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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

Are you really that stupid or just pretending?
Honestly, I used to think that, for many of them, this was all a show for Pakistani consumption, but I've come to believe that they really are that stupid and delusional.

I mean, forget the average Indian troll on the forum or web, their senior military and government officials make the same kinds of idiotic claims!
Can't really expect any deeper analysis than Sanghi talking points from someone that still believes the Balakot and Surgical Strike nonsense despite all the independent evidence and analysis to the contrary.

But like I said, your military can continue to hire and promote idiots and believe in it's own nonsense and lies. We'll stick to the evidence based verification side of things.

You're already embracing your inner bigot and depravity so of course a statement that you people haven't changed would be taken as a compliment. Many Neo-Nazis/racists don't change their views either, so I suppose they would take a statement like that as a compliment as well.

Trust me.

It puts fire in the belly of an enemy

To find out that his enemy recognises and grudgingly accepts his dridh sankalp (immovable determination/steadfastness of purpose).

High praise Agno. High praise.

This is not an empty vacuous acknowledgment of capability.

It goes deep to ideology.

Core buddy. As core as it gets.
Trust me.

It puts fire in the belly of an enemy

To find out that his enemy recognises and grudgingly accepts his dridh sankalp (immovable determination/steadfastness of purpose).

High praise Agno. High praise.

This is not an empty vacuous acknowledgment of capability.

It goes deep to ideology.

Core buddy. As core as it gets.
Sure, evil does tend to give people a sense of purpose.

The Nazi's had the same level of belief. We all know how that ended. But yes, you do have to give credit to the Nazis for steadfastness of purpose.

I'm not going to stop you from taking solace in crumbs like these.
Sure, evil does tend to give people a sense of purpose.

The Nazi's had the same level of belief. We all know how that ended. But yes, you do have to give credit to the Nazis for steadfastness of purpose.

I'm not going to stop you from taking solace in crumbs like these.

I honestly don't think Hindus are Nazis.

On so many different levels.

But they have a huge civilizational edge.

They never overreach. Their history is one of contentment in their land.

And equally, one of internalisation of every thought spectrum and ideology on this land.

This is a continuum of what they did with Buddhism.

And they saw Buddhism as their own. Birthed from this land.

They are not Nazis.

In the ultimate end game, and span and durability of their control, they are many many levels higher.
Honestly, I used to think that, for many of them, this was all a show for Pakistani consumption, but I've come to believe that they really are that stupid and delusional.

I mean, forget the average Indian troll on the forum or web, their senior military and government officials make the same kinds of idiotic claims!

Pakistan, for the first time in decades, has outclassed India in strategic narrative building and Perception management despite being at a clear disadvantage

Indians overestimated their clout, Modi overplayed his hand and it backfired dramatically... India didn't lose just one MiG-21 on Feb 27 !

We should be rather thankful to Modi for damaging the repute and international standing of India in a way no enemy of India could ever do.

Do Indian delusions and denials harm us in any way? I don't think so
I honestly don't think Hindus are Nazis.
I wasn't referring to all Hindus.

I continue to have Hindu friends who aren't Sanghis, who don't support the BJP, who genuinely want peace and many of whom support a plebiscite in principal (in person, it's pretty much impossible to argue against the concept of a plebiscite if you're even a half decent human being).

Fun fact: One of the groomsmen at my wedding was in fact a Hindu (from Tamil Nadu) friend of mine from college in the US.

So no, do not misconstrue or distort my comments against Sanghis or your kind of 'Indian nationalist' as applying to ALL Hindus - there are many, many decent Hindus out there.
I wasn't referring to all Hindus.

I continue to have Hindu friends who aren't Sanghis, who don't support the BJP, who genuinely want peace and many of whom support a plebiscite in principal (in person, it's pretty much impossible to argue against the concept of a plebiscite if you're even a half decent human being).

Fun fact: One of the groomsmen at my wedding was in fact a college Hindu friend from Tamil Nadu.

So no, do not misconstrue or distort my comments against Sanghis or your kind of 'Indian nationalist' as applying to ALL Hindus - there are many, many decent Hindus out there.

I'm happy to know that you're married.

Do procreate.

We need junior Agnos to counterbalance junior Docs.
I honestly don't think Hindus are Nazis.

On so many different levels.

But they have a huge civilizational edge.

They never overreach. Their history is one of contentment in their land.

And equally, one of internalisation of every thought spectrum and ideology on this land.

This is a continuum of what they did with Buddhism.

And they saw Buddhism as their own. Birthed from this land.

They are not Nazis.

In the ultimate end game, and span and durability of their control, they are many many levels higher.

The German Nazis are White-Anglo Saxons. The same race that has invented and pioneered all the advanced sciences and technologies of the world. 1.4 billion indians have NEVER EVER invented ANY advanced sciences or technologies even though there are more indians than White people on this earth. Have no idea why you think indians are of a "higher level".........:lol:
The German Nazis are White-Anglo Saxons. The same race that has invented and pioneered all the advanced sciences and technologies of the world. 1.4 billion indians have NEVER EVER invented ANY advanced sciences or technologies even though there are more indians than White people on this earth. Have no idea why you think indians are of a "higher level".........:lol:




You can't buy those at the market.

You fight for thousands of years to keep those.




They are a master race.



You can't buy those at the market.

You fight for thousands of years to keep those.




They are a master race.

Not if you have a low IQ and don't invent, pioneer or create anything yourselves yet somehow still believe you are superior.......:lol:
Not if you have a low IQ and don't invent, pioneer or create anything yourselves yet somehow still believe you are superior.......:lol:

Its difficult to explain this to you for obvious reasons.

Though I'm sure you get it.

They have a history which is undeniable.

A living legacy which no other people on earth can now turn the clock back 5000 years ad try and equal.

If your people are on this side of the Indus, you share some of that legacy.

The blood and the soil.
Its difficult to explain this to you for obvious reasons.

Though I'm sure you get it.

They have a history which is undeniable.

A living legacy which no other people on earth can now turn the clock back 5000 years ad try and equal.

If your people are on this side of the Indus, you share some of that legacy.

The blood and the soil.

Do you have ANY evidence or proof that they are the only people on earth that have an undeniable 5000 year history or is it just another indian fantasy that is not supported by facts?
Do you have ANY evidence or proof that they are the only people on earth that have an undeniable 5000 year history or is it just another indian fantasy that is not supported by facts?

Do you have some other people in mind who can make the same claim?

The Hindus have their ancient Gods and texts and language and archeological remains to support their claim.

And unbroken link from now that dates back thousands of years.
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