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Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

Yes they did, one can make out, from number of secondary explosion as seen in the drone footage, that an ammo dump was hit.

HAHAHAHAH . Man stop believing in your fake and stupid media .
As Joe so eloquently said

That ship has now sailed.

Yes our only future is the radioactive wasteland, the question is now when.

Getting serious here,you guys are fighting unnecessarily.

You cannot obviously manage the amount of land and population you already have and have held uncontested for 70+ years.

It would be ideal if your army starts fortifying positions and moving into defensive positions now while you have the pandemic breathing space ....

February last year has set into motion a cascade of inevitability that is yet incomplete.

Pandemic started a whole year later, where was your army this whole time?, don't try to scare us hindutva we don't fear death, start the war we are coming for you.




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