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Indian Army’s professional credibility under question

So it is clear now, the Indians tried to sneak in at the dead of night into Chinese territory and got caught by the Chinese who gave them a good hiding. As soldiers always obey orders they must have been ordered by Indian high command to take territory. But the Chinese were alert and ready and Indian army trained in murdering and raping civilians was no match for the professional Chinese soldiers.
Indian military is only good for beating up civilians ... against any other professional army, it will crumble like a sand castle. The biggest joke of the century is the Indians claiming that they have the best mountain warfare soldiers in the world :rofl:.
discipline or not. even the war fighting capabilities of the indian army should be questioned for two simple reasons:
1. it's dismal display of skills in unarmed, hand to hand combat, probably the only incident in human history where they one side couldn't even kill one enemy soldier while getting the living snot killed out of it by the enemy.
2. it can't even manage to take on a nation 1/6th its size in any theater of war.

if I was the indian tax payer (thank GOD Almighty I'm not), I'd demand all my tax money spent on the indian military back.
Every day, Indian army pounds its adversary to the west.. The adversary in the west have surrendered to Indian Army in mass.. Yet they have doubt over professionalism of Indian Army??
Yes, our 20 brave-heart got martyred (achieved Veer-gati) yet you forgot to mention of 40+ casualties of PLA.. Indian army themselves treated few PLA injured in its camp and so did PLA treated India soldiers in their camps.. Where you could not find professionalism? And had China be overwhelmingly superior, they would have attacked Indian positions by now. Why they are waiting? Perhaps fear of getting bloody nose.
PLA has to be respected for its technical superiority, but that does not mean Indians should back off!!!
Every day, Indian army pounds its adversary to the west.. The adversary in the west have surrendered to Indian Army in mass.. Yet they have doubt over professionalism of Indian Army??
Yes, our 20 brave-heart got martyred (achieved Veer-gati) yet you forgot to mention of 40+ casualties of PLA.. Indian army themselves treated few PLA injured in its camp and so did PLA treated India soldiers in their camps.. Where you could not find professionalism? And had China be overwhelmingly superior, they would have attacked Indian positions by now. Why they are waiting? Perhaps fear of getting bloody nose.
PLA has to be respected for its technical superiority, but that does not mean Indians should back off!!!
Tell me if you guys managed to inflict 40+ casualties on the PLA why is there no photos or any other form of evidence? We have yet to see a photo of even one injured Chinese soldier, let alone captured or killed. Meanwhile, we have already seen many pictures of dead Indian soldiers, taken by the PLA soldiers from their smartphone cameras. You guys were more than noble enough to film yourselves gang beating up on one Chinese recon officer ... surely you would also film such an amazing victory? :partay::partay::partay: The truth of the matter is the Chinese only suffered a few lightly injured while the Indians suffered 20 to 50 dead, and a further 60 captured. You only see such lopsided ratios in Afghanistan and Iraq against the US Army.
Indian military is only good for beating up civilians ... against any other professional army, it will crumble like a sand castle. The biggest joke of the century is the Indians claiming that they have the best mountain warfare soldiers in the world :rofl:.
The way Indian army did to Pakistani Army in 1971?? or 1967 or 1999 or 1984 (Siachen)..
Yes, our 20 brave-heart got martyred (achieved Veer-gati) yet you forgot to mention of 40+ casualties of PLA.

40 casualties according to who?....

that is what i like about India even the losers get medals...
The way Indian army did to Pakistani Army in 1971?? or 1967 or 1999 or 1984 (Siachen)..

1971: Thank your mukti bhani and Defecting East Pakistan army regiments

1984 : last i checked we check the indian army occuped illegally Pakistani land with no one in sight... what exactly you won?.. apart from heavy casualties ?

1999: Thank you Bill Clinton

2019: Thank you Kashmir freedom fighters
It wasn't questioned under congress rule, now when china is getting its due our army credibility is questionable?? Lagtaa hai thapar kaich ke laga hai cheene gaal pai.
1971: Thank your mukti bhani and Defecting East Pakistan army regiments

1984 : last i checked we check the indian army occuped illegally Pakistani land with no one in sight... what exactly you won?.. apart from heavy casualties ?

1999: Thank you Bill Clinton

2019: Thank you Kashmir freedom fighters
You can say whatever, but you know wars are not fought on terms of you adversary and famous sher, Jung aur Pyar me Sabh Kuch Jayaz hai.
During 2002, Indians lost over 2500 troops as they forgot land they planted mines on and then walked brigades into the same fields [emoji2]

That should show the world how professional dhotis fauj are

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