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Indian army ties, drags dead body of Kashmiri youth

If you are asking me, my take is that I don't believe any such thing exists. That is indian army propaganda to support 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists and color the Kashmiris movement as terrorist.
Ok let's start with something simple. Do you consider the hijacking of Indian Airlines IC 814 a terrorist act or not? What about Maulana Masood Azhar who was freed in return of the hostages
Hence the leash on the body.
That's how terrorists are dealt all over the world.

This is not a religious matter. It's a security concern. Save the beef jibes for religious fling fest threads.

No.. it's against Geneva convention

What about 200-300 Islamic terrorists ?

Thats an oxymoy
No.. it's against Geneva convention
Doesn't the Geneva convention also state that all groups engaged in combat, even rebel or insurgent combat must wear uniforms and not wear civilian clothes to blend in with normal civilians?
I'm not even gonna go into the articles on hostage taking, civilian targetting, executions, etc.
Doesn't the Geneva convention also state that all groups engaged in combat, even rebel or insurgent combat must wear uniforms and not wear civilian clothes to blend in with normal civilians?
I'm not even gonna go into the articles on hostage taking, civilian targetting, executions, etc.

A so-called profession army dragging corpses around town doesn't disturb the Hindutva extremist.

Hence the accusations of a "terrorist state army"
Most people tend to pick up their guns when they have no human rights at all.
But Kashmiris were and are always free to enjoy all human rights completely like education, social and economic progress, health and housing, career advancements. In fact non-Kashmiris are prohibited from buying property in Kashmir. Yet Kashmiris picked up guns and those Kashmiris who don't get the opportunity to join militancy indulge in mob violence. That makes them terrorists.
what about creation of Bangladesh, Siachin glaciers, Indian funding , training and planting terror groups in Baluchistan, Karachi...
Ok let's start with something simple. Do you consider the hijacking of Indian Airlines IC 814 a terrorist act or not? What about Maulana Masood Azhar who was freed in return of the hostages

I believe that was a drama staged by Indian army, just like Mumbai drama. Indian army have 7 lakh occupier terrorists plus they created terrorists in 71, they are masters in creating terrorists.
A so-called profession army dragging corpses around town doesn't disturb the Hindutva extremist.

Hence the accusations of a "terrorist state army"
Well, most corpses won't walk themselves, so we help any way we can.

As for the accusations, only the enemy on the loosing side calls us that, and who has time for terrorist losers?

I do hope collateral damage goes down significantly in Kahmir though, but the insurgents don't really care much for morality. Let's hope for peace.
I believe that was a drama staged by Indian army, just like Mumbai drama. Indian army have 7 lakh occupier terrorists plus they created terrorists in 71, they are masters in creating terrorists.

This is my last reply to you on this topic. Please continue to believe whatever you want.
Well, most corpses won't walk themselves, so we help any way we can.

As for the accusations, only the enemy on the loosing side calls us that, and who has time for terrorist losers?

I do hope collateral damage goes down significantly in Kahmir though, but the insurgents don't really care much for morality. Let's hope for peace.

Expect nothing less from hindutva mentality

This is my last reply to you on this topic. Please continue to believe whatever you want.

Yes that proverb fits the best for indian awam.
But Kashmiris were and are always free to enjoy all human rights completely like education, social and economic progress, health and housing, career advancements. In fact non-Kashmiris are prohibited from buying property in Kashmir. Yet Kashmiris picked up guns and those Kashmiris who don't get the opportunity to join militancy indulge in mob violence. That makes them terrorists.
Really? They say quite the opposite of what you say

And I can give hundreds of examples where people did not pick up the gun - Including Kashmiri Pandits who became refugees in their own country

PS - Bollywood is full of left liberals who have special affinity to Pakistan. What they say or think does not matter in the larger scheme of things. BTW this affinity vanishes as soon as their movies are banned in Pakistan

What affinity? Bollywood has made many movies against Pakistan. I think you meant obsession.

But still not a word on what you think of these terrorists who picked up guns against the state and who get killed by Indian forces.you seem to be scared as hell :-).

So Pakistanies who picked up arms against the state ,where their rights too robbed.
What Pakistanis?

Good going IA .
You have a simple solution .
Stay away from fighting.
Or they will face more than this

We have 4 lakhs of people ,indigenous Kaahmiris living in Squalor in Delhi and Jammu .They are known as Kashmiri Pandits .

Indian Army is a necessary devil.
That protects us.
So better stay away from them.
If you takes arms in India you are done .
No mercy ,No remorse,No religion.
Are those the same pundits who believe in hindu supremacy and tried to shame and convert Kashmiri muslims?
I bet they have the same f**ked up mentality that most indians on this forum have "If you are not a hindu you don't deserve to live in South Asia":crazy: Now I can see why they got kicked out of Kashmir,Pakistan and even this forum :pdf:

Necessary devil ok :what:
I have myself worked in the Army and this is an SOP to ensure safety of Army Men who are handling the terrorist/millitat dead body. I will let you guys ponder why this SOP is in place.

Bodies of terrorists and militants don't deserve any respect or even a burial.

Either he was a terrorist or a militant. Choose which one. because militants have rights under Geneva conventions for warfare.
"Terrorists" have all the Human rights a normal civilian enjoys. The difference is they engage in violent criminal behavior.

As for SOP, Im pretty sure SOP for suspected bombs for which there is even a remote chance that they will blow, is to blow them up in a contained manner. So youre saying that all dead bodies are blown up? are you sure? Also if its a SOP to drag around dead bodies suspected to have bombs, its a pretty stupid one since you want to keep suspected bombs as still as possible.

I call BS on this SOP call.

No need to touch the body of a terrorist. Last time we did something like 'Handling' body of a terrorist in Pathankot, the grenade on his body exploded killing the soldier. So, it's better to handle them like this.

You said grenade.. right? so it wasn't a suicide vest or something. So in war, do all soldiers who die get dragged like this? Many have grenades you know.

If someone feels oppressed the doors are always open then can move out,no one is stopping them

Driving people out of a land using force is recognized form of Genocide.

Stop talking nonsense and show me protocol which you give reference before.

I believe that was a drama staged by Indian army, just like Mumbai drama. Indian army have 7 lakh occupier terrorists plus they created terrorists in 71, they are masters in creating terrorists.
I believe just like Peshawar drama staged by PA to instigate people against India.
You said grenade.. right? so it wasn't a suicide vest or something. So in war, do all soldiers who die get dragged like this? Many have grenades you know.
Soldiers? Nope. Terrorists? Yep. Terrorists have no honors so we deal with them like that.
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