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Indian Army shows Pak the proof

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They were relatives of terrorist who died like rats.

But all militants are Pakistanis? wtf....???oops...

2nd: Kashmiris consider you those things... (you can see wall chokings and protests ... with the colorful abuses they reserve for indian occupational forces)..
Eppiff Yeh

Whining noway It's Indian matter it shouldn't be shown to Pakistan. They should realise it now.

Threat pfft dude there be retaliation and it's bound.just that India can't do it openly. Because incompetent Pakistan strategy wing leave mark. That's why people call Pakistan terrorist ( state).

And Yeh it's failure of public they will suffer and should suffer.

More mental masterbation about so called retalition... calm down man.. dont blow your top... dont retaliate on the keyboard... firing at LOC will be met by firing from ourside... bullets dont care about nationality...
What 'proofs' were shown in the video?

So Pakistan Army sent a bunch of dudes on a covert mission with Pakistani cartridges and food so when they get killed the Indians can find out where they came from. #Typical :sarcastic:
Horus that's the bloody irony. Why can't ppakistani isi ask these supposed non state actor not to take local stuff.

These people were not sent by army. Army catch the bull by the horn.they would rather take matter in hands. Fauji are usually bheja khali. These are other isi or raw wing I guess.
What 'proofs' were shown in the video?

So Pakistan Army sent a bunch of dudes on a covert mission with Pakistani cartridges and food so when they get killed the Indians can find out where they came from. #Typical :sarcastic:

Unless you make preposterous assumption that Indian army made "Pakistani " nationalists attack Indian camp and then killed them and planted Pakistani ammunition and Pakistani stuff ..to implicate Pakistan ...
Horus that's the bloody irony. Why can't ppakistani isi ask these supposed non state actor not to take local stuff.

These people were not sent by army. Army catch the bull by the horn.they would rather take matter in hands. Fauji are usually bheja khali. These are other isi or raw wing I guess.

If we started sending guys you would be shitting bricks (pardon my francisi) like the 80s-90s... be careful what you wish for... the wolf might come...
Horus that's the bloody irony. Why can't ppakistani isi ask these supposed non state actor not to take local stuff.

These people were not sent by army. Army catch the bull by the horn.they would rather take matter in hands. Fauji are usually bheja khali. These are other isi or raw wing I guess.

Come on dude, you seriously think a Pro agency like the ISI will send these kids on a suicide mission with Pakistani ammo and supplies so they can be backlinked? :D
More mental masterbation about so called retalition... calm down man.. dont blow your top... dont retaliate on the keyboard... firing at LOC will be met by firing from ourside... bullets dont care about nationality...
PHAT GAYI? Nikkar sambhal.

Retaliation are always there and both side do it. Masterbation stuff you keep for your self and your elder.

Don't get personal.
Unless you make preposterous assumption that Indian army made "Pakistani " nationalists attack Indian camp and then killed them and planted Pakistani ammunition and Pakistani stuff ..to implicate Pakistan ...

Or maybe your media is just pulling all of this out of its anus just like every other day? :D
Its a low grade propaganda piece.

kasab was high grade propaganda piece . right ?

Or maybe your media is just pulling all of this out of its anus just like every other day? :D

yes those Pakistani nationalists in dress up of terrorists also came out of anus of media ...
Indian Army will come up with something bigger cuz no one is listening..
Game exposed.
Come on dude, you seriously think a Pro agency like the ISI will send these kids on a suicide mission with Pakistani ammo and supplies so they can be backlinked? :D
I don't think so. But these non state actor who train in mountains. Remotely who might not have been state sponsored but state supported.those who do training and cross over for bombing.

They might be so dumb. Why not keep a lease and tell them either be smart don't let so obvious blame on Pakistan.
PHAT GAYI? Nikkar sambhal.

Check kar.. dala tou tha meinay.. hath laga k dekh apni .... pei.. khoon araha hai.

Retaliation are always there and both side do it. Masterbation stuff you keep for your self and your elder.

Don't get personal.

Mental masterbation Pondering philosophical questions, which may be enjoyable, yet are so removed from reality, or experience that they have no practical use.

Someone that thinks of far out 'what if' questions

Note- Not all philosophy is mental masterbation..

Another brainfart from our dear bharati chump... your "elder" must be pretty dim... just like the last time.. where you ended up looking like an idiot... later apologising..
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