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Indian Army troops put on alert along LoC

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Now, lets see how well the LOC fences hold up against Pakistan Army's artillery rain...
'Artillery rain'? :what: :omghaha: There's no such thing as 'artillery rain'. It's called 'artillery barrage'. When you know squat about Army terms/vocabulary do avoid screwing it up and making a fool of yourself. It makes you look silly! :P
Just nuke India (After I leave, preferably)
Saffron terrorists massacred hundreds of thousands of Muslims in East Pakistan in 1971. This is a well known fact acknowledged by not only think tanks of Federation of American Scientists but also by ex-Indian Army officers and Mukhti Bahni creators.
Really? :woot: Your ignorance is spectacular. Have you even heard of Pakistan's Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report? Check it out here...http://www.pppusa.org/Acrobat/Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report.pdf

So don't keep shooting from the hip. Do some reading and research before spewing tripe, especially when you're the 'Chairman' of the Jr Think-tank brigade. :pissed:

Thanks and have a nice day! :wave:
You better to take care of Mao & naxal, any time Assam & Khalistan movements could be re born.:azn:
Now stick to the topic.

i was on topic , i jst said wat would be the measures of GOI to reciprocate the pakistani gestures.....

its a vicious cycle.... at the end we will be measuring which country is more damaged by these proxy wars....:butcher:

and dnt worry abt mao we will take care of them... and khalistan , independent assam are dead topics... :angel:
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Khalistan, Maoistland, Kashmir zindabad
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Khalistan, Maoistland, Kashmir zindabad


At least collect your payback. Yeh bhool gai?

Tuesday February 26, 2013: India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan
Wednesday February 27, 2013: India sponsored terror attacks in Pakistan: Hagel
Monday July 20, 2009: Mammohan Singh's Balochistan blunder
Thursday December 10, 2009: Mullen raises Balochistan issue with India
So what's the big deal? If your establishment has been fomenting trouble in Kashmir, (including Mumbai, and India's parliament attack) through proxies such as the LeT, JeM etc for the past more than two decades, what's wrong with India paying back with the same coin?

Yes! India is helping the TTP, Baloch freedom fighters, and Sindh separatists. So what? Does only Pakistan have the license to screw? Two can play the game! So, bring it on! :sniper:
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Firebomb India with our air force. Indians are not Momin, so one pilot should be enough for 10000 Yindus

What do you meen by Yindus ??? Call it Hindu.

*They *are

Apparantly, despite eating grass, we have a better education system. Or maybe you're another Hinduvta primary school dropout.

Just list top 100 universities in south asia you will die in shame because of your education system.
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