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Indian Army trains to hit the enemy hard, fast.

So Indian PM Manmohan singh convenes the meeting of security review.
PM:(in his squeaky voice like mice)Are we prepared to face the looming security challenge from Pakistan.(looks towards Army chief)
Army chief:(in his high tamil accent)Butt whee haave no aartilery saar.
PM:(looks towards Air chief Marshal) Are you prepared in case we have to do some symbolic air strikes busrting some empty camps and old huts so that our public can clap.
Air chief marshal: ( in his hijda like voice clapping like them) Saar we have only flying coffins

PM is now flustered.

PM:(looking towards navy chief)Are we ready to atleast do symbolic naval blockade of Karachi.
Navy chief: (in his goat like voice) saar saar our only aircraft carrier is cooling its in cohin shipyard and we have no planes to fly off from AC. our submarines are lying in junkyard for repair and only nuklear sub arihant has fizzled like our 1998 bumbs.

PM is mighty angry now.

PM: (looking towards DRDO chief) Are we ready to launch some missiles.
DRDO chief:( in his cat like voice) saar wee have all missile under testing phase onlee.our agnis failed last year we can sure launch them but i cant guarantee you that they will reach Pakistan only they can go to china also or to Indian ocean and hit Diego Garcia too.

PM is little worried....
PM:(looks towards ISRO chief) can we take hafeez saeeds pics from our satellite so that atleast we can show our janta that hafiz saeed is under our constant watch.
ISRO chief:Saar our two GSLV just burst mid air in September and December giving children joy of fireworks for Eid and Christmas.

PM is mighty worried.Defence minister sensing his anxiety speaks.

Defence minister:(Raising his butt slightly as if reaching for mic leave a soundless fart phusss.......and adjusts his lungi) saar just announce on Doordarshan to the nation and the world that we are peace loving and non violent country onlee and we extend our hand of peace and friendship towards pakistan.

So after a meeting of 15 minutes where indian media reports PM had meeting of 3 hrs of brain storming on security preparedness after the threat of ISI chief.

So PM manmohan singh goes on doordarshan live and says as suggested by defence minister that we are peace loving country only etc and leave all boastful indian janta home and abroad and on various pakistani boards seething in anger at the impotency of their PM manmohan singh meanwhile looking for reconciling reasons of talks and then aman ki asha tamasha started by indian paper as a new year surprise joke on seething indian populace.


He is modified the words of kiyani, pasha, zardari and gilani after drone attacks , raymond devis , osama and US calling to stop aid fiasco. :lol:
you army can do nothing....just good for talking and retarded rants

Only one photo for the retard rant


Do you actually care to read in which context he made that statement ??:hitwall::hitwall:

Read again what he exactly said ??

We did gain some tactical victories, we regained the territories, but lost 587 precious lives. I consider this loss of war because whatever we gained from the war has not been consolidated, either politically or diplomatically. It has not been consolidated militarily,” he said, when was asked for his assessment of the conflict 11 years later.
A dumb person started the thread to cause tensions here and then trolls responded what is this site coming too ... to the thread starter what is wrong with you man you ok? or sick in the head... don't you people think about friendship and peace unreal mods plz close this stupid sh_t thread.
A dumb person started the thread to cause tensions here and then trolls responded what is this site coming too ... to the thread starter what is wrong with you man you ok? or sick in the head... don't you people think about friendship and peace unreal mods plz close this stupid sh_t thread.

still thread is open its admins mods mistake.
A dumb person started the thread to cause tensions here and then trolls responded what is this site coming too ... to the thread starter what is wrong with you man you ok? or sick in the head... don't you people think about friendship and peace unreal mods plz close this stupid sh_t thread.

Did you care to check the link?This news is hosted on the official server of CNN-IBN one of India's biggest news channels.
A dumb person started the thread to cause tensions here and then trolls responded what is this site coming too ... to the thread starter what is wrong with you man you ok? or sick in the head... don't you people think about friendship and peace unreal mods plz close this stupid sh_t thread.

thread was good...no one cant call it a dumb thread...but trolls as always do what they are born for and spoil a good thread..
I am happy with these exercises, it shows that Cold Start is very much alive.

sounds like such a sound strategy when we already know about it, and have already trained and adapted to deal with it.....

i hope indian will come show us how ''alive'' this strategy of theirs is. We'll be waiting patiently.
sounds like such a sound strategy when we already know about it, and have already trained and adapted to deal with it.....

i hope indian will come show us how ''alive'' this strategy of theirs is. We'll be waiting patiently.

You can keep training. As far as the strategy being "sound" and "alive", the fact that Pakistan has not dared another terrorist act since 2008 is enough testimony on how the cold strategy has caused a chill down the spine and of course not to forget the number of times it gets mentioned in the PAK media suggests the strategy is working better than imagined . :whistle:
Only one photo for the retard rant


But still you failed to un occupy the so called Pakistan occupied Kashmir. May be we have to put Azad Kashmir in some where in bay of bengal thousands of kilometers away from Pakistani main land so that the super dooper IA would show it's heroics to recapture it. :lol:

Bravado that worked in EP doesn't work in AJK and GB. It isn't hard to understand. is it kid??? ;)
You can keep training. As far as the strategy being "sound" and "alive", the fact that Pakistan has not dared another terrorist act since 2008 is enough testimony on how the cold strategy has caused a chill down the spine and of course not to forget the number of times it gets mentioned in the PAK media suggests the strategy is working better than imagined . :whistle:

seems you have run out of steam...come back and try a bit harder than that when you are more energized

you focus only on ''terrorism'' when it allegedly comes from Pakistan --when your northeast is a hotbed for domestic terrorism and insurgency :)
Pakistan lost 4000 army which was 3 times more than india in Kargil....

Even 4000 soldiers didn't participate in the Kargil conflict how come we have lost 4000 soldiers. It is strange that Bharatis believe in this BS.
seems you have run out of steam...come back and try a bit harder than that when you are more energized

you focus only on ''terrorism'' when it allegedly comes from Pakistan --when your northeast is a hotbed for domestic terrorism and insurgency :)

What happens in NE is a non issue for many Bharatis here.;)
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