that does not mean Indians should back off!!!
even the indian srmy didn't officially claim 40 PLA casualties, stop pulling numbers outta your arse. :lol: and you stand corrected, it's more like every day, indian army fails to stop freedom fights from infiltrating & targets civilians in its sheer frustration only to get its arse pounded dry by Pakistan Army retaliatory strikes. ;)
Indian Army’s professional credibility under question
Months after the deadly Galwan Valley clash, it is still unclear whether or not Indian soldiers were violating the chain of command


Chinese diplomats have been accusing Indian frontline troops of either violating the chain of command or being misused by their seniors.

Chinese Diplomats seems to be questioning Chinese Command Professionalism and to know about the Galwan Sector Scenario !!!

They claim that the savage clash between Indian and Chinese soldiers in the Galwan Valley on June 15 was a result of the grave failure of the Bihar Regiment of the Indian Army to uphold the military doctrine of command control. Consequently, 20 of the regiment’s soldiers, including a commanding officer, Colonel Santosh Babu, and an unknown number of Chinese troops lost their lives.

As i said even earlier that the Chinese Military Veterans are aware Why the Indian Armed Forces are fighting for !!!

Global Times, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China, published a report on June 17 citing Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressing an earnest need to probe the incident and demand the strict punishment of those who should be held accountable. China also demanded that India strictly discipline its frontline soldiers.

Indian Armed Forces - Central Command Headquarters for sure will punish Indian Armed Forces if they indulge in Rapes of Chinese Civilians !!! But in Galwan Sector , Indian Armed Forces Soldiers are fighting to Uphold their Religious Duties, Chinese Establishment is even well aware that these the Ancient Holy Territories of the Hindu Rashtra !!!

Wang expressed such views to his Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, in a telephone conversation held two days after the deadly skirmish. The phone call was arranged to lower the tension between the two countries. On the same day, Indian media also ran stories about the Chinese demand for an inquiry and punishment for the culprits.

As i said Hotline Between Chinese Military and Indian Military is well Established !!! Indian Armed Forces doesn't want any Third Party Involvement !!! Does the Chinese Military need the Third Party Involvement ???

In an exclusive interview for The Wire with a prominent Indian journalist, Karan Thapar, on June 18, a former Indian ambassador to China and foreign secretary, Nirupama Rao, also cast doubt on the wisdom of Indian soldiers entering Chinese territory at night.

Indian Army - Northern Command - Infantry Units are on Liberation Mode !!! Indian Soldiers follow the Orders from the Indian Armed Forces - Central Command Headquarters !!!

When Thapar asked her whether questions could be raised about the fact commanding officer Colonel Babu decided to check whether the Chinese had withdrawn as they had committed to do at 7:30pm when it is dark, in an area that is mountainous and dangerous, rather than during daylight hours, Rao replied, “That is definitely a question that needs to be answered.”

Indian Army - Northern Command - Commanding Officer - Colonel Santosh Babu was sure that His Men can Liberate the Territory on that Particular Sector. Tiranga is Hoisted there !!!

She added that it was unclear “whether it was Colonel Babu’s own decision as … the battalion commander to verify the Chinese withdrawal at 7:30pm or whether he was doing this on the instructions from higher-level leaders.”

Professional Officers and Soldiers do have the Option for Own Decisions depending on the type of Operation and the Importance of Certain Operations.

H S Panag, a retired lieutenant-general of the Indian Army, in a June 18 column in The Print, wrote, “The military hierarchy itself failed in its professional responsibility to advise the government to use force as per professional norms. The blood of these soldiers is on the hands of the government and the military hierarchy.”

Indian Armed Forces - Military Protocols have been applied. Indian Armed Forces - Central Command Headquarters has done their duties and even the Union of India's Establishment - Elected Government Representatives.

However, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the nation for the first time after the Galwan clash on June 22, highly praised the deceased soldiers, saying, “Desh ko is baat ka garv hoga ki ve marte marte mare” – the nation will be proud to note that they died while killing the enemies.

Ammunition was finished but the Operation was successful !!! Professionalism has been exhibited by the Martyred Soldiers of Indian Armed Forces !!!

Similarly, on his Independence Day eve address to the nation, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind said, “The entire nation salutes the martyrs of Galwan Valley…. Their bravery in combat has demonstrated that while we believe in peace, we are also capable of giving a befitting response to any attempt of aggression.”

Answer of the Aggression is being given by the Indian Armed Forces !!! Liberation Mode !!!

Jai Hind

However, about two months after the Galwan clash, on the eve of India’s Independence Day, the Chinese ambassador to India, Sun Weidong, again reiterated the Chinese stance.

In the magazine China-India Review published by the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, he said, “We urge the Indian side to conduct a thorough investigation, hold the violators accountable, strictly discipline the frontline troops and immediately stop all provocative acts to ensure such incidents will not occur again,” The Indian Express reported.

Seems the Chinese Ambassador is Speaking about the Violations Committed by the combating Soldiers of Galwan Sector !!!

Finally, the Indian government admitted that its military committed a blunder in the Galwan clash, not by words but by its actions.

Medals and Awards are Given after the Approval of All the Zonal Headquarters !!!

India awards medals for its military and paramilitary troops for their extraordinary courage to protect the borders on the occasion of Independence Day on August 15 every year. None of the 20 Indian soldiers killed in the Galwan clash were included in the gallantry decoration list. It seems the exclusion of their names from the list was a posthumous punishment.

I think that Takes around 3 Months to Submit the Investigation Report which is infront of Indian Armed Forces - Central Command Headquarters !!!

It would seem natural that if 20 Indian soldiers died killing their Chinese enemies while defending the border, as claimed by the prime minister, and India feels proud of them, as the president describes, they would have been posthumously decorated with higher-order gallantry medals. Therefore, why that didn’t happen is a question that Indian citizens must ask their government.

Indian Soldiers are on Liberation Mode !!!

The exclusion of these deceased soldiers’ names from the decoration list lends weight to the Chinese claim that Indian armed forces are not under the control of their military commanders and civilian leaders. The Chinese demand for an investigation therefore seems to be based on plausible grounds.

I think that Takes around 3 Months to Submit the Investigation Report which is infront of Indian Armed Forces - Central Command Headquarters , then the Recommendations are forwarded infront of the Sarkar e Hindustan !!!

There was a strong chance that senior military commanders influenced the Bihar Regiment to act as it did, or that the soldier did so on their own initiative, violating the command control to provoke the Chinese. If the former is the case, senior military leaders might have done so with an eye toward their own political clout after retirement. Increasing numbers of retired military commanders have been entering Indian politics recently.

Indian Armed Forces - Western Command - Infantry Units;
Indian Armed Forces - Northern Command- Infantry Units;
Indian Armed Forces - Eastern Command - Infantry Units

are Fighting in all the Line of Control Regions !!! Galwan Sector Operation is part of the Mission Hindustan !!!

Besides, India tried masquerading as the victim of Chinese “territorial expansionism” and “aggression” after the Galwan clash. India also attempted to use the Galwan incident as a “victim card” to seek international support for its anti-China campaign.

Indian Nation is aware that Indian Armed Forces are on Liberation Mode since Day 1. Aggressors are playing the Victim Card. Union of India Establishment doesn't want Third Parties in the Final Boundary Talks Solution !!!

However, China has repeatedly claimed that the Indian soldiers acted against the military code of ethics and their oaths of office. The Chinese consider this a breach of the military doctrine of command control.

Chinese Military is well aware Why the Indian Armed Forces are Fighting and What is the real Reason behind all this !!! DharmaYudham !!!

The incident has serious implications for India domestically and for regional peace and stability in the future. Various stakeholders and their appropriate responses are desirable now.

Stakeholders means Third Party !!! Union of India Establishment and Chinese Establishment are the only Stake Holders !!!

First, Indian taxpayers and voters should hold their government accountable for the incident because the Indian state’s military credibility is under question.

Questioning is part in Union of India Establishment as The Liberation Mode is being placed !!!

Indian foreign-affairs journalists, strategic analysts, academia, and think-tanks should set their jingoism aside. They must act astutely because their state’s credibility is under question. They should ask questions of their prime minister, defense minister, chief of defense staff, and army chief about the Galwan incident and press for an investigation.

Union of India - Merit Indians are always informed by the Union of India Establishment !!! Matured Nation is Hindu Rashtra !!!

Second, this is a vexing issue for India’s rivals China and Pakistan, and its immediate neighbors Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka. All of those countries should collectively hold India accountable to ensure that all of its forces are under the control of military commanders and their civilian leadership.

Colonization is the Reason for All the Problems !!! Haad Wo Hadood are the Commandments of the Supreme Creator !!!

Last, India possesses a nuclear arsenal and intercontinental ballistic missiles. If the command control is not under the military leaders and their civilian masters, Indian atomic and strategic arms could be misused. In such cases, the strategic doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD) is likely to be broken in the future.

Come on Man !!! Again the Nuclear Artillery Shell Talks !!!
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