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Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

This is the price your spineless generals have to pay for using proxies and terrorists to fight your war for you. If you want some, come get some - No need for pretention anymore. If you want a war, come fight a war - stop brainwashing innocents and sending them to their deathbed. This policy of using terrorism and proxies has been long abandoned by all recognizable powers because the benefit is nothing compared to the real costs.
Irony is that you are that brainwashed idiot by the state of India. We have your monkey caged as proof of proxy war by the Indian state against innocent Pakistanis, you have what? Just meaningless words proven to be false countless times. Clearly you want a war while we want peace. You are like a rabbid dog but still afraid of an enemy 5 times smaller. Stop talking big on the forum and join the army if you want our blood so badly, you disgusting, lying, filth.

Truth is supreme. You can believe your own lies but the world is not as gullible as you.
Truth is indeed supreme. And I need to say no more, a little sample of Indian "truth":

Irony is that you are that brainwashed idiot by the state of India. We have your monkey caged as proof of proxy war by the Indian state against innocent Pakistanis, you have what? Just meaningless words proven to be false countless times. Clearly you want a war while we want peace. You are like a rabbid dog but still afraid of an enemy 5 times smaller. Stop talking big on the forum and join the army if you want our blood so badly, you disgusting, lying, filth.

Truth is indeed supreme. And I need to say no more, a little sample of Indian "truth":

Really? Pakistan wants peace? Which rock have you been living under? Just look at the recent posts on this forum.. There are plans very much along the lines of Mushy's attempt at Kargil but way more insane.
Really? Pakistan wants peace? Which rock have you been living under? Just look at the recent posts on this forum.. There are plans very much along the lines of Mushy's attempt at Kargil but way more insane.
This is just a forum. Watch your news channels which is watched by millions.

BTW dont you have some muslims to harras oy lynch???
We are not anybody's puppet. We are a developing nation with a prosperous future.

Hah! You're living in a fool's paradise.

You are the one who has sold Islam for Chinese dollars (most of which went back to China

Don't dare lecturing us about Islam. Do some introspection, look inside. Don't forget how Muslims are being targeted in your own country. Though, few days back I saw them are being held only responsible for COVID expansion. There are many horrendous examples that I can't speak of.
Fighting across loc continues over night well into early morning. India again deliberately targeting civilian population in chirikot and shakarghar sectors.

Pakistan Army targeted Indian posts.

Matching their fire with similar calibar.

Both sides are now using 155mm. Where do we go from here next. A100? Or missiles? Shame India is targeting civilians and pushing norms of war.
India ke saari cheeze fake hai lekin jo bhi aapke DGISPR bole woh sab sach.
You raving moron, do you notice the spikes in Indian soldiers committing suicide, falling from heights to their deaths, and shooting each other by mistake or deliberately in the aftermath of such exchanges? Are you such a tool of your information controlling government?

Watch over the next few days and learn something new. Meanwhile keep enjoying the exchange of indiscriminate fire maiming Muslims on both sides of your border.
Fighting across loc continues over night well into early morning. India again deliberately targeting civilian population in chirikot and shakarghar sectors.

Pakistan Army targeted Indian posts.

Matching their fire with similar calibar.

Both sides are now using 155mm. Where do we go from here next. A100? Or missiles? Shame India is targeting civilians and pushing norms of war.
India reporting firing at about 1 pm today

Fighting across loc continues over night well into early morning. India again deliberately targeting civilian population in chirikot and shakarghar sectors.

Pakistan Army targeted Indian posts.

Matching their fire with similar calibar.

Both sides are now using 155mm. Where do we go from here next. A100? Or missiles? Shame India is targeting civilians and pushing norms of war.
We must hit them hard. Enough is Enough
We are not anybody's puppet. We are a developing nation with a prosperous future. You are the one who has sold Islam for Chinese dollars (most of which went back to China).

Now iron brothers toys are not enough, you even want iron brother to fight for you. Iron brother will use you and when your purpose is served, discard you like an unwanted pet.
Whatever you think but china is not USA for us and please tell me troll why weren't West with you in the past (in cold war) and after 10 years at the end of the cold war,after they see rising China in early 2000 then choose you to contain China because they know Pakistan will never go against China they currently blockage China without making India their puppet their plan could never become complete without you

Mirza bhai, honestly - I wish for all this to stop. I along with every Indian I know - just want a peaceful and prosperous future. However - Your Army and ISI need to keep building up their narrative to secure their retirement homes in UK, Europe, etc and they keep trying to "bleed India with a 1000 cuts".

On the global stage Pakistani establishment has no credibility other than that of a serial liar. Virtually everywhere in the free thinking world Pakistanis have no reputation and even their restaurants are branded as Indian restaurants because of this pathological behaviour.

First tell about that incineration theory that you posted yesterday???

Did you learn that in infamous whatsapp university???
Mirza bhai, honestly - I wish for all this to stop. I along with every Indian I know - just want a peaceful and prosperous future. However - Your Army and ISI need to keep building up their narrative to secure their retirement homes in UK, Europe, etc and they keep trying to "bleed India with a 1000 cuts".

On the global stage Pakistani establishment has no credibility other than that of a serial liar. Virtually everywhere in the free thinking world Pakistanis have no reputation and even their restaurants are branded as Indian restaurants because of this pathological behaviour.

Here we go again. You've started quoting someone who has a complete hostile attitude towards Pakistan. He holds preconceived opinion. But It may help satiating your sentiments.
India reporting firing at about 1 pm today

We must hit them hard. Enough is Enough
We are hitting them hard. They are taking casulities. One thing India needs to understand that they will lose the calibar and range game with Pakistan. The end range of Pakistani artillery is twice as Indian final range.
Mirza bhai, honestly - I wish for all this to stop. I along with every Indian I know - just want a peaceful and prosperous future. However - Your Army and ISI need to keep building up their narrative to secure their retirement homes in UK, Europe, etc and they keep trying to "bleed India with a 1000 cuts".

On the global stage Pakistani establishment has no credibility other than that of a serial liar. Virtually everywhere in the free thinking world Pakistanis have no reputation and even their restaurants are branded as Indian restaurants because of this pathological behaviour.

In your greed for Indian territory you have already lost so much, please stop now and focus on developing your nation rather than causing problems. I get the sense that most Pakistanis here are more interested in fighting with India than developing themselves or their economy.
You've lost all grasp of reality...assuming you had it to begin with.
Indian Coward army has shifted artillery in the middle of a village locals are protesting

@BHarwana @masterchief_mirza @Haris Ali2140 @Syed Hammad Ahmed
Every army in the world protects its civilians from attacking forces. India moving it artillery into civilian population is acceptance of the fact that India considers kashmiris as Pakistani in IOJK and they are using them as human shields. They know Pakistan will not target them.

This explains the moral values of Indian army very well.

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