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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields


Looks like a launchpad destroyed :)

Do you see any army units around there? We can also say, shame on Pakistani army for using its own civilians as shields.

You can say whatever you want to in your pajeet psyche

Right now Kashmiris are protesting against using them as shield by Indian army and cowards are threatening to kill them in return for their protest
Well you killed 3 Kashmiri civilians, so bravo. I am sure, that is what you were aiming for.

We are aiming the guns hitting our civilians

The guns that you placed in civilian villages as the protests by kashmiri civilians show
@Jugger listen, India is crying a new Ganges over those five butchered and dissected paras. Then India decided to fire artillery into civilian areas. Pakistan will escalate its artillery response for every single civilian you kill, either on our side or as human shields on your side.

Take your artillery pieces out of civilian areas if you're so confident in your capabilities...of course, you clowns won't do any such thing. You know we can hit you bstards hard right in your Bofors every time you kill a kashmiri either side of the line. This is why your squat fat little gurkhas hide in civilian villages to fire, and you're here talking smack?

Send the BATs, gurkha and Sikh mercs first as you sanghee classes like to do. Once they've been dealt with, be ready with the skinny brigades.
Sorry Osama, but here we can see, plain as day, how Pakistani are bombing innocent Kashmiri and claiming they have destroyed launchpad.

But Kashmiris are protesting against your pajeet army foruusing them as shield and in return your army is threatening them

The truth is clear to see and understand if you are not a pajeet
Again - what do you think Paksitan will do after you use these guns?
What did Pakistan do after Aug 5?

Let me tell you Modi waiting for Pakistan to do something.

He declare emergency and that'll give him all powers and then he will take care of Pakistan. RSS teach it's boys to dream for this day.

I repeat Modi is waiting for pakistan to do something.

You think first Surgical strike and then Balakot, then removal of Art 30, what do u think will come next ??

As u may know a popular saying in India these day " Chronology shamjho " :cheers: @padamchen
We are aiming the guns hitting our civilians

The guns that you placed in civilian villages as the protests by kashmiri civilians show

Had your intentions been to avoid civilian casualties, you would have aimed some where else. I am sure there are plenty of military targets within 40 Km from the border.

But you don't want to avoid civilian casualties, you just want to kill Kashmiri civilians and then shed crocodile tears on how much you care about Kashmiris, but have to kill them.
What did Pakistan do after Aug 5?

Let me tell you Modi waiting for Pakistan to do something.

He declare emergency and that'll give him all powers and then he will take care of Pakistan. RSS teach it's boys to dream for this day.

I repeat Modi is waiting for pakistan to do something.

You think first Surgical strike and then Balakot, then removal of Art 30, what do u think will come next ??

As u may know a popular saying in India these day " Chronology shamjho " :cheers: @padamchen

There is another saying in Pakistan


This is our message to RSS since August 1947 ;)
What did Pakistan do after Aug 5?

Let me tell you Modi waiting for Pakistan to do something.

He declare emergency and that'll give him all powers and then he will take care of Pakistan. RSS teach it's boys to dream for this day.

I repeat Modi is waiting for pakistan to do something.

You think first Surgical strike and then Balakot, then removal of Art 30, what do u think will come next ??

As u may know a popular saying in India these day " Chronology shamjho " :cheers: @padamchen

What did India gain as a result of August 5? Curfews and revival of the Armed freedom movement with the entire state standing against you? Not a single leader in Kashmir is on your side now and an entire state is against you. Happy? This is the beauty of Indian thinkers that they shoot on their foot and then ask Paksitan, how are you feeling now.

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Had your intentions been to avoid civilian casualties, you would have aimed some where else. I am sure there are plenty of military targets within 40 Km from the border.

But you don't want to avoid civilian casualties, you just want to kill Kashmiri civilians and then shed crocodile tears on how much you care about Kashmiris, but have to kill them.
We will hit your guns that point and fire at us. Bring them out of civilian areas if you're confident in their abilities. By keeping them in civilian areas - which is beyond all doubt now - you force a lesser barrage from Pakistan. What are you afraid of?
Had your intentions been to avoid civilian casualties, you would have aimed some where else. I am sure there are plenty of military targets within 40 Km from the border.

But you don't want to avoid civilian casualties, you just want to kill Kashmiri civilians and then shed crocodile tears on how much you care about Kashmiris, but have to kill them.
Dont worry about us and Kashmiris. Just remember how your pilot was received and how your soldiers were treated when they came to pick up dead bodies from Mi 17.
Had your intentions been to avoid civilian casualties, you would have aimed some where else. I am sure there are plenty of military targets within 40 Km from the border.

But you don't want to avoid civilian casualties, you just want to kill Kashmiri civilians and then shed crocodile tears on how much you care about Kashmiris, but have to kill them.

But still Kashmiris are protesting against Indian army and not Pakistan


Because it is Indian army that is using civilians as shield and not Pak army

Tell your boys that their drone video and precision strike drama has failed. Now they should stop hiding behind civilians

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