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Indian Army to Deploy Military Helicopters to Chinese Border for the First Time

Same to you my friend.... I will wait for that Artillery shell to fall on my head.... LOL
You didn't get what I was saying, after this it's gonna be back to normal, China was just waiting for India to chicken out. Trust me.
This is good judgement.

What happened in 1962 - should not be a source of overconfidence today.

Never underestimate your enemy. Make best possible preparations.
Same thing apply to we Indians too,many people including myself dig 1971 war.
You didn't get what I was saying, after this it's gonna be back to normal, China was just waiting for India to chicken out. Trust me.

Well then you need to sharpen your wits .... because you have a very poor sense of humor... I am sure like always it will be China claiming "We won because India said lets talk".... with nothing changing on the ground.....
Well then you need to sharpen your wits .... because you have a very poor sense of humor... I am sure like always it will be China claiming "We won because India said lets talk".... with nothing changing on the ground.....
Aw, don't feel so pissed Orange, it's ok to chicken out once in a while. Let's face the facts, you really think India had a chance against China?:azn:
Same to you my friend.... I will wait for that Artillery shell to fall on my head.... LOL

Dont bother.

Ur troops will just change sides in war

most likely china will setup plans to divide india after a full scale war so that it will never become a threat again
Dont bother.

Ur troops will just change sides in war

most likely china will setup plans to divide india after a full scale war so that it will never become a threat again
Lost the argument.. right.. glad you acknowledged....

Aw, don't feel so pissed Orange, it's ok to chicken out once in a while. Let's face the facts, you really think India had a chance against China?:azn:
Facts are that in the last face off between India and China.. China lost... that's a historical fact... now you can go and create stories around it.
Lost the argument.. right.. glad you acknowledged....

I suggest your world famous aka confusion bragging speech scientists start building time machine to go back 7000 years ago before the first chinese dynasty to stand a fighting chance against China using sticks
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Lost the argument.. right.. glad you acknowledged....

Facts are that in the last face off between India and China.. China lost... that's a historical fact... now you can go and create stories around it.
Lol. Depends on what book you read :D
Whats he big deal? China has mulitple helipads and heli's operating near the border. We are simply followung their lead.
The fact of the matter is that no country can afford a fight here days. Looks at countries like Syria and Iraq that had such little resistance and infrastructure but still are holding off their opponents.

China / India or Pakistan / India - loss on either side will be soooo huge that it's going to take them decades back.

accept the reality, nobody can touch anyone.
I sense a sentiment insecure of Indian army :lol:, they're so afraid of China's retaliation so they're rushing, we will let Indian expose their muscles first.
cant the chinese military just hack into the indian military's network and shut everything down?
i mean the indian army has almost no cyber defence
cant the chinese military just hack into the indian military's network and shut everything down?
i mean the indian army has almost no cyber defence

It's Indian military not Pakistan's
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